Category: Day by Day

Chocolate Festival 2013

I am so, so happy that my diet for my powerlifting competition starts on Monday.

It meant that I was allowed to partake in the annual chocolate festival in Lewisburg! :] (This is basically a picture post. Breath of fresh air from my walls-of-text post?)

While we were standing in line and …

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100% Raw Powerlifting Federation

Alright, kids! I was waiting til after my exam to share this news, and now that it’s over, here it is! I’m entering a powerlifting competition! :]!

If you’ve been following me for a while, you may know that I aspire to be a badass, and that I set up arbitrary levels of badassery that …

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more fooding

Weirdly enough, I’ve never actually been to church for Easter Sunday (since we go on Saturdays). My church had a pancake breakfast on Sunday though, and I figured it’d be a good time to hang out with them. It’d also force me to wake up early (out of the house by 8 a.m. on a …

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it’s april

It’s supposedly April.

And yet this happened on Thursday.

What is the meaning of this madness?

And…two days later, this is how it looked:

My friend/adopted-mentor and I were going to go biking …

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Several weeks ago, I was at Walmart raiding the store for paper cups and soup crackers. We had to climb a couple shelves to accomplish this because, as luck we have it, they sent the two shortest people off to obtain them. Somewhere along the way, my ID decided to spontaneously jump out of its …

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