Category: Day by Day

Ultimate Coffee Date: December 2019

Welcome to the last Ultimate Coffee Date of the year! I’m sure I say this every year, but this year went by fast! 2019 has probably been filled with the most change thus far: finishing residency, going on a 2.5-month long cross country road trip, starting out as a new attending… It’s definitely been eventful!

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Wellness Day at Hair Philosophy

About a month-ish or so ago, I went to a hair salon in NYC, Hair Philosophy! If you’ve known me for a while, you might be aware that I cut my hair about once a year. I’ve also had roughly the same hairstyle since junior high…

So what was I doing at a fancy …

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Ultimate Coffee Date: November 2019

Welcome to the Ultimate Coffee Date! This is the last weekend before I officially start my new job! (I’ve kinda been on break since the end of June. I’d highly recommend this to anyone transitioning between residency or fellowship to a real-life job

Catch up on #life with me at this month’s #UltimateCoffeeDate! …

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Choctoberfest 2019

It’s time for another Choctoberfest! I think this may be my fifth(?) year participating, so if you’ve been hanging out with me on my blog for all these years, thanks for all your support, and welcome to another chocolate-filled week! :P

#Choctoberfest is an annual recipe-sharing event. I’m joining other food bloggers from around …

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Ultimate Coffee Date: October 2019

Welcome to the Ultimate Coffee Date! I’ve taken a hell of a lot of blog and social media breaks this year, but I’m finally back (hopefully to stay)!

Catch up on #life with me at this month’s #UltimateCoffeeDate! #bloggerlife #sweatpink #virtualcoffee

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Ultimate Coffee Date: October 2019

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