Welcome to Foodie Friday! I’m linking up with Annmarie from the Fit Foodie Mama, Esther from Chocolate Runner Girl + Jess from Hello To Fit to create awesome healthy recipes each week! March is apparently Caffeine Awareness Month, so this week’s theme = Energizing!
Fruit tends to be a great pick-me-up for me at almost any time of day, so what better recipe to make than this white balsamic chicken with fruit salsa!? (Your choice of strawberry-kiwi or mango-avocado! <3)
White Balsamic Chicken with Fruit Salsa
White Balsamic Chicken with Fruit Salsa
- 4 chicken thighs
- ~1/4 cup white balsamic vinegar
- ~1/4 cup extra virgin olive oil
- 2-3 tbsp soy sauce
- sprigs of mint diced
- 1-2 tbsp mirin
- 1-2 tbsp sake
- freshly ground black pepper to taste
- sprinkle of sea salt
- Whisk the oil, soy sauce, mirin, sake, spices + herbs together until well combined.
- Place chicken thighs into a shallow dish (or a gallon-size ziploc bag) and pour in marinade. Let it marinate for at least an hour.
- Turn heat medium-high and add chicken thighs. Let cook until the middle is no longer pink. Cut chicken into bite-sized pieces.
- Strawberry Kiwi Salsa: strawberries, mint, kiwi, white balsamic vinegar, extra virgin olive oil, pepper
- Mango Avocado Salsa: mango, avocados, cilantro, pepper, red onion (recommended), lime juice, olive oil, salt, pepper
I don’t really have a full-on recipe for you as far as the salsa goes, because it was very much a “let’s dice up fruit and throw in a splash of white balsamic vinegar and EVOO” sort of recipe. The ingredients listed are to taste, so feel free to experiment with it!
If you’re short on time, you can technically just use canned shredded chicken and throw in the salsa(s) to make a super tasty salad!
End-of-Week-ish Recap!
- Have you ever had hemp heart bars? Surgery hours are a little cray-cray, so I use em’ to keep myself awake through the day! :P
- What’s the weirdest, most unique, and/or most difficult thing you’ve ever been asked on an interview? These are some of the questions I came across on mine!
- What are some of the things that you do every day to better your health? Enter my giveaway for SmartyPants Vitamins! :D
- Are you a huge fan of Asian cuisine? Check out my review of Lucky Rice! :]
If you missed our other posts from our lovely indoor food adventure, check em’ out here!
Here’s a little preview of another recipe that will be coming up eventually!
- What’s your favorite fruit?
- Favorite chicken marinade? :O

Check out other Foodie Friday recipes/themes!

Interested in getting to know more about any of your super-awesome co-hosts? :]
- Farrah | blog | facebook | instagram | pinterest | twitter | bloglovin’
- Annmarie | blog | facebook | instagram | pinterest | twitter | bloglovin’
- Esther | blog | facebook | instagram | pinterest | twitter | bloglovin’
- Jess | blog | facebook | instagram | pinterest | twitter | bloglovin‘
Join us next week for Heirloom Recipes!
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Confession: I’ve never bought white balsamic vinegar before. I don’t think I’ve ever seen it in the grocery store. Now I need to go search for it. Maybe I just didn’t see it because I didn’t need it? The chicken and fruit salsa combo sounds delish. Makes me think of summer grilling season. Mmmmm!
Angela @ happy fit mama recently posted…High Five Friday
I had it in a salad dressing once and fell in love! (I’m gonna need to attempt to recreate it at some point. It can be hard to find sometimes, but I got my bottle at Trader Joe’s, if you have one near you!
Oh, summer…I miss that so much! :P
Okay, this looks amazing. I love white balsamic but have never cooked with it like this! Love it!
Annmarie recently posted…5 Foods That Fight Fatigue
I want a giant bowl of it right now, hahaha. :o I love white balsamic vinegar–I need to find more delicious uses for it! :]
I love balsamic flavored anything. This recipe looks great, and those salsas sound amazing!
Oh, me too! <3 Thank you, and I hope you have an awesome weekend! :]
White balsamic is awesome! I love an vinegar!
Rebecca @ Strength and Sunshine recently posted…Friday Finisher 3/4/16
Me too! <3 Tis my favorite!
Oooh, I love fruit salsa . . .this looks wonderful
jennifer recently posted…Buh-Bye Bloat! Dandelion Greens Detox Smoothie
Thanks, Jennifer! I love fruit salsa too! Definitely going to have to try making a lot of other types! :P
YES TO ALL. Love me some fruit salsa, and definitely think that white balsamic is underutilized (tragic)
Susie @ SuzLyfe recently posted…Healthy Lifestyle Changes and SmartyPants Vitamins Giveaway!
I know, right?! But at least…more for us!? haha :D
ooh mango avocado salsa yummy yum!
Deborah @ Confessions of a mother runner recently posted…Learn, Run & Shop + Shoe Giveaway
Yes indeed! :D!
