Hi everyone! I’m linking up with Coco @ Got 2 Run 4 Me, Lynda @ Fitness Mom Wine Country, & Deborah @ Confessions of a Mother Runner for the monthly Ultimate Coffee Date! Pull up a chair/bean bag/whatever you like to sit on and come link and/or catch up with us! :]
If we were having coffee/tea this morning…I’d tell you that the fact that it’s September is slightly terrifying to me.
When we left off last, I had just taken one part of the second set of my boards licensing exam the day before, and was suffering from post-boards depression (aka where you feel like you failed miserably and will never get anywhere in life).
I’m super super happy to report that I have good news to share (if you follow me on instagram, you may already know this)!
My score wasn’t very close to what I’d hoped for…but what matters is that I passed, and I also improved from last year’s, so I’m counting my blessings! Now I can apply to programs in peace!
If we were having coffee/tea this morning…I’d tell you that I finally made a Facebook page!
It’d be super awesome if you’d give my page a like! :D I’ll mainly be sharing my blog posts, snippets of my life, giveaways, and some of my favorite bloggers’ awesome posts on it! :]
If we were having coffee/tea this morning…I’d tell you that before I embarked on my nomadic journey across the country (I’m currently back in West Virginia and in the middle of my Orthopedic Surgery rotation), I was kinda bummed about having to say goodbye to all the friends I’d made and to have to start off anew every couple weeks.
Packing up and moving to a different part of the country every 2 weeks can be exciting and fun, but it’s also exhausting, and can also get a little lonely. (My friend got very well-acquainted with Netflix on his rotation because there were no other students there, and he didn’t want to bother/intrude on the residents.)
At my last rotation, I befriended a couple of the other med students who were rotating there, and it made life there extra awesome–we’d go out for Taco Tuesdays, explore (e.g. hiking through Ricketts Glen!), work out, and give each other advice and pep talks as needed.

When I was working late at one of the games and couldn’t go get ice cream with them, they left me a surprise in the freezer! <3
I stayed the rest of the weekend to finish off my Sports Medicine rotation, and it was super sad having to say goodbye to them on Friday. :[ It’d be all sorts of awesome if we ended up in the same intern class together! :]
If we were having coffee/tea this morning…I’d tell you I “ran” for the first time in about 5 years. (It was more like powerwalking interspersed with bursts of jogging/running.)
My car needed an oil change, and I waited til the weekend so I wouldn’t have to miss any part of my rotation. My friends had moved on to their next rotations elsewhere in PA and I didn’t want to bother any of the residents, so…bright and early last Saturday morning, I took my car over and walk-jogged back to the hospital. I covered 3.12 miles in 35 minutes and did not die, so that was pretty impressive to me.
Then I covered another 3-ish miles to the stadium to catch the rest of the games… (I wasn’t signed up to work for them, but it was my sports med rotation!)
And it apparently took another 5.6 miles to get back to the car place.

I found Bruster’s about 0.25 miles away from the car place, so I treated myself to a coconut pineapple sorbet before trekking on. I like to think it was well-deserved!
I used to walk/bike everywhere, but since getting a car in med school and encountering the lack of sidewalks in WV, this happens a lot less now. This was good for me, even if I felt like melting! At least I definitely got my vitamin D in for the day!
- Share something that’s been going on in your life!
- What’s something you’re looking forward to?
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congrats on passing the exam and I sounds like you are doing well! So busy and full of activities! That is great! I like the new facebook page! Enjoy the long weekend!
Mary Beth Jackson recently posted…September Coffee date!
Thanks so much! Things have definitely been looking up, so I’m super glad about that! :]
I hope you’re having an awesome weekend too! <3
I bet all that packing and moving forces you to not amass a lot of stuff too. I’m not surprised that you’ve made friends on all of your rotations. :-)
Coco recently posted…Labor Day Weekend Coffee Date Link Up
haha, basically! I’m trying hard to learn to live like a total minimalist! :P
:]! It definitely makes me feel a little less alone!
Congrats on passing… September scares me too– one month closer to WINTER but I love the fall!!!
Laura@Fit Running Mama recently posted…Coffee Date: September #UltimateCoffeeDate
Thanks so much! I’m definitely not looking forward to winter either, but I think fall’s my second-favorite season, so…still okay for now! :P
Congrats that’s so awesome! You work really hard and I had no doubt you would crush those exams. already hit up your FB page. Thanks for linking up for coffee have a great rest of your weekend.
