This week’s [optional] theme for the Fit Dish link up (hosted by Jill Conyers @, & Jessica Joy @ is to write a manifesto!
From Jill’s post!: “Create a source of personal inspiration that, when you feel lost, becomes a compass pointed in the direction of your true north.”
What’s a manifesto, you ask? It’s a declaration of your core values and beliefs! If you’re a fan of wikipedia (best resource ever, right?), it’s “a published verbal declaration of your intentions, motives and/or views.”
I chose to focus on the following questions while I was making mine:
- What’s important to you?
- What do you [want to] stand for, and what do you strive to do?
- How do you intend to live your life?
This week’s theme kindasorta reminded me of the Vision Board theme because it inspired me to attempt to be all creative again! :D Not gonna lie though, said vision board(s) housed a lot of quotes that I really resonate with and strive to live by, so if some of em’ sound familiar, that’s pretty much why!
I’ve been collecting quotes all week for this manifesto, and you better believe it’s been kinda difficult, because I’ve been somewhat of a downer lately (my psych rotation has turned me into a storm cloud of doom and gloom, although I think thus far, I’m still the only one who has noticed this; I must be more gifted in being chipper than I thought! :P).
Thankfully, I already have a lot of quotes that I like to try to live by, and on the flip side, the fact that I feel like I’m being a storm cloud also means that I’m putting extra effort into being optimistic and looking for the silver linings in every situation (one of my coping mechanisms when life is not treating me the way I’d like it to), so in that respect, it’s actually kinda good for me.
The one I’ve been trying to follow for at least the last half-decade, however, is this:
Live with no regrets.” (无悔*)
*For the record, the Chinese characters just mean “no regrets.”
I actually used to have a ring that had these words inscribed on the inside band, but my mom kinda freaked out got upset when she saw me wearing it because she was worried I would never find someone to marry because everyone would assume that I was taken (…wrong hand + wrong finger, but alright).
So…instead, it’s now made it into my manifesto! :]

Click the image to read my other Dish The Fit posts! :]
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This is a good idea! I do hope your psych rotation blues end soon. That cannot be fun! One of my favorites you listed there is “Appreciate the little things”. I tend to overlook the little things for big picture or look ahead to the future rather than living in the present far too often and I’ve been working on it! I do enjoy and appreciate the little things more often now than ever before.
Kaylin @ Enticing Healthy Eating recently posted…Favorite Wedding Planning Websites
Me too! We had a snowpocalypse of sorts yesterday, so I’m actually off today!
I definitely have a problem with worrying and/or looking to the future more so than I live in the present, so I’ve been trying to work on that too!
Entirely unrelated, but I recently came across this and laughed pretty hard at the Taurus part! :P
Oh goodness, the Taurus part is funny! But slightly true….;) Thank you for showing me that! I’m always fascinated by Zodiac things.
Kaylin @ Enticing Healthy Eating recently posted…Favorite Wedding Planning Websites
hehehe, slightly true for me as well! I’ve always found it interesting to read about!
Love your Manifesto board! I really like “Always be kinder than you feel” and “Give more than you take”. Thanks for sharing! Good luck with your psych rotation! Have a great week!!
diane recently posted…Write a Manifesto
Those two keep me grounded! :] Thank you, and I hope you have a great week too!
Wow, that’s a hard one! I don’t have a manifesto. I used a mantra when I ran a marathon last year, and it worked really well to motivate me to push through to the end of the race. The mantra was “I am powerful.” Very simple, but effective.
Molly @alsoranagain recently posted…Weekend Update
It definitely took more thinking than usual, but compiling thoughts throughout the week really helped! :] You have a great mantra!
I love how you made your own board picture like that! I need to be more creative. What kind of program does that may I ask? I hope you get thru this rotation soon. Weren’t you just in pediatrics and now pysch? that is a big switch! Keep chipper and keep smiling I am sure your patients notice it more than you realize! Always be kinder than you feel- I wish all doctors used that one! Have a great week!
Mary Beth Jackson recently posted…Thinking about my Manifesto….
Thanks! I used Canva to make mine! :] (It’s free! You just need to sign up for an account and then you’re good to go. The only downside is that you can’t do any transparencies like PicMonkey, but…my laptop is protesting anything that requires Flash, so I can’t use PicMonkey anymore. ;_; )
Peds to psych was a drastic change indeed! (I miss watching Tangled & Frozen with the kids!) I’ve been trying to stay positive and the patients do seem to respond very positively, so I’m glad about that. Hope you have an awesome week as well!
