9 Tips For Dealing with Social Distancing

I know this can definitely be a stressful, upsetting and frustrating time for many people, so I’m putting together a list of tips for dealing with social distancing in the meantime!
For a more positive perspective shift (I heard this on the radio), think of it less as a “being socially isolated from the world” and more of the world collectively taking a breath together and working in solidarity to beat this together!

9 Tips For Dealing with Social Distancing

9 Tips For Dealing with Social Distancing | @fairyburger

P.S. None of the links below are affiliate links and I definitely haven’t tried all of them–just trying to promote your general wellness! <3

Spend time with loved ones at home.

This is the first time I’ve been near (aka living with) my family in almost a decade and it’s nice to be close to them again. I’ve been trying to spend socially-distanced time with my family and also reconnecting/catching up with friends via phone, FaceTime + video chats. Reach out to see how your loved ones are doing even if you can’t physically see them!

Delve into creative pursuits.

I’m an introvert by nature and have been super used to do everything on my own for many years, so I very much identify with the “I’ve been preparing for this my whole life” meme that’s been going around. (That being said, I’m still scheduled to work every day because health care never sleeps, so not too much has actually changed for me!) This is a great time to pick up a new indoor hobby! Coloring, calligraphy, music, drawing… Or pick up snail mail again! (Wash your hands prior to starting your correspondence!)

Learn something new.

There are hundreds of Ivy League courses you can take for free, courses you can finish in a day, a Scholastic Learn At Home program for kids, and…another 1500 free online courses here.

Although this may not quite fall under “learning,” the Met is also streaming performances at 7:30pm EST every day that’ll remain active for 20 hours!

Work out from home.

All my respective gyms/”extracurriculars” (pole/aerial silks, BJJ, Polynesian dance, ballroom dancing) have closed, but a lot of them are offering online classes that I’ve been tuning in for when I’m home from work. If you’re not a part of any gym, there are TONS of workouts that you can do at home and lots of options all over YouTube! You can also join Openfit for a free month using the code FRIENDSFAM (this was formerly Gixo but switched over and there’s even more of a variety of workouts available now). (Orrrr escape your home and go on a hike!)

Declutter your home.

Start spring cleaning early! Since moving home, I dragged the entirety of my grad school/med school/residency life back with me, the majority of which is still chillin’ in my parents’ garage. …I’m planning to tackle that soon.

Play catch up.

  • Do you have an inordinately long to-read list? (Follow me on GoodReads and/or make your own to-read list!)
  • TV shows or movies to catch up on? You can use a Google Chrome extension (Netflix Party) to watch with your friends!
  • A game you’ve always wanted to play? (If you have a Switch, let me know! Maybe we can play something together!)


It’s a stressful and uncertain time and what we know about COVID19 changes multiple times a day. (I’ve been inundated with emails about it daily.) There are a variety of meditation apps to help you get started! Calm ($70 annually with 7-day free trial) has a bunch of free resources available. For those looking for a free option, there’s Smiling Mind with programs for all ages!
My significant other is a fan of Headspace, which is free to health care providers with a valid NPI number (+ teachers!) but otherwise has a 7-day free trial and is $13/month (or $70 annually). If you’re a health care provider, you can currently get 10% Happier for free (email care@tenpercent.com for instructions).

Support your local (or other) small businesses!

Small businesses (particularly in the Asian community, likely due to unfortunate xenophobia) have taken a really hard hit. For restaurants/eateries that are still open, takeout/delivery is still allowed within the “shelter in place” that’s been implemented in my county, but you can also buy a gift card from them for later use, or ask how you can help them!

Make a list of things you want to accomplish or an “after-quarantine” to-do list!

Do you have a CV to update? Taxes to file? A language you’ve always wanted to learn? A dish you want to learn to make and/or master? A workout routine or fitness goal you want to accomplish? Songs you want to learn to sing or play? Make a list and set some specific goals! (link is for fitness goals, but the SMART goals can be applied to any goals!
It sucks that so many things are closed and we can’t do a lot of the things we enjoy, but…it’s also been a breath of fresh air to see people banding together to put together free bagged meals for kids who might not otherwise get a regular meal now that schools are closed. See people putting together lists of resources and Google spreadsheets to help out small businesses/freelancers/anyone having a hard time has also been restoring my faith in humanity too.
Please know that we really appreciate you all doing your part to flatten the curve and stay healthy/safe!❤️

  • What are some of the things you’ve been doing to pass the time? Have you picked up any new hobbies?
  • Any movies/TV shows you’re catching up on?

Permanent link to this article: https://www.fairyburger.com/9-tips-for-dealing-with-social-distancing/


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  1. These are all great ideas! I am trying to create virtual events for my friends and I so we can stay in touch
    Deborah Brooks recently posted…15 Minute Lower Body Stability Ball Workout Do At HomeMy Profile

    1. I like that idea! My closest friends and I are thinking of doing regular video chats with all of us virtually together so we can catch up on life! :]

  2. I was actually thinking of learning a new language. I don’t know if I’ll be able to do it since I’m sharing my laptop now with my kids, but I might try!

