Category: Day by Day

powerlifting: lessons learned

The powerlifting meet was definitely an awesome experience. I learned a ton and will be way more prepared for the next one than I was for this one (trying to stuff in studying for med school along with starting my first-ever diet while training for this alone, most often without a spotter, without knowing much …

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powerlifting competition

They thought I was a high school kid. I found this rather amusing.

I hate it when I fail at something, but I like honesty, and I should practice what I preach. I bombed my squats, which was the first event. You better believe I was all kinds of disappointed. :[

With each “bad” experience, …

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this really just happened

I: Why would you want to do that when you could instead come back to the bay and hang out with the second most interesting man you’ve ever met? I say second because I’m not cocky. F: Because skyrim is a beautiful world.

Let’s face it, I’m a terrible person.

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A couple gems from the past few weeks:

T: …You asked if you could stay later? Might I remind you that you’re 25? F: Ah, but she’s the one who bought my plane ticket home. A: Oh yes, I remember. F: Yeah. I don’t think it’s gonna matter to my mom whether I’m 25 or …

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Given that I absolutely adore food and haven’t really ever actively tried to lose weight, this has been a somewhat trying time. :[ I already eat pretty healthily most days, and I already work out fairly regularly, but I’m pretty sure I used to eat way more than I actually needed to on a fairly …

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