My manifesto, as you know, is Live life beyond expectation.
Ain’t nobody gonna put baby in a corner!
Susie @ SuzLyfe recently posted…Yoga Clinic: Sun Salutation B Sequence
Tis an awesome one, m’friend! :D! We’d fight our way out of the corners! :]!
Those are some great quotes and reminders. I haven’t really thought about my manifesto but I did come up with a vision board last month. I think for me its important to remember not to give up on things you are passionate about. Thanks for sharing!
Lisa @ Running out of wine recently posted…Adventures in Physical Therapy Week 2: Hip Exercises and Simple Running Drills
That’s definitely an important one, and a great reminder when/if you’re ever feeling discouraged or struggling with something!
Aw hun, I’m so sorry to hear you’ve been feeling down with your psych rotation! I can understand why, it’s both physically AND mentally gruelling, this one. How much longer do you have of it? I try to not be afraid of doing anything new (apart from eating non vegan food hahahaha), I’m also HUGE on the no regrets one and I’m glad to say I have very few in my life.
jess meddows recently posted…The Stranger Side of Travel
Aww, thanks, Jess! <3 I have 2 weeks and 2 days left of it! (Counting em' down!) I actually really enjoy working with the patients, but my preceptor doesn't spend that much time with his patients and I spend most of my time sitting in a corner of his office trying to study while he does his dictations. ;_; On the plus side, he seems to think I'm pretty cool, so at least there's that!
I used to be a super-stickler on the tried and true, but have been branching out a lottt more in the past several years. Yay for no regrets! :D
Real Love, Real Food, Real Life – those are my mantras. I think you should go back to wearing your ring. It sounds like that saying really resonates with you :)
Pragati // Simple Medicine recently posted…Let’s be Real
Those are awesome mantras! <3 I think I need to too! I just need to find it somewhere in the rubble of everything I own. The fact that I've moved about 5 times since I last remember having it is posing to be a problem. ._.
I really need to put something together like this. And a vision board too. I feel like I need more focus on the things in my life that I’m passionate about right now.
Your ring sounds awesome! I would still wear it. :)
Salt recently posted…Not Quitting My Day Job {That time I took a pole dance class.}
I’ve wanted to since I moved outta the house, but I can’t find it anywhere! :'( (I’m pretty sure all the moving I’ve done since hasn’t helped.) I’ll put it back on when I find it again! :]
My manifesto would be Dance, Sing and Drink Wine – It’s the only way to live. Honestly, I incorporate those three things in to my day every day (just a glass or two of wine in the evening – I’m no lush).
I’m definitely with you on the first two! :]! I can’t have alcohol because I’m pretty sure I’m at least somewhat allergic (sigh), but you can enjoy it for me! ;P
You sound like a ray of sunshine in the doom and gloom environment, Farrah!
Love your visual manifesto (reminds me of the vision board project, too)! “Always be kinder than you feel” <<< YES. So hard, but so true. Your "Live with no regrets" mantra is similar to my manifesto theme (/blog name): "Live life to the full". We only get one chance at this life, so make it count! Keep being a light to those around you! #fitfam
Amy @ Life to the Full recently posted…My First-Ever Manifesto #dishthefit
Aww, thank you! I’m tryin’ hard (fake it til you make it! ;P )!
The being kind one can definitely be difficult sometimes (especially with certain people), but I try to remind myself that I have no way of knowing what someone’s going through, so being kind can’t hurt!
“Live life to the full” is perfect! :] Definitely gotta make each moment count! :D
Sorry to hear your psych rotation is making you feel down. Hope it gets better. Love all the quotes on your manifesto! I really like how you had that ring with “live with no regrets” it’s a great quote! Have a great week!
Sharon recently posted…My Manifesto
Thank you! :D! I hope it gets better too!
I really need to find it again! I haven’t seen it in years (in all likelihood, I put it somewhere for safekeeping but it was a little too safe, and now I don’t remember where it is anymore ._.).
Your manifesto is beautiful! Hope you get through this rotation quickly and move onto something that suits you more.
