Category: Day by Day


Let’s face it: in a small town where everyone knows everyone, if you show your face in public at all (aka if you’re not a complete basement-dweller), you’re bound to gain a reputation of some sort.

Among my friends, I’m known as the jack of all trades (with the exception of my neighbor, who calls …

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COM week

COM week (Celebrate Osteopathic Medicine) starts tomorrow, and will basically be featuring a bunch of events and guest speakers all week. Its purpose is to inspire and educate the WVSOM students/faculty/staff about osteopathic approaches to health care and to educate our community about the osteopathic profession.

This year’s COM week focuses more on the …

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the punching bag

Although I really shouldn’t complain, since we’re lucky to even have one (with “free” membership, since it’s included into our monstrous tuition), there are a few things I really wish our gym could have. I’ve been getting kinda pissy at whoever’s been leaving all their weights everywhere. (If I knew who he was [I can …

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International Festival 2013

Our school had an international festival over the weekend to raise money for the students who are going to the Dominican Republic over spring break to provide free medical care and medications to the people there. I’m not actually a part of the club, but wanted to participate anyway, so I volunteered to model for …

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horses for healers (funding!)

Once upon a time (last year), I got to be a part of a pilot program at Spring Reins of Hope’s medical student course on learning the importance of nonverbal communication and body language in an effort to improve students’ bedside manner.

Although I wasn’t a medical student yet, I do think I managed to …

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