Category: Day by Day

medical school

I think the hardest part about receiving good news is the inability to share it with the people you most love and care about. I wanted to hug/tell all of them in person today, but they’re all 3000 miles away, so calling and texting had to suffice.

This morning, I decided to check up on …

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cell biology

Although ochem has forever been in first place, this subject is also the bane of my existence. It is only made worse by the fact that it is highly unlikely that it will have as generous of a curve as ochem did. At least I actually kinda knew how to study for ochem. I wonder …

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sunny skies

Perhaps a break from all the recipe posts would be nice. :O It’s finally the weekend again and I’ve [more or less] caught up with everything since my trip to Florida. Florida reminded me of how much I miss warm weather. I used to think I preferred colder temperatures, but who am I kidding? There …

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I figured I’d write a quick update to alert the world that I’m currently in Florida.

I got here at midnight and after a blissful 5-ish hours of sleep, I had my first interview this morning!

I’d like to think that it went well, although I am my own worst critic, so there are …

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Informal Postbac

My “Informal Postbac” year is also known as  year 1 after graduating from UC Davis--also known as the former half of my “pre-med journey!”

I talked about some of it on my very first post, but I figured I’d go into a little more detail. Since most of my posts …

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