Julie @ Running in a Skirt recently posted…A Big Announcement
Thank you! There’s a light at the end of the tunnel! :] My next rotation is my elective, so I’m going to be living with my friend for a month and doing family med again! <3
My Manifesto as of Jan 1, 2015 = “I give no fu**s” (well when it comes to things that really don’t need to be made into a big deal)… And lets jut say, THIS WORKS!!!!
GiGi Eats recently posted…Meghan Trainor, HP and I #BendTheRules
hahaha, it’s a good one! :P
This is my favorite!:
The Manifesto of Ricardo Perez (est 1986)
1) Life is a joke.
A) Don’t take everything as seriously
i) Time and a place (timing)
ii) Most things you can make fun of
iii) Only make fun of it if the reaction will be positive
B) If it didn’t work, try something else
i) it could be the material source, so move on until you find something that works
ii) If it’s you, then change your delivery
C) If you smelt it, then you dealt it
i) Seriously? Ugh. You gotta remember that lactose thing.
2) I feel nothing because I am nothing
A) Check your ego at home
i) In most cases, your ego isn’t even needed to begin with
ii) It will not only get you in trouble, but you’ll be forced to cash checks you can’t make
iii) In the end, only you’ll feel the brunt of the negative impact
B) Selfless, not selfish
i) You can’t get on in life unless you help your neighbor
ii) Especially if your neighbor is Totoro
iii) If you have the power, why not do something with it positively
C) You are not the only one in the universe
i) The universe has been here long before you were born, and will continue on long after.
ii) Take care of what you can in this go around, as you won’t get a second shot
iii) Only you can control your life.
3) Don’t even trip, though.
A) No one cares, bruh.
i) Stop acting like people are paying attention to you
ii) No one is going to come up to you and tell you what’s wrong
iii) Chances are you’ll never see them again
B) What’s stopping you?
i) You’ll regret not doing it
ii) If it doesn’t go your way, you’ll still survive
iii) It’s a learning experience anyways, good or bad
4) Life really is what you make of it, so make it awesome
A) no real sub points.
B) You’re in control of your own destiny.
C) if you believe in fate, then maybe, but your hands are on the reins, and no one else can control those.
hahahaha, I love all the sub-points in these. Very much agreed with #4! :D
#3 and its sub-clauses is something I need to keep working on!
I love this idea. I’ll definitely have to figure out what my personal manifesto is!
Eryn at A Glimpse into Eryn’s World recently posted…I Think We Moved to the Arctic. Here Are Some Things Making Me Happy Today.
Looking forward to reading it if you end up posting it! :]!
I had to make a manifesto for one of my classes! I made it on pickmonkey,hahahah! But it was kind fun to write out some phrases I know I love and want to continue DOING in my life!
Rebecca @ Strength and Sunshine recently posted…A Passion For Power And Strength
haha, that’s awesome! :D It was a lot of fun making this!
Aw, love this. What a great post. You should wear the ring again. :)
Thanks! Once I find it, it’s happenin’! :]
I absolutely love it!! I love combining these two: “Live life without regrets” and “Never miss an opportunity to learn”. If you believe that what you are doing is learning and not failing you will not regret having taking the chance. There is never a bad decision it just may be one that will give your desired results in a near future.
Elsie @ Sharing Healthiness recently posted…When Food Tastes Better Abroad
For sure! Those two definitely go well together, and have been really good reminders for me when things don’t seem to be going well/as planned! :]
I love your manifesto! I was going to participate this week but got a little overwhelmed by the topic and the enormity of it. You did a great job though AND it looks pretty! I think my favorite one is “find someone who will never stop choosing you.” Maybe I’ll work on writing one tonight! :)
Tricia @ A Couple of Dashes recently posted…Diagnosis: Needs to run.
Aww, thank you! :D It definitely took some time, but I really liked this theme! :] It was a lot of fun making it.
I saw that quote somewhere and definitely went, “Awww…” I want that in my life someday with someone awesome! <3
I love this! How did you create the awesome graphic? I wanted to do this, but got caught up in being sore/recapping the Spartan race and forgot all about it!
Montana Ross recently posted…Race Recap: Spartan Race Special Ops Tampa Sprint
I’ve defected from PicMonkey to Canva because my laptop is on strike on letting me use anything that involves Adobe or Flash! :O I just opened up a new “project” and threw in a billion quotes in different fonts and lined em’ up! :]
Hope recovery is going well–it looked like so much fun! :] I loved reading your recap on it! (It’s never too late to make one either! ;P )
Love yours! I had to pin it. :) Live life with no regrets… couldn’t agree more!
