Category: Day by Day

Ultimate Coffee Date: August 2019

Welcome to the Ultimate Coffee Date! I actually missed my first ever coffee date last month (whatwhatttt)! You know my blogging’s been kinda sparse lately, but I’m back and hopefully here to stay!

This post is likely gonna sound somewhat disjointed because I wrote it at different times. (You’ve been warned!)

Ultimate Coffee Date: August …

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Ultimate Coffee Date: June 2019

Welcome to the Ultimate Coffee Date! My apologies to anyone who still comes here to check if I’ve written anything new! I know it’s been a long while since I’ve posted regularly, but I swear my intention was not to abandon my blog! (I still have many, many pending posts that need to be written/finished…)

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Ultimate Coffee Date: May 2019

Welcome to the Ultimate Coffee Date! This is legit the longest break I’ve ever taken from my blog since I started it! :O But the break was much-needed and I should be getting back into the swing of things shortly. There has been a lottttt that’s happened since my last post (which is, coincidentally,

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Ultimate Coffee Date: April 2019

Welcome to the Ultimate Coffee Date! It’s my birthday month! :] I have a paaaaacked month up ahead, but hopefully everything will turn out a-okay!

Catch up on #life with me at this month’s #UltimateCoffeeDate! #residencylife #bloglife #sweatpink

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Ultimate Coffee Date: April 2019

If we were …

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A Trip To the Ben & Jerry’s Factory in Vermont

Welcome to another Travel Tuesday! If you’re a fan of ice cream and happen to be passing through Vermont, Ben & Jerry’s should be on your pit stop list! Come find out more about the Ben & Jerry’s Factory Tour! :]

I actually meant to have this posted back in…October of 2016, …

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