Category: Day by Day


Warning: This is a freakishly long post because I’m in this whole super-grateful-happy-peaceful mood right now.

We finished our first course in medical school yesterday. It’s been a little difficult to describe to people what classes I’m taking when they ask, because officially, I only really had 3 courses: “Foundations,” “Clinical Skills Lab” + “OPP …

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I ran off to Carnegie Hall yesterday evening to audition for the Greenbrier Valley Chorale since the meeting I was in ended half an hour early. I had an awesome time trying to figure out where to go, but managed to find the entrance after a nice older gentleman opened the door for me (I …

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how’s life?

While people with real lives were most likely enjoying the long weekend, seeing their loved ones, watching the WV game, partying it up, etc., I managed to step out of the library at around 5 p.m. yesterday and was taken aback because the sun was actually still shining, and pretty brightly, I might add. It …

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Blue Bend

This first picture has absolutely nothing to do with the rest of the post, but…behold, my box of bones!! I don’t get to keep-keep it, but it’s until the end of the year, so better than nothing! It’ll be good for studying. :D!

I don’t have much to …

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an elbow to the face

Jason had a test on Tuesday morning, so he wasn’t in on Monday. (I usually roll with him because he’s closer to my size than Dan, and then Dan can throw me all kinds of pointers while we’re rolling.) But! It’s good to practice with different people anyway, and Dan’s an awesome instructor. He says …

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