Category: Day by Day

awards! :O

I got nominated for the Versatile Blogger award + the Sunshine award! :D!

Sadly, I’m going to cheat and just answer the questions but not tag anyone because I’m wildly talented at stopping chains and because I don’t actually follow enough blogs to be able to nominate …

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classical conditioning

I’d be a failure at it.

Not too long ago, I started studying in what we call the catacombs. This is due in part to the fact that although I don’t go to class, I like getting all my school-related stuff done at school, and since I haven’t been studying with my neighbor lately, I …

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I probably haven’t mentioned this since I keep writing into the future, but I put myself on another grocery store ban. When I tell people this, they usually get really confused, especially when I tell them how much I’m spending on groceries every month (~$50-100). That equates to roughly $12.50-25/week, and I’m eating pretty effing …

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apparently, numbers aren’t my thing

We had our anatomy practical on the GI system on Monday. I spent 4 hours out of my weekend tutoring my friends on it, so in theory, I should have done really well. For some unfathomable reason, however, I thought our practical was at 3:18 p.m. when in actuality, it was at 3 p.m., and …

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We had our clinical skills practical on the abdomen last week and were given a total of 18 minutes to complete it. I somehow finished in 7 and left the room in a state of absolute paranoia and thought I’d forgotten an extremely vital chunk of the exam, despite checking the list multiple times before, …

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