    1. It wouldn’t hurt to try! :] I wanna work on improving my Cantonese/Mandarin!

  3. I agree, we need to see the positives in this (more down time at home) and focus on the greater good it’s doing for everyone. Besides, all of our virtual friends haven’t gone anywhere ;-)

    1. Great point! :P I’m really glad for our virtual friends!

  4. Sending love to you in this time.

    This week, we are kind of taking off. It’s been a hit to Mr PugRunner’s business, and little man is “shook” that he might not be officially completing 6th grade. It’s all so insane. We are just going to ease into the adjustment and see where it all goes.

    1. Thanks so much! It’s definitely a really hard time for a lot of people and there’s gonna be so much to adjust to–I hope you and your family will be okay! <3 Fingers crossed that this hopefully won't be too bad if we can get the social distancing down and the rate of transmission under control!

  5. Great ideas! Thanks for the great post. Will be doing a lot of these.

  6. Great ideas! Thanks for the great post. Will be following a lot of these tips.

    1. Thanks! I hope they’re helpful!

  7. Such a great list! This has been such a hard time but I’ll have to try some of these things. I just found out you can watch a few broadway shows online for free… so I’m doing that next week!!

    1. I hope they help out! I’m definitely gonna have to check out the Broadway shows too!

  8. Great ideas. We are going to be supporting our local running store by buying gift cards. We are also doing our best to declutter and donate while I’m home from work.
    Marc Pelerin recently posted…At-Home Strength Training IdeasMy Profile

    1. That’s awesome! Yay for supporting local businesses! I’m trying to support mine by keeping my memberships active + taking their online classes/buying gift cards!

  9. Great list! I have found myself naturally drifting towards a lot of these suggestions! :) I’m trying to just stay thankful right now while. Really changes my perspective on the situation. Thanks for your tips!

    1. There’s definitely a lot of new things to adapt to right now–staying thankful is really important! :] I hope some of these are helpful too!

  10. My life really hasn’t changed with this threat going on, thankfully, as, like you, I am used to being home alone. With my stress level rising, however, I’m finding I need to be more mindful of what I’m doing, so your list is perfect for this.

    1. I hope it’s helpful to you! <3 This is definitely a stressful time.
      Farrah recently posted…9 Tips For Dealing with Social DistancingMy Profile

  11. Some terrific ideas here! I like the idea of hiking too, which is something your top photo reminded me of.

    1. Thanks! I’m definitely hoping to escape to the wilderness more often when I’m not working!
      Farrah recently posted…9 Tips For Dealing with Social DistancingMy Profile

  12. I like the idea of hiking, too, which is something your top photo reminded me of.

  13. Social distancing is proving to be a real challenge for people. These are great tips.

    1. Thanks! I hope they’re helpful! :]

    • Nene on March 20, 2020 at 11:15 am
    • Reply

    These are all awesome ideas. Its been hard trying to come up with something creative to do everyday. Thanks for sharing.

    1. I hope these help at least a little! :]

  14. These are wonderful suggestions! This whole social distancing thing has been very jarring for many people. I too, like you, am a true introvert, so it honestly doesn’t bother me at all haha!

    -Madi xo | http://www.everydaywithmadirae.com

    1. Same here! I’ve been like this for most of my life! I do really miss my hobbies, but other than that, I still have too much I need/want to do right now, haha.
      Farrah recently posted…9 Tips For Dealing with Social DistancingMy Profile

  15. Fellow introvert, here. I can relate to “preparing for this all my life” haha. These are great ideas, thanks for sharing. One that I’d like to implement in my daily life is meditation. No better time than now to start. Also, I’d like to journal.

    1. hehehe, I knew I couldn’t be alone in this! :P I’ve been meaning to start journaling again too!
      Farrah recently posted…9 Tips For Dealing with Social DistancingMy Profile

  16. I did enjoy reading this one! Yes, our goal is to learn a sign language so we can communicate with the triplets. Be safe! ❤️🙏

    1. Ooo, that’s awesome! I only know the alphabet and a couple words–it’d be awesome to learn!

      Thank you! <3

  17. This is such a helpful list! I definitely want to pour my energy into something new, like learning a new language or skillset.
    Chelsea Pearl recently posted…Best Hand Creams for Frequently Washed HandsMy Profile

    1. Yay! I’m glad it was helpful! :]

  18. I’m doing a lot of these things already, but some fantastic ideas to get people through this.

    1. Thank you! Stay safe! :]

  19. Thanks for sharing these great tips. If one really thinks about it, there are so many things we can do in times where we need to be mindful and more at home. Perhaps there is a silver lining to all of this and humanity may become more united than ever. Many blessings.