Bri @ Simple Delights recently posted…Bri’s Life Manifesto
Thank you! It’s my life’s main mantra! :D
Wise, wise words Farrah! What a powerful and intentional way to live. Thanks so much! And, that whole manifesto of yours is amazing. If I were you, I might just start reading that every morning before you do much of anything else. What a great way to charge up! Sorry about the gloom and doom, hope the ‘storm’ passes! Take care!
Jessica Joy @The Fit Switch recently posted…Write A Manifesto
Thank you! :D I think I really do need to do that–it’d serve as a great reminder and would help me start off each day on the right foot! :] Thanks so much for coming up with such awesome themes with Jill! I love this linkup! <3
On the bright side, it's really challenging me to be optimistic, so I think in the long run, this rotation will be good for me! I'll keep my chin up! :]
Love it! I even pinned it!
Megan recently posted…15 (Fun & Random) Things About Me
Thank you! :D!
Great post!! I love your manifesto! You are entirely up to you really resonates with me. I understand who your current placement would be draining. Remember that you are making a difference it may be small at first ,maybe even unnoticeable, but in the end it the small things that add up to be the big picture. :)
Jenn recently posted…TriHardMama’s Manifesto – #dishthefit Linkup
I love that one too! It reminds me that if I don’t like something about myself, I can always work to improve on it.
Thank you! That’s definitely a good way to look at it! <3 I'll keep on chuggin' along! Talking with the patients is my favorite part of the day. :]
I really like this post. I don’t really have a manifesto but I try to live by not worrying what others think… so I guess my new manifesto is “Don’t worry what other people think!” This is a good one because it applies in so many situations. It makes me feel good not worrying about what others worry themselves with. If I am happy then it’s all good!
Ali recently posted…25 Things About Me
That’s a good one! It’s easy to get bogged down by what others think of you, so remembering that one is definitely important! :]
LOVE you manifesto board! I need to sit and think about mine..I’m sure something like “Let it Be” would be on there though ;)
AJ @ NutriFitMama recently posted…Snowed In and Fried Tofu for Meat Lovers
Aww, thanks so much! :D If you do end up making one, I’d love to see it! :D
(P.S. I definitely burst into song when I saw “Let It Be.” :P )
Regrets are kind of like crying over spilled milk :). Love it!
Lori Musselman recently posted…The MusselFIT Manifesto
Agreed! There’s no point in worrying about things you can’t change anymore!
Loved reading your manifesto! I have a few quotes that I really like, but don’t know of one that really speaks to me as my manifesto. I’ll have to get to thinkin’ ;)
Jess @hellotofit recently posted…Link Love #5 and Cooking With Poo
Thank you! If you do end up making one, lemme know! I’d love to read it! :D!
Yours came out great!! I love a lot of your quotes. Live life with no regrets! Perfect! I really loved doing this.
Melanie recently posted…Putting it All Out There
Thank you! This one was definitely a lot of fun! :D
You are one inspiring human being, you know that?? I love love all of these! I’d definitely like to set aside some time to come up with creating my own manifesto :)
Ariana recently posted…Time to Get Re-Connected With Your Goals!
Aww, thanks so much, Ariana! <3! I'd love to see yours when you finish! :D!
You knocked this topic out of the park! You clearly put thought into your manifesto and the final product reflects the authentic you and inspires in so many ways. #fitfamlove to you friend
jill conyers recently posted…5 Life Quotes That Will Inspire You To Live Your Dreams
I tried! :]! Honestly, I was kinda intimidated by the theme at first, but I’m glad I went with it, because it was a lot of fun to make! Much #fitfamlove to you as well! <3
What a fun thing to do. In college I made a mission statement for my life, that was pretty cool and has not changed much since I created it. It is like a manifesto that I can recite in one sentence, which it what I had to do at one of the internships I did while in school.
Living with no regrets is a great goal to go after, it helps you value where you are and get the most out of it.
Felecia Efriann recently posted…Book Review // Sketch
That’s awesome! It’s always cool to know that you’re on track and consistent with your goals/the way you live your life!
I love that one as the blanket manifesto for how I live my life! I feel like it encompasses all aspects of it! :]
You have inspired me to write a Manifesto, I loved reading yours.
Mary recently posted…Challenge Monday