Category: Day by Day



You know that little voice in the back of your head? It came into play yesterday.

We haven’t had class this entire week because we’re doing our GTLs (Genital Teaching Lab) + OB Simulation labs. I’ll get to the former some other time, but yesterday was my last session (OB Simulation), and the one I …

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food logic

I swear I’m not talking to no one. :O I just blanked out his (fb husband/best friend/former roommate) name, haha.

We have a lot of grand plans for winter break, which all basically revolve around making a bunch of food and eating it. (BROTEIN. YEAHHH.) I think we’ve watched one too many videos of …

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lifestyle changes

For the record, this is a frighteningly long post about powerlifting, IIFYM, and lifestyle changes that I’ve decided to implement (aka feel free to skip if none of this is of any interest to you).

My last competition didn’t go as well as I’d hoped, and while I can’t deny that I’m disappointed, I can’t …

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My friend likes to creep on me, but I usually notice because generally speaking, he’s not that stealthy (or I just happen to turn around every time he tries). I’ve been ruining his life for days because I keep happening to turn around when he’s in the middle of writing something to me on my …

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keeping track of my life

People often like to ask me how I keep track of everything I’m doing. I write my life down on accidental scrap paper (aka pages I/someone else didn’t mean to print).

Pretty sure I fall under “The List Maker” in The 12 Types of Procrastinators. …except I guess I actually do finish …

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