    1. Agreed! I’m probably gonna be writing a post about finding the silver linings and gratitude soon! :P

  20. These are all such great tips! I have already started decluttering my house!!

    1. hehehe, thanks! I need to start the decluttering process!!

  21. I have so far updated 5 blogs to new themes :) and doing decluttering bit by bit, hopefully, the home will be spic and span when all is over, lol. Thank you for the other ideas!

    1. Nice! You’ve definitely been super productive, hehe. I’m trying to declutter a room at a time and to also write/update a whole bunch of posts! We’ll see how much progress there is by the end of this, hehe.

  22. Really great ideas that we all can use! Thanks so much for sharing!

    1. Thank you! :] I hope they’re helpful!

    • Michelle on March 21, 2020 at 2:01 pm
    • Reply

    Great tips. We have been doing our best to support local small business and to do virtual meet ups with friends :)

  23. As a natural introvert, I find myself giving tips like these out to all my extrovert friends right now haha. But these are all great!

    1. hahaha, this entire post is probably the introvert in me doling out advice! :P

  24. You’ve put together a great list of things to do while we’re self isolating. I’ve been down with the flu (type A – third week) and as soon as I feel back to normal I’m going to start teaching one of my classes on FB Live.

    Stay safe while on the front line seeing your patients, and thank you for being there!
    Debbie @ Deb Runs recently posted…Dreaming About My Spring Racing ScheduleMy Profile

    1. Oh no! I hope you feel better soon–the flu can definitely knock a lot out of you. I hope you’re getting plenty of rest! I’m really glad there’s enough technology out there now to help us stay connected to others.

      Thanks so much–I’ll do my best! :]

  25. Great article! Lots of helpful ideas to get through this.

    1. Thank you! :]

  26. Love this! It’s so important to keep ourselves occupied in this strange time!

    I have been working out from home to get me sane as well as working on my online business!

    My boyfriend has been learning Spanish!

    1. Yay, that’s good! I’m definitely trying to get regular home workouts in so that I don’t turn into a blob!

      That’s awesome! I’ve always wanted to learn Spanish but sadly haven’t really had the time. :[

  27. Yep, all over the world we seem to dealing with the same issues. I have been at work from home for a week so far. So far I have loved sleeping in a little, but I really do miss some of the natural interactions with colleagues and students (I work at a university.)

    We’ve still been going for walks outside, just away from other people. It’s mad how quiet back streets can be, even in big cities.

    This next few months is going to be tough isn’t it!
    Josy A recently posted…London – Walk to Tower Bridge at NightMy Profile

    1. Sleeping in is definitely a huge plus! I’m with you though–much as I’m not the biggest fan of waking up early, the few little conversations I get at work (we’re all socially distanced into our own offices, but I usually have an officemate) = often the only social interaction I get.

      Agreed! The traffic maps have never looked greener. I need to start going on socially-isolated walks to clear my head!

      I think it’ll definitely take a lot of adjusting but hopefully it won’t be too terrible!
      Farrah recently posted…9 Tips For Dealing with Social DistancingMy Profile

  28. These are all fantastic ideas! Thanks for sharing them with us!

    1. Thank you! :] I hope they’re helpful!

    • Angela on March 22, 2020 at 4:17 am
    • Reply

    I helpful list for those that are struggling with lockdown and social distancing. I am doing all on your list.

    1. It’s definitely a stressful time–I’m glad there’s a lot to do still though!

  29. Great tips! I’m very much into meditating now when I cannot go outside and it keeps my extrovert brain little bit calmer
    Albi recently posted…9 Awesome day trips from TulumMy Profile

    1. I’ve never been very good at meditating but I’ve been trying to do it more over the past week because I think I’m low-key kinda stressed out. I feel like it’s been helpful so far! Hang in there!! <3

    • Yukti Agrawal on March 23, 2020 at 2:30 am
    • Reply

    I loved all your suggestions and started with de-cluttering my home with unwanted objects. Also engaged with more creative pursuits and playing with family indoor games.

    1. That’s great! I reallyyy need to work on the decluttering part!

  30. Great tips! I also think some of these must become more than things we do during these rough times. Meditation, workout, and investing in our skills should become a norm.

    1. Agreed! I really hope that’s one of the good things that’ll come out of this!

  31. It’s amazing that all we have to do to help with this crisis is to stay home. Still, it can drive us nuts. Super nice list! I think I need to give a shot to meditating :)

    1. I hope it’s helpful! I’m trying to make meditating a more regular practice!

  32. Great tips! I’m def working on my “after-quarantine” to-do list and its growing by the minute haha :) Stay safe!
    Tina recently posted…How To Spend A Perfect Weekend In ManchesterMy Profile

    1. Thank you! Mine is as well! I think it’d be cool to see how much we’re able to accomplish by the end of this!

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