Hi everyone! What’s been going in your life? Pull up a chair and come catch up on life with me for the Ultimate Coffee Date!
Ultimate Coffee Date: May 2017

I recently converted my long-dormant workout journal that I started back in 2009 (and haven’t written in since 2013) into a bullet journal! I govern my life with to-do lists so this is like lists on steroids! It’s not great for my perfectionistic tendencies, but I’m working on it!
If we were having coffee/tea today, I’d tell you that…I had an absolutely amazing time with my friends in England and Scotland and it was pretty difficult to come back…but I did, and that’s what counts, right?! Expect lots of upcoming Travel Tuesday posts once I manage to catch up on life and get my photos uploaded and all that goodness! In the meantime, you can peruse my instagram for some of the photos I took while I was over there!
I came back from an 11-hour flight and 1-hour train ride to quickly practice the routine with my dance partner so that we could perform the next evening (cuttin’ it close there, huh?
I’ve officially “graduated” to the intermediate class for next semester!!! :]
If we were having coffee/tea today, I’d tell you that…I’ve actually been feeling kinda melancholy lately.
My schedule is infinitely better than it was earlier this year (I only worked 50 hours last week–what what!?!). I love the rotation I’m on and I actually have some free time(?!)…but it’s also made me very aware that I don’t know very many people here. (I guess this was to be expected when I chose a residency >3000 miles from home–tis a good thing I adore this program. ;P ) Med school got me very used to introverting, so I have plenty to do, but having company every here and there would be nice!

I think the Muffin missed me though!
You come across all kinds of people in life–some change it for the better…others, not so much. Some become amazing friends and stick with you through thick and thin–others leave without a backwards glance. Some you think you’ll spend the rest of your life with, others you’re glad to be free from (I prefer to think of those as learning experiences.
There are people you meet where right away, you develop a connection with, and you know without a doubt that they’re going to leave an imprint on your life. If you follow my facebook page, I mentioned that one of my patients from back when I was a 3rd-year medical student called me the other day.
She thanked me for spending time with her while she was in the hospital and to let me know that it’d really meant a lot to her–that it’d touched her heart and restored her faith in humanity and that she just wanted to make sure I knew this. I don’t want to say any more other than to ask for prayers and positive/healing thoughts for her. Cherish the people you love and spend time with them while you have the chance to. Go after the things you’ve always dreamed of.
See past ultimate coffee dates here!
(Link-up with Coco @ Got 2 Run 4 Me & Deborah @ Confessions of a Mother Runner!)
- What’s been going on in your life?
- Have you ever tried bullet journaling? I’m trying to find a good format for my workout schedule pages!
- Do you ever meet people in your life where you somehow just know they’re going to make a big impact in your life?
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I must have missed that you visited Scotland! Can’t wait to see all the photos and hear all about it. It’s on my list for sure
Deborah @ Confessions of a mother runner recently posted…May Ultimate Coffee Date
I was there for a couple days earlier last month! :] I’ll hopefully start writing up those posts soon! :P
Farrah recently posted…Ultimate Coffee Date: May 2017
I just don’t know how you squeeze it all in with your busy residency! But you are almost done with your first year! Hooray! It’s been fun being on the journey with you.
Wendy@Taking the Long Way Home recently posted…Got Runger? 5 Easy and Quick Ways to Eat a Quest Nutrition Bar
hehehe, it was definitely a struggle earlier on this year but it’s getting better! :] Thanks for following along with me! <3
Farrah recently posted…Ultimate Coffee Date: May 2017
I can’t wait to hear all about your travels <3 At least you had a little reprieve and break! I just have to make it through Monday and I'm done for the summer :O I'll come visit you <3
Rebecca @ Strength and Sunshine recently posted…Friday Finisher 5/5/17
Oh, that break was definitely much welcomed + needed! I feel like a whole new person! :P
Can’t wait! <3 Sending you good thoughts for tomorrow!!
Farrah recently posted…Ultimate Coffee Date: May 2017
I’ve really enjoyed your travel pics on IG! We used to live in England and visiting Scotland for long weekends was one of our favorite things to do. We met people there who have become life long friends. I never tried bullet journalling but I’ve seen it everywhere lately.
That’s so awesome! People there were so friendly–I’d love to go back again someday!
I love making lists and always have a billion to-do lists going so I’ve been liking it a lot! :]!
Farrah recently posted…Ultimate Coffee Date: May 2017
You trip was just the stuff of jealousy and envy (for me) I am so glad that you had such an epic time.