The fruit salsa looks amazing! So delicious. Love all your new recipes :-)
Julie @ Running in a Skirt recently posted…Travel Dreams for 2016 & How I Plan My Adventures
Thanks, Julie! :D Hopefully there’ll be a lot more to come shortly! :P
I didn’t even know white balsamic was a thing! Now that I know I will be needing to get it and try this recipe and see what else I can cook up. That fruit salad looks divine.
Mayra Murillo recently posted…HOW I AFFORD TO BUY SO MANY BOOKS
Yay! I hope you like it! :D
This is gorgeous Farrah! So many delicious flavours in this recipe! I really love the sound of the fruit salsa, I’ve never tried that before. Yum yum yum!
Harriet Emily recently posted…nachos
Thanks so much, Harriet! :D I’m gonna need to experiment with making more types of fruit salsa! *-*
This looks like a delicious combination! Hope you have a wonderful weekend!
Shannon recently posted…Casual Friday
Thanks so much, Shannon! :D I hope you have an awesome weekend as well! <3
I’ve never tried white balsamic, but I should now because this looks good! I
Laura @ This Runner’s Recipes recently posted…How to Make Homemade Bread: Tips & Recipes
I think this may be the first time I ever tried making anything with it, but…I’m definitely going to need to experiment more! :P
I’ve never tried white balsamic, but I should now because this looks good!
Laura @ This Runner’s Recipes recently posted…How to Make Homemade Bread: Tips & Recipes
Sorry – I don’t know how it posted twice!
Laura @ This Runner’s Recipes recently posted…How to Make Homemade Bread: Tips & Recipes
No worries! Thanks for commenting! <3
I would have to eat this for lunch today! Looks delicious!
Ilona @ Ilona’s Passion recently posted…3 Ingredient Green Tea Matcha Smoothie
Thanks so much, Ilona! <3!
Oh, wow! This sounds so yummy! I think even my fruit-and-veggied-averse boyfriend would like this.
Yay! I hope he does! :P (He doesn’t like fruits or veggies of any type!?!? :O!)
Oooh, the fruit salsa looks delicious! The chicken looks good, too, but I’m a vegetarian. ;) It’ll be a perfect meal to make for the rest of the family, though!
hehehe, you can just take all the fruit salsa from them and they can enjoy the chicken! ;D
Wow…this all looks amazing!!! I don’t think I’ve ever had white balsamic! I will be looking for it! So healthy and delicious!
Artney @ My Pretty Brown Fit recently posted…I am an ENELL Ambassador! + Mood: Biscay
Thanks, Artney! I think less people know about it, so it isn’t used as often, but ah, it’s so good! <3
I love the combination of chicken with colorful, fresh fruit- it makes me feel like it’s summertime! In terms of interview questions, I used to hate the standard :What is your biggest weakness?” I still haven’t figured out a great answer to that question that would impress an interviewer, lol!
Sonali- The Foodie Physician recently posted…Dining with the Doc: Spaghetti with Tuna
Oh, if only it were summer, haha. *-* But yay for colorful foods!
I’m not a fan of that one too. I usually tell them about how I often try to do too much, but have learned to prioritize and all that goodness. I feel like I’m not that good with the “how would my friends describe me?” one either, mostly because they usually tell me I’m superhuman and I don’t know how to translate that over to interview-speak (even though I know the basis of that question is just, “what are your strengths?”). Sigh!
This sounds fabulous! I love chicken thighs, such good flavor And with balsalmic and fruit I bet it would be fantastic. Thanks for sharing this idea!
Kelli recently posted…Coping with Injury
Anytime! :D Thanks for stopping by, and I hope you have an awesome weekend!
Yummy looking for real!
I have not made fruit salsa for a while, and now I am craving it!
Thanks for sharing your yummy recipe :)
Thanks, Esther! :P I hope you like it! I love fruit salsa! :D
Simply delicious! I bet this is just amazing!! If I can ever get myself to eat chicken again (totally a texture or something issue now that I’m not vegan but I just can’t seem to do it) I will be making this! Otherwise definitely on my list to make for summer grill outs with friends!
Sarah recently posted…Blueberry Kale Freekeh Salad
hehe, thank you! If not, summer grill outs do sound amazing! I can’t wait for summer weather! <3
Mmm I love a good marinade/sauce for chicken, this looks fantastic!! My dad used to marinate chicken drumsticks in orange juice and soy sauce for us when we were growing up.
Jess @hellotofit recently posted…Chocolate Protein Oat Bars {Guest Post}
Ahh, that sounds delicious! I’m gonna have to try that too! :D!
I am stealing yet ANOTHER recipe to try! You seriously post some of the greatest recipes – are you sure you are not missing out on your calling and that being a doctor is REALLY what you want? :P
Alex recently posted…Attack of the Jellyfish
Yay! I hope you like it! :D There’s been talk that my med school is actually a culinary school in disguise–everyone cooks! *-*