Category: Day by Day

covert davis operation

On Saturday evening-ish, I went out to Walnut Creek for our Twirly Girls AIDS walk fundraiser (also since I’d volunteered to be the pole cleaner). I’d worked a pretty awesome contraption out, since it gets tiring speed-climbing poles one-handed. Thank goodness for carabiners and my watch (I hung the …

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One of the only things I really dislike about living in WV is really just that it’s so far away from the people/things that I love. I had all these grand plans to be productive and get some studying done in advance while I was home. …I’m a little ashamed to …

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I’ve mentioned this in passing, but since today’s our 7th anniversary, I decided to throw in some pictorial evidence of all the love that goes into this relationship. I’ve celebrated more “anniversaries” with my facebook spouse than I have with real significant others. (Not hard to do when I’ve never celebrated any …

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Once upon a time last week, I went out to dinner to celebrate my friend’s 1-week return. We had sushi and it was awesome, and I caught up with a bunch of people that I hadn’t seen in a year or so.

Half of us also got struck down by pretty effing severe food poisoning.

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lovely parental gems

This is probably the first of many. My dad has a ridiculing sense of humor that I’ve come to appreciate (y’know, now that I’m not a spineless wretch :O ), and if I’ve never mentioned it before, my mom is really sad that I’m not super girly. I think she was really looking forward to …

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