Category: Day by Day


I spent the last couple days staying with Keat in Boston for Thanksgiving.  We have been friends basically since we were 9(?), largely because he is the next-door neighbor of the first friend I made (Joanne!) when I moved to the other side of Fremont.

We have an extremely abusive friendship and the nicknames that …

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early thanksgiving

When I mentioned to my aunt that it’d be kinda cool to have an early Thanksgiving of sorts over the weekend while I was in southern California (yay for another med school interview!), it blew just a bit out of proportion. I’d been thinking something along the lines of a small family gathering, but I …

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I think it’s mildly amusing how we’ve all gained a billion different nicknames in our program. Aaron = Boris because his middle name starts with a “B” (which actually stands for Benjamin, but apparently this does not matter) and he’s Russian. Sneha = “Snebs” because one of our professors accidentally called her “Sneba” on the …

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bench press qualifier

There’s a bench press competition this Friday, but I can’t participate in it because I will be flying across the country to attend my hopefully-last interview for med school. (This is my tied-for-first-choice med school, although if I’m to be honest, I’m leaning toward the one I’ve already been accepted to. Its only real downside …

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future living

It is no secret that I have been entirely too spoiled by the warm weather in California. Before I left, I had only vaguely heard of this thing called, “seasons.” I’d only seen snow a couple times in my life, and all but one of those times had been because I’d traveled there because I …

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