Category: Day by Day

women in medicine

Our school often has lunch lectures/talks where we get fed and learn something that’s not necessarily required/included in our curriculum. About a week and a half ago, one of my favorite professors gave a lecture on “Women in Medicine.”

Here are a couple highlights that jumped out at me:

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oral pathology

I’m not sure I ever want to kiss anyone again after going through the oral pathology lecture. If someone had been watching me reading through it, they’d probably see me progressively pushing my notes away with a really horrified expression as I turned each page. :[ It was bad.

For the record, you can tell …

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casting/splinting lab

We had our casting/splinting lab in clinical skills last week. It was the lab I was most excited for and it didn’t disappoint! :]

I also got to cut part of a cast off of someone! :D

While we’re still on the subject of school, the time I spent tutoring first years in …

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The riskiest thing I’ve done this week/month = going to the gym to work out before an exam.

By that, I mean that I walked reallyreally quickly at an incline on a treadmill while staring at my notes, so it wasn’t really even all that risky.

This month, our school is doing “Treadmill Wars” between …

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san diego (“whale’s vagina”)

Due to a number of really awesome circumstances and a bunch of stars aligning in my favor, I ended up basically being paid to go to San Diego for the fall ACOEP conference in early October. <3 It was awesome.

I helped us book plane tickets and we ended up staying at a Motel 6 …

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