Deborah @ Confessions of a Mother Runner recently posted…Ultimate Coffee Date-September
Thanks so much! I hope you have an awesome weekend as well!
Congrats!!!!! That is so exciting!
I would really struggle with what you are doing too. It would be so hard to move around so much… but you can do anything for a short while! You are really making the best out of the situation!
Julie @ Running in a Skirt recently posted…Fashion Friday- Yellow & White Shirt
Thanks so much, Julie! :] I figure treating it as an adventure/chance to travel + explore the country = the best way to go! :P
Congratulations!! It would be hard to be always on the move like that….I feel for ya. When does that end for you or is that typical for awhile? That ice cream looks so good!
Kate @KateMovingForward recently posted…Chatting Over Coffee
Thanks so much, Kate! :] This whole moving-all-over-the-place thing should end by May 28 (my graduation date! <3)! :D
Congratulations on passing your exams! It’s hard to study and go through your rotations but you are doing so well!!! I just liked your FB page BTW!
Dana recently posted…Labor Day Sales
Thanks so much! :D I’m glad things have been mostly going smoothly thus far! Fingers crossed that this continues! :P
Thanks for liking my page! I just found + liked yours too! <3
Haha I love your comment “I didn’t die.” I used to feel that way about running, now I love it. I know it’s not your thing- but then again you are an awesome power lifter and I don’t think I could do that! ;-)
Congrats on passing your boards!! That’s super exciting and I never doubted you! You’re smart and awesome so I knew you’d pass. You’ll also make a great doctor anywhere you go!
I agree it would be exhausting to move every two weeks. I don’t even know if I’d unpack in that situation. (That’s totally a lie I would unpack because I’m OCD).
Montana @ Pretty Lil Mudder recently posted…Ultimate Coffee Date: September
Twas my accomplishment for the day! ;P I keep wanting to like running, haha. It’d be a great option to pick up right now since I’m moving all over the place and don’t often have access to a gym. :O
Thank you so much! <3 I've been leaving things mostly-packed and just taking out the stuff I definitely need to minimize moving efforts, hahaha.
Congratulations on passing…now to celebrate!
Alyssa @ renaissancerunnergirl recently posted…First Day at Disneyland
Thanks so much! :D! I’m so glad that part’s over!
Congrats on passing your exams!! That must be a huge relief!
Janelle @ Run With No Regrets recently posted…Ultimate Coffee Date – September 2015
Thanks s much! :D It definitely is!
Congratulations!!! Also you look stunning in that ice cream photo!
Jill recently posted…A Few Things Friday
Aww, thanks so much, Jill! That was the aftermath of >10 miles of walking/jogging/running in the heat, so that is especially flattering! :P
Congratulations on passing!!! So exciting. Happy to have coffee with you today.
Carrie@familyfitnessfood.com recently posted…September Ultimate Coffee Date
Thank you so much! :D!
Congrats!!! That’s awesome. Sounds like you had a good week. I’m off to like your Facebook page. :)
Lisa Sharp recently posted…6 Ways to Stop Hating Mornings
Thanks so much! :D It’s definitely been a good one!
AH FARRAH I AM SO SO SO SO PROUD OF YOU – you’re a kick ass girl, I could never COUCH surf life and still be a fully functioning, hard working, doctoring adult! I admire your spirit and attitude about all of this – I need some Farrah qualities :)
Amber recently posted…Blogger AND Teacher
Aww, thanks so much, Amber! :D You are awesome, and I feel like you have those qualities already! I feel like I’m not always fully functioning, but I try to make up for that with a strong work ethic!? heh heh heh…
P.S. CONGRATS! <3!!!
CONGRATULATIONS!!!! Idk if I could pack up and move every 2 weeks unless I was on vacation and didn’t have set plans and had all the money in the world haha. Going to check out your FB page now!
Nicole @ Fitful Focus recently posted…The Ultimate Coffee Date: September
Thank you! :D!!!
If I had all the money in the world, I would forserious be on a cross-country food tour, hahaha. <3
So happy that you passed!!! Taco Tuesdays sound so amazing.
Jess @hellotofit recently posted…Link Love #32 and the last bit of summer
Thank you! :D! I’m overjoyed as well!! And ah, Taco Tuesdays was a fun tradition! :P