Category: Day by Day



I’m really upset that I didn’t realize until yesterday that I could have been earning 50 fuel points every time I filled out one of these feedback surveys. ;_; It is a-okay though! Better late than never, right?

How to #SaveMoney When Shopping At @kroger #frugalliving #frugallivingtips

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Salter-Harris Fractures

Review on Salter-Harris Fractures!

Type I: “Slipped

  • Separation through physis
  • X-rays often normal (may have lateral displacement of epiphysis)
  • Diagnosis clinical (point tenderness over growth plate)
  • Usually can be managed w/ closed reduction techniques
  • Doesn’t require perfect alignment + tends to remodel w/ growth

Type II: “Above”

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I was at the gym yesterday doing cardio since it was my off-day from lifting and I had a whole lot of notes to commit to memory. (These notes are basically the only way I keep myself going when I’m doing cardio because I hate it. :[ )

Halfway through my workout (yay intervals! …

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clearly, i have no life

I made this over the summer for my friend, since she was starting PA school and hadn’t taken anatomy before. It should be devoid of errors! (Hopefully, it’ll help someone out there?)

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living up to your name

Nadia and I frequently forget what we put down for each other in our phones (I’m “Black Hole” on her phone; she’s “Goomba Chang 800 points” in my phone). She actually almost sent me an angry text once because she was searching “Black Hole” on facebook and I didn’t show up. <3

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