Dancers + food. It’s a great combination.
We decided to have a potluck the day after International Festival (because who doesn’t love food? <3). It fell on the same time as the Cards Against Humanity marathon one of my other friends was having, and we didn’t want to have to choose between the two, so we went to both.
Rules included things such as, “Naked pictures of Travis emailed to you if you talk about school.”

Just to name a few things, we had chicken biryani, pineapple fried rice, strawberry cheesecake w/ a chocolate crust, coconut strawberry grapefruit salad.
Code names for scoring included “Shanno-bot, Kitler, Candy, German Perm, Swing Low, TheOracle, L’Quifa, Apollo, TheSHAT, Shasta McNasty, L-A (“Ladasha”), Pika-Kitty and Dat Ass.

They had a rather glorious pumpkin chillin’ outside their house.
Afterward, we went back to join the first group we were with to hang out some more. (Night owls ftw!) And also to get henna-ed by our friend’s super-awesome and talented friend. I think she should start a side business. :O I’ve also kinda been re-inspired for pyrography. :O
Apparently, the darker it turns out, the more your husband loves you.