Category: Day by Day


Once upon a time last week, I went out to dinner to celebrate my friend’s 1-week return. We had sushi and it was awesome, and I caught up with a bunch of people that I hadn’t seen in a year or so.

Half of us also got struck down by pretty effing severe food poisoning.

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lovely parental gems

This is probably the first of many. My dad has a ridiculing sense of humor that I’ve come to appreciate (y’know, now that I’m not a spineless wretch :O ), and if I’ve never mentioned it before, my mom is really sad that I’m not super girly. I think she was really looking forward to …

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a getaway

Dream, Believe, Want

I foresee my parents getting pissed at me in the near future for running off to my former undergrad to volunteer.

It’s kinda sad that this is the sort of thing I get in trouble for, but I’d definitely take this over anything else, haha.

I ran off in the middle of last week to …

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first day back


“So what did you do on your first day back?”

F: Well, I rode around town in a shopping cart while pageant-waving at all the people in the restaurants as I rolled past them.

“…Are you aware that you’re a quarter of a century old?”

F: Why yes! Thanks for reminding me! Your point …

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ziplining adventures

I went on my first ziplining adventure earlier this week! It was super fun, and I’ve basically decided that I need to make a bucket list for before I graduate from med school/leave WV. There’s so much I need to do! (Right now, horseback riding tops the list. It’s so much cheaper here! $45 for …

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