Re friends in residency: yes, it hard to find people out side the hospital, but I know you–you will extrovert when you are ready!
Susie @ Suzlyfe recently posted…Friday Catch Up (Cinco de Mayo Memories + Bum Pain)
Sorry! <3! I'm definitely feeling super-recharged from that trip!
haha, now that I finally have a smidgen of free time, I'm definitely working on it! :P
Farrah recently posted…Ultimate Coffee Date: May 2017
I loved reading about your experience in med school. I’ll be going to grad school in July and its 900 miles away from where my parents live. I don’t know a single person in Minnesota so it’ll be a new adventure!
Casey the College Celiac recently posted…Why Living With a Chronic Disease Shouldn’t Be a “Battle”
I think moving out to a place where you don’t know anyone definitely forces you out of your comfort zone a bit–helps with building character and it really made me get out there and do more than I think I would’ve if I’d stuck with something familiar! Best of luck to you in Minnesota! <3
Farrah recently posted…Ultimate Coffee Date: May 2017
Ohhh, I need to check out your instagram then ….because the hubs and I are headed to England next summer! Can’t wait to see them. I’ll come back on Tuesdays to read some of your posts regarding your travels too.
How cool that you are in a dance group like that. The hubs and I took a few dance classes one year for our anniversary and had an absolute blast …unfortunately, it seems to be one of those things that if you don’t use it, you lose it. I can’t remember any of the steps now. Boo!
Good luck with residency…. I used to be married to a physician and I remember how long those rotations could get for him. Sounds like you are in this field for the right reasons …you will be a blessing to many!
Oooo, I hope you and your husband have a ton of fun in England! :D There’s so much to explore!
It’s one of the few fun things I got to do during my 3.5 months of inpatient nightmares, so I definitely looked forward to it! Definitely agree with you that it’s kinda hard to remember things if you don’t keep practicing though! x_x
Thanks so much! It’s definitely a lot of hours, but I like to tell myself it’ll be worth it!
I totally agree with you – some people you just click with and you know that you have a special bond. Prayers for your patient/friend!
I haven’t tried bullet journaling but I do have the Passion Planner…I’ve slacked on it the last few weeks, but when I’m using it, it really helps me get things done!
Janelle @ Run With No Regrets recently posted…Ultimate Coffee Date – May 2017
Thank you so much, Janelle! <3
I've heard great things about the Passion Planner!
Farrah recently posted…Ultimate Coffee Date: May 2017
I’m so glad you enjoyed your trip – I would love to visit Scotland!
It’s amazing to think that you are almost done with your first year of residency!
Michelle @ Running with Attitude recently posted…May 2017 Coffee Date
Thanks! It was so beautiful out there!
I still can’t believe it–it went by so fast!!
Farrah recently posted…Ultimate Coffee Date: May 2017
I’ve never tried the bullet journal, but I bet I would like it. I’m a to-do list girl. The satisfaction I get from checking things off my list might be borderline obsessive ?
hahaha, me too! So glad I’m not the only one! ;P
I’m excited to read more about your trip to Europe! I’m hoping to get over there someday. And yes yes yes to your last question about meeting someone who you know will make a big impact on your life. Sometimes it’s like my gut is just telling me that it’s very important that this person fell into my life. I might not know why right away but it’ll work itself out.
I really need to get to writing soon (maybe this weekend, I’ll start!? The 19 pending posts feel really daunting, hahaha :P ).
Agreed! I’m glad our guts work well in that regard! :P
Farrah recently posted…Ultimate Coffee Date: May 2017
Such a beautiful post. Lots of important questions and reminders!
I love that this patient took the time and effort to call you and talk to you. Even if others feel grateful, too, you’ll never know because they’re not telling you. And I think medical personnel needs to get this feedback so badly. With the crazy hours you work, this is probably the most rewarding thing.
50 hours feel like “less” now, huh? Good for you. ?
I wish i could be that friend to get coffee with in your new city. ☕️ Feel free to message me for a chat. Just mind that I am 6 or 7 hours ahead of you.
I read a post about bullet journalling, and it sounded complicated. Create a monthly calendar, a weekly calendar, daily a to-do list, a list for this, a list for that, priorities, check, blablabla – who has time for this? Are you doing it?
I like to stick to simple apps I already have. Calendar, Evernotes. One of the most valuable these days is “reminders” on the iPhone. You link tasks to locations, and it’ll remind you to purchase cashew butter when you approach the health store! So convenient!
