Category: Day by Day

ways to deal

This is why Nadia doesn’t want me as her doctor…not even if I do house visits, free of charge. :[

(For the record, the blue thing is a blanket. :O )

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money ban’s end

We came in 5th out of 13 teams for our eating contest, but we had a lot of fun! There was all kinds of strategizing involved and a pretty awesome inspirational speech made popcorn-style by all of us. (It went something like, “Since the beginning of time…(forgot the exact wording here), we were brought together …

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RU Strong

Today is the super badass competition that I would have entered, had it not been for the fact that I completely screwed over my spine. :[ I was cleared on Monday to go back to doing “regular exercise,” but I realized that what I consider to be “regular exercise” may not be so regular …

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hi there!

Another one of them disclaimers: if you’re easily offended or somewhat sheltered/conservative, don’t read this one. :O

I have some of the most amazing friends in the world, and I sincerely doubt I’ll ever find people this awesome that I feel this comfortable with anywhere else. You can’t get much closer than being able to …

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Top 10 Games

I snagged this off Gamespot/a friend’s status update a couple weeks ago:

Of any console, through time and space(?), if you had to choose your top 10 BEST GAMES you have EVER PLAYED in your entire life. What would these life grabbing games be?

This is a pretty difficult question. I’m probably going to have …

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