Hi everyone! :] I’m linking up with Coco @ Got 2 Run 4 Me, Lynda @ Fitness Mom Wine Country, & Deborah @ Confessions of a Mother Runner! for November’s Ultimate Coffee Date! Pull up a chair/bean bag/whatever you like to sit on and come link and/or catch up with us! :]
If we were having coffee/tea this morning…I’d tell you that…a couple weeks ago, I went back to New Brunswick to visit one of my grad school friends (she was one of my housemates!) and to crash there before I had to head to Philadelphia to take my lovely boards licensing exam (part 2B, basically).
Hindsight is a terrible thing and there are a billion things I wish I’d also done/mentioned/discussed, but let’s not dwell on it and just keep our limbs crossed that the graders are kind, benevolent, and above all, lenient souls who don’t expect perfection, shall we? (I don’t get my score back until about 2 months from now. ._.)
I’m instead going to take you on a tour of New Brunswick, minus the part I spent studying, because I wasn’t about to take pictures of me having imaginary conversations with myself! (There’s only so long you can do that for before you start to feel like you may in fact be going insane.)
I had no car in grad school, so walking and public transportation was where it was at! It felt so weird driving that I just found a place to park near my old house, and walked all over town instead, just like old times!

It hasn’t changed much from when I first moved in!
I have lots of good memories associated with it because of the friends I made in grad school, but I didn’t realize how much I missed being there until I was back! (I haven’t been back here since I graduated back in 2012!)
I’ll actually going to be going back again to interview in early December! :]! The program emailed me to [basically] tell me they were impressed by my application but mystified as to why the hecks I was applying, because given my home address (CA) and school (WV), it just seemed all sorts of random. At the time, they’d received >900 applications and only had room to interview ~60 people for their 5 spots, and wanted to make sure I wasn’t just applying at random, so I told them my spiel, and they made it happen! <3

Olde Queens is where we used to get many a free meal! (Review here!)
I hadn’t had Korean food in basically forever, so I walked to KBG Korean BBQ & Grill (see my review here!), which is kinda like the Korean version of Chipotle. …In other words, it’s a magical place.

I created my own bowl with red cabbage, brown rice, bulgogi, daikon carrots, fish cakes, bean sprouts, and KBG sauce!
Next up was dessert! I went to one of our old favorite haunts–Sanctuary (see my review here!)–for ice cream! It houses a comic book store upstairs, which I was going to check out, but they were having a Magic tournament, so I decided not to disturb em’.

Stay classy, New Brunswick! :P

My friend lived atop this nondescript but super delicious Thai restaurant! :O We met up in Delaware a couple months ago! <3

All of the above!!!
On Saturday night, I decided to treat myself to a sushi buffet because I’d been dreaming about it for over a year.