Tamara recently posted…May Secret Subject Swap – Cookies’ Destiny
It definitely made my day to hear from her! Positive feedback is always nice, especially when it’s from my patients!! It makes all those hours worth it! :]
haha, I think part of why we’re worked so much is so that when we’re doing less-that’s-still-more-than-the-norm, we end up feeling like it’s not much anymore! :P
Aww, thank you so much! <3 I really appreciate that!! :]
I think it can definitely get super complicated/daunting but I adore making lists and I love how customizable it is, so I'm just picking/choosing what I want to include and going with that. It's been working pretty well so far! I do a little better about remembering the things I need to do when I have it written down, but I do also rely on alarms/reminders on my iPhone calendar!
Farrah recently posted…Ultimate Coffee Date: May 2017
My life has been a whirlwind but I’m excited to check out the Ultimate Coffee Date. I’m actually having coffee right now, so it’s perfect timing. Wow, a 11-hour flight sounds like torture. The longest flight I’ve been on was 14 hours coming from Japan, it was worth it but it was soooooooo long. I’m so happy to hear that your schedule is calming down, you need some free time to enjoy and explore :)
Thanks for stopping by, Mary! :]! Always nice to have you here! :D
Aughhh, the flights to Asia are the worst (length-wise). :[ I do agree that they’re worth it though! …and yes! Having free time to explore/enjoy life has definitely been super nice!
Farrah recently posted…Ultimate Coffee Date: May 2017
I used bullet journaling for several months but it just took too much time for me – because I need all the lines to be straight and all the layouts to match and blah blah etc. ;) I switched to a Passion Planner because the monthly and weekly layouts were similar to how I had set them up in my bullet journal, plus there are a bunch of blank pages in the back for all the random lists that don’t belong in the calendar.
Hannah recently posted…Week in review: so that’s over
hehe, that’s my biggest issue right now–I want everything to be perfect in it, but after the first week, I kinda just decided that it doesn’t matter anymore and that’s made a big difference, haha. My life isn’t perfect, so clearly, my planner won’t be either. I’ve heard great things about the Passion Planner though–that’s good that they include blank pages!
Farrah recently posted…Ultimate Coffee Date: May 2017
Wow, how do it do it all in between your crazy work schedule? Ha, I guess in your line of work that’s something you learn how to do. Love the pics so far from your Scotland trip!
And, I agree about friendships, some are life-long, while others are just for a time in your life. (btw, what a sweet kitty :) )
Shannon @GirlsGotSole recently posted…Ultimate Coffee Date – May 2017
hehehe, I got used to packing 8710297 things into my schedule every day since college, so my life now is just an extension of that! :]
Thanks! There’s hundreds more where they came from (which is probably why I still haven’t started writing about those posts–it’s too daunting!!)! :P
Agreed! And ah, Muffin is super sweet when she’s not randomly chomping on me!
Farrah recently posted…Ultimate Coffee Date: May 2017
Aw, I bet you will have good friends there soon! I will have to watch for your Travel Tuesday posts!
Coco recently posted…Choosing Challenge
I have a couple other pending ones from um, last year, so once I finish posting those up, I’ll hopefully be able to have at least some of the London/Scotland ones written by then! ;P
Farrah recently posted…Ultimate Coffee Date: May 2017
I’m so glad you had a nice time in Europe! I so want to go back. Aw, your cat is adorable – I’m sure they did miss you!
I’ve never done bullet journaling, but I’m so curious! I have a Happy Planner from Michael’s though and I love it.
ShootingStarsMag recently posted…Book Review: Relationship Status by K.A. Mitchell
Thank you! :] It was so hard to leave, hahaha. My cat followed me around for days after I came back–I felt really bad! :[
I was definitely a lot more organized back when I was using a planner, so I’m glad I finally started that up again!
its been cray cray busy on my end and im traveling to Nepal next week!!
Ahhh, I hope you have a ton of fun! Safe travels! <3
I’ve enjoyed the IG pics of your trip, can’t wait to read all about the details. I just started a bullet journal too, I like it a lot better than what I was doing before (which was lists on post it notes – ha)! How sweet to get a call from a former patient.
I’m glad you enjoyed em’! I really need to start writing soon! ;P And I feel ya on the lists–I was doing them on scraps of paper and that…was not going well either, haha.
Been meaning to type this out on Saturday, but you know how life goes.
