Category: Day by Day

self worth

The other day, a friend’s status popped up on stalker feed that I completely disagreed with, so I decided to write about it, just because.

It talked about how people asked her how she did it every day (in regards to fixing her hair, putting on makeup and dressing up for school so she wouldn’t …

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Fitness Goals 2012

Importance / Priorities

My neighbor mentioned the other day (yesterday) that he’s glad he’s managed to stay in shape, because a lot of people in our class have started to “let go.” (All the stress and studying.) The most common excuse is always “I don’t have time.”

Not true.

You don’t have the time because you don’t make …

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wake up call

It’s getting a little more hostile.

Yesterday, it went something like this: F: I’m gonna lace your cough drops with arsenic. >:o : I’m gonna lace your face with my iron.

And here’s today:

Entirely unrelated to what’s up there, but I tried to record the concert on Saturday so my mom could listen …

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As the title may imply, we had our EKG lab today. Last week, we were given the luxury of picking our own groups with the forewarning that we should put some thought into who we picked to be in our group because we had to be comfortable with being half naked in front of them.

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passing by

It’s hard to believe how fast time is flying by here… I haven’t actually even been in school for 4 months yet, but I would probably bet money that the amount of information I’ve been tested on/expected to learn and retain probably stacks higher than I am in terms of giant pages of text. (I’m …

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