Category: Day by Day

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Origami Shrimp

My newest nickname is the “Asian shrimp.” More often just shortened to “shrimp.”

It was also, in essence, self-imposed, because we were talking about games we used to play during recess. I happened to mention that one of the things I’d liked other than wallball was Red Rover, because the opposing team would always …

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10 Tips For Frugal Living

As an OOS (out of state) med student, the thing I least like to think about (other than neuro, which I apparently really hate) is my ever-increasing student loans.

At $50k/year for tuition alone, the only thing that gives me comfort is the fact that if I were to die, my debt goes …

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“the girl who knows everything”

It appears that if the class does really terribly on our tests, the GTAs get chewed out for our performance. I’m not sure how this makes sense, because honestly, they do nothing but help us. Without them, I’m pretty sure most people would have failed. If anything, I believe class performance could have been due …

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Soupervan Relief!

Words cannot describe how awesome Soupervan is (it is easily one of the things I miss most from New Jersey). If I could recreate the food they make so that I could enjoy it here, I totally would, because it’s been months since I’ve had anything from them, but alas! :'(! I’ve been toying with …

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“……..You don’t drink? How are you getting through med school?”

I don’t drink coffee either, or really much of anything with a substantial amount of caffeine in it. How am I getting through med school?

I’ve been thinking that maybe periodically consuming something with caffeine in it wouldn’t be such a terrible idea though. I’ve …

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