I entered an eating contest back in the day too! But it was in teams. We came in 5th out of 13 teams, so not too shabby?
- Have you ever been in an eating contest?
- Have you ever been kicked out of a restaurant? I’m really glad that that didn’t happen, har har.
- Do you think I’ll die of mercury poisoning?
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LOL! looks like a great visit! No I have never been in an eating contest- that just sounds horrible to me :) That is a lot of suishi in one sitting you may be a contender! Enjoy your weekend!
Mary Beth Jackson recently posted…November Coffee Date with friends!
It was a ton of fun! I was a bit uncomfortably full after eating all that sushi, but it definitely gave me my sushi fix!
I hope you have an awesome weekend as well!
Hi Farrah!
I’m also in medical school- 1 year behind you! Congrats on being done with Step 2!! I always feel like getting one of those beasts out of the way is a huge accomplishment. What are you applying for? I’m excited to find another fitness-loving medical student blogger!
Tori recently posted…Honeymoon Part IV: Istanbul
Yayy! That’s so awesome! I’m always super happy to find other medical students in the blogging world! <3 So nice to "meet" you! I'm going for family medicine, and in the middle of interviews at the moment! :D!
You’re making me crave sushi! A sushi buffet sounds pretty darn awesome. I don’t eat sushi as often anymore because Wade is not a fan. Booo. And a Korean version of Chipotle sounds fantastic! I’m so happy your interviewing is going well and your schedule is finally working out and getting all adjusted for the last bit of your med school! Yay!
:O!!! I remember reading that on your blog and being appalled–if I ever get to come visit you, we can go out for sushi! <3
Thanks so much! I have high hopes for it! :]
What an exciting time in your life!! I know you will crush those exams and it sounds like you are in your way to getting the placement that you would like. So “greys anatomy ” lol. My husband loves those food challenges too. Thanks for joining us for coffee today always love to hear what you are up to!
Deborah @ Confessions of a mother runner recently posted…Ultimate Coffee Date-November
Thanks so much! :] I hope I do!
Food challenges are definitely a lot of fun when they involve food that you really like! :P
Hah! No eating contests for me! I think it’s the law in NJ that they have to pump your gas- so odd. I’m sure you did great on your Boards. It would be nice to get credit for all the things you think of as you walk out of the test!
Thanks for joining us for coffee!
Coco recently posted…November Ultimate Coffee Date Link Up
I felt so spoiled, haha. :P
Thank you! I really hope so (and I completely agree–that would’ve been so nice!)
New Brunswick? You mean you were in Canada?!
And oh my gosh I feel like so many people are copying chipotle. There’s a canadian version called zteca. I’d love to see the Korean one myself and try it out.
Linda @ The Fitty recently posted…Food Photo Dump + An Update!
Nope! :[ New Brunswick, NJ! The U.S. likes to be super confusing, unfortunately.
I kinda don’t blame them–I heart Chipotle, and this version of it was magical as well!
Awww. It’s always nice to visit places you were found of. Especially when you are in a stressful situation. Fingers crossed you knocked the graders socks off. And an eating competition?? That’s hysterical! What a story.
Lara @ Uptite Mamas recently posted…Ultimate Coffee Date-November
Agreed! :D
Thank you, and I really hope I passed as well. The food was a great destressor! :P
Um… Olde Queens!? How did I not know you did grad school at Rutgers!? I am an RU alum for undergrad and Masters! I know New Brunswick looks different these days, but… please tell me that Thomas Sweet is still there! How funny. Yay for NJ!
Erica @ Erica Finds recently posted…Grab a Cup for the November Ultimate Coffee Date
:O!! I never knew that! That’s awesome! <3! Thomas Sweet was indeed still there! I passed by it on my walking tour! :D!
Looks like a fun trip! Hope all goes well with your boards – though I’m sure you crushed it!
Michelle @ Running with Attitude recently posted…November’s Ultimate Coffee Date
Thanks so much! <3 I really hope so!
I’ve never been in an eating contest but I’ve watched a few happen in restaurants and it’s crazy. One here is having a pizza eating one soon, but I like pizza and if I tried that, I’d never want it again. That Koren food looks really good too.
Amy Lauren recently posted…Weekly Rundown: November 2-8
haha, I feel like that’d happen for me too if I were to do a pizza eating contest. I’d love to find a sushi eating contest somewhere out there though! :P
I can only eat very small portions at a time. I’d fail miserably at an eating content. :P
I’m so glad for your interview, Farrah! I wish you tons of success already for December.
Debbie recently posted…Everything You Need to Know About Guest Blogging: Promotion
hehehe, I feel like I have a reserve stomach for foods that I reallyreally like! :P
Thanks so much! <3
just stopping by to say hI <3 I AM ALIVE and miss you and your med school musings, I have a twitter for teaching so I dont' always get updates, will be visiting more now, SO PROUD OF YOU FOR AN INTERVIEW, and no food contests for me, I eat enough on my own :)
Amber recently posted…Isolator Fitness – Colored Meal Prep Containers Review
Yay! It’s great to hear from you! <3 how has everything been?
So nice to hear from you! <3! I've missed your posts!
It looks like you had a great visit! That food looks amazing and I would love to photograph buildings there, it looks so quaint!
Amy @ Running on Faith and Coffee recently posted…Mid-Week Bites
It looks like you had a great visit! I have never been in an eating contest. I am sure you will do great on your boards but good luck anyway