birthday weekend | fairyburger

birthday weekend

My friend texted me late Saturday night to ask if I could come out to a going-away picnic that we were throwing for one of our friends, since she’s going back to DC soon (she’s a second year, so she’s taking her boards back there).

Since I’m not exactly one to miss out on fooding awesomeness and the like, I of course answered, “Sure!” Well, it was a lie. The “going away party” was actually for my birthday. :O It’s a reallyyy good thing that I didn’t end up texting the girl in question about it, because she wasn’t actually there.

So here’s how I spent my birthday weekend! :D

birthday weekend

I have awesome friends. <3

birthday weekend

Nina was diligently trying to open the can of pineapple with a fork handle, hahah.

birthday weekend

They decorated my seat too!

I sent a picture of me with all of the food above to my brother, and my mom happened to see it, so she sent me a text to tell me that I looked like I’d gotten fatter, so I should stop eating so much and maybe just try drinking more water when I was hungry instead of eating. Thanks so much, mom! I feel the love. :O

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  1. […] of the recipes from my birthday picnic! […]

  2. […] Truth be told, I was supposed to start dieting back in mid-April, when my whole I’m-going-to-enter-a-powerlifting-competition ambition began. But two days after this idea was placed into my head, our town had their annual chocolate festival…and then a week later, it was my birthday… […]

  3. […] still hasn’t stopped. My mom usually doesn’t join in on this, but every now and then, a comment (at the way bottom of that entry) will slip through. I attribute the fact that I still have a very […]

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