-So what’s been going on with me? Shucks, I currently have a cold and am burnt out (again) from work. But it’s pretty bad this time, to where I’m finding every excuse to not go in the office. Unfortunately I can’t just do the bare minimum since I have all these responsibilities in a pseudo-supervisory role. Between attending and staffing jobfairs/resource fairs, performing my own job fair, handling my ever expanding caseload of people who want jobs, conducting trainings, and generate reports on all of this. I’m also the resident IT person (even now I’m trying to work around a problem happening at work, heh).
I’ve been trying to make my personal life better, though. I went to Disneyland a couple of weekends back. I wanted to stay there longer, but money was getting thin, haha. I’m currently on a cut in my diet (thanks to Disneyland) and so I have been pretty much staying at home and refraining from spending on eating out. That also changed my gym routine. Been doing a simple Pull/Push/Legs variety that goes on three day stints. So three days of one of each, one day of break, then repeat. It keeps me at focusing on my bare minimums as well as letting me reduce in weight since I am not eating my regular caloric intake.
Been playing with the Playstation VR a lot lately. Tons of fun. my roommates get dizzy after awhile, but I seem to be fine, even after a couple of hours in playing. Job simulator and 100ft Robot golf are currently my favorites. I’ll be getting Resident Evil 7, soon, though. I heard that it’s even scarier in VR.
-I’ll probably try bullet journaling soon, as Samsung gave me a sweet notebook at an event I was at. The problem I see is that my mind is currently everywhere right now, I can’t imagine what it would look like in reality, haha.
-Of course I’ve met and will continue to meet people who alter my life. I’m no one without my family and friends, there’s no question. I have made friends who not only help in pushing me to do better, but even if we don’t see each other for a long time, we pick things right up as if no time has passed when we do hang. I need to get back into PC gaming, since they’re still active on that, but everyone else whom I’ve been hanging with have been apart of my current way of life.
Even you, you know that? Much like what my other friends give me, you allow me to see what your life if like and what steps you’re doing to prosper. Even when you go on trips, it gives me a unique perspective on food and cultures that I wouldn’t have thought about otherwise. So thank you for that. And it’s always good to know people with as much in common as you. And we have quite a bit in common so it’s almost impossible for us to never have a discussion about anything, haha.
Well I’ve rambled on for a bit. I apologize for the length and totally understand if you can’t get to this until later. Anyways, talk to you later.
Sorry to hear that you have a cold! And also about the burnout from work. :/ Are you expected to be responsible for all those different roles/are there people at the office who can help with it so it’s not so overwhelming?
Your Disneyland trip looked like it was a lot of fun! I feel you on the cut in diet thing, haha. I have a competition coming up in less than a month and I haven’t been eating all that wonderfully + haven’t been exercising as regularly as I’d like to either, so that’ll be an interesting adventure (at least the only way to go from there is up, because I’m expecting pretty shitty results >_> ).
The VR thing sounds like fun, although I think I’d likely end up like your roommates after a while, haha. I imagine Resident Evil would get pretty creepy in VR.
I have the same problem with my bullet journaling–I want to document everything since my mind is all over the place 24/7, but I’m trying to scale back and simplify it so it doesn’t get overwhelming since I know if I truly try to put everything down, I’m likely not gonna be able to continue with it for long, haha.
Same here. It’s like that for me + my friends as well (thankfully, because if not for them/my family, whoooo knows where I’d be too!). I’m working on those steps but honestly, I’m feeling a little excited but mostly just terrified about the upcoming year/being a senior resident. (I don’t feel ready. At all. ._. ) Hopefully it’ll be okay and they’re actually right when they keep telling me that I “know more than I think I do,” but I guess we’ll uh, see… I have a billion posts on trips (including our SF trip. still. ;_; I’ve been majorly slacking to the max, hahaha ._.) that I need to start writing up before I forget everything! And yes, definitely agreed–it’s really nice having friends with billions of things in common. :P Looking forward to future food/walking adventures! :D
I’ve never tried bullet journaling because I’m just not very artistic and I know I could never make it look very nice :P
I hope you’re able to find some more events to get out and meet people and that you pull through your melancholy mood soon. I know how tough that can be!
I feel ya! I felt the same way but I’m trying to just go with it–maybe it’ll encourage my creative side to come out again! :P
Thanks, Jen! I’m working on that at the moment (or trying to)! My second week back definitely brought my spirits crashing down after I found out that one of my pet ducks got killed by a predator and two others disappeared in the scuffle. :[ I’m doing a lot better now though. <3 Our last duckie got hurt too but seems to be doing okay right now so we're really hoping he'll pull through!