Category: Day by Day

cosmo (my alter-ego)

Cosmo is the name of my butt, born from a conversation I had with my friend last year, before I graduated from Davis.

Farrah: Can I come visit you guys and do you mind if I live in your space on the weekends every now and then? Diana: Both of you are welcome to stay …

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One of my housemates got worried that I’d be cold (a valid concern, because I apparently get cold easily, and my three blankets weren’t cuttin’ it), so she gave me one of her blankets, assuring me that she’d actually been about to donate it anyway, so she’d be perfectly fine with letting me have it. …

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Rocky Horror Picture Show

Just a forewarning that this will be one of them longass entries. :O

If you are easily offended, you may want to skip the virgin sacrifice part.

Back in freshmen year of undergrad, a friend of mine told me/Suzanna that there was a movie that we had to watch, and that it was “better than …

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first snowfall

 Keeping this short, but it snowed yesterday, and it’s not even November yet!

The other footprints were what alerted me that one of my housemates was home. :O

Today was my first snow-shoveling experience. :O  Here’s the giant shovel I used (I found it under the stairs).

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Belay Instructions

Just thought I’d share with the world–I am now belay-certified! <3

After our couples massage class on Tuesday, Melanie and I passed by the rock wall and went in to ask how much it cost to climb. Apparently, it’s free for all gym members, but you need someone certified to belay you and unless …

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