Category: Day by Day

ninja has facetime!

My cat got facetime! <3

My mom was showing me the jacket she got me and Ninja decided to claim it as her own. :O

My neighbor made lime cookies! :O

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cold + class garments

Just two things today.

1) It’s March. Why is it still snowing? :[ (This picture happened last week, but still, I reiterate: it’s March. ;_; ) Come back, warm weather! I miss swimming in the river! :[

2) Shirts are finally in! :D! This is only crooked because I didn’t bother …

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sleepover at school

It’s my spring break right now, but I’ve been driving to school every day to practice piano. My break has been pretty wildly unproductive aside from the med student conference I went to in Charleston on Friday/Saturday (I re-learned once again how to intubate baby mannequins, and also learned how to do to sutures, put …

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awards! :O

I got nominated for the Versatile Blogger award + the Sunshine award! :D!

Sadly, I’m going to cheat and just answer the questions but not tag anyone because I’m wildly talented at stopping chains and because I don’t actually follow enough blogs to be able to nominate …

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classical conditioning

I’d be a failure at it.

Not too long ago, I started studying in what we call the catacombs. This is due in part to the fact that although I don’t go to class, I like getting all my school-related stuff done at school, and since I haven’t been studying with my neighbor lately, I …

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