I was born almost 3 months early and apparently tried to make up for this by eating more than every baby in the hospital, but as a child, I was still extremely scrawny. Think 4’11” and 68 pounds. :o!

I started and ended my gymnastics career in high school–tis the only thing I absolutely completely suck at that I love.
For the first two years of college, the only form of physical activity I got was through powerwalking and/or biking all over campus (Davis is quite likely one of the most biker-friendly areas in the country), a summer of horseback-riding (I worked there in exchange for lessons <3) and Tahitian/hula dancing.
In my junior year, I switched one of my majors to Exercise Biology and decided that enough was enough! I’d be a complete disgrace to my major if I didn’t do more of some form of physical activity! :O! So I took up weightlifting and have not looked back since.
I had a very brief stint where I decided to run the SF Nike Women’s Half-Marathon in 2010, but long-distance running and I didn’t get along too well, so I branched out to salsa, archery, running, pole dancing, BJJ, aerial silks, yoga, and pilates. They keep me happily occupied and sane when studying is driving me up the wall.

#TBT: Grandmaster Relson Gracie offered me a job and I turned it down to finish medical school. ;_;
Whilst destressing at the gym in med school, a classmate noticed me and offered to train me for a powerlifting competition. He ended up not being able to because life happens, but I decided to go it alone and try for it anyway. I had to attempt to cut weight for the first time in my life, but I’m so glad I went for it!
June 2013 was my first powerlifting competition. I set a state record and a personal PR. This is what I learned on prepping for powerlifting competitions, and I’ve adopted IIFYM for the time being.
I have since set all the state records in my weight class for Kentucky under the federation I lift under! :D
Currently, I’m working on upping my numbers for the next competition I enter so they’ll be much harder to beat! Someday, I’d like to set some national records. *-*
Med school and residency took a pretty big toll on my free time and ability to train, so I’m going to have to work up to my old numbers before I get anywhere new. I’ve been squeezing in a lot of day trips and hiking whenever possible!
Since I can’t find a pole studio anywhere in central Jersey (sigh), I found a dance performance group in south Jersey that I perform with and have also joined the Rutgers Salsa Club + Rutgers Ballroom Dancing Club! :P I need to get back into BJJ at some point too…
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Good for you! What a great fitness profile you must have. Sounds like you have tried it all :)
Thank you! :D I definitely love trying new things, but I have somewhat of a problem with liking all of it and wanting to do everything! :x
Wow, congrats on the records!!
Thank you! :D
Wowsers POWERLIFTING!!! Get it girl!!!
That is so awsome!! I am working on finding my 1RM…I did 70lbs on bench press and 105 on back squat so far.
Yay! :D That’s awesome! I’m really hoping I can get back into lifting again soon–no gym right now, so I’ve been subbing in other activities!
Farrah recently posted…Copycat Orange Julius Smoothie
Congratulation on your record! I am very glad that you have accomplished that much, Farrah!
Thanks so much, Agness! :]!
This is awesome!
Thank you! <3!!
Great goals!
I’m holding off on making mine under after my post-op appointment next week. I want to find out what’s reasonable for me to accomplish and work with that, rather than getting my hopes too high up for something that won’t or can’t happen.
Thanks! I hope all goes well at your post-op appointment! <3
Do what you like” was the biggest exercise revelation for me. My cardio was always terrible and I personally hate running… but I like boxing. Over time, I would just do some drills a day literally pretending to be Bruce Lee or Batman (very silly, I know). But nearly a year since quarantine started I’ve lost 40 pounds, ate healthily, and my heavy bag has never been the same, haha.
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