Hi everyone! What’s been going in your life? Pull up a chair and come catch up on life with me for the Ultimate Coffee Date!
Ultimate Coffee Date: July 2017
If we were having tea today, I’d tell you that…I turned in my application for the sports medicine fellowship track 2 weeks ago, and…I was accepted into the track! :D!!!
I’m super excited to get started on it, but it likely won’t really go underway until September. This is probably just as well, because I’m supposed to be gearing up to study for part 3 of my boards licensing exams. (I know, I know. Do they ever end?!)
(At least you can rest easy knowing the amount of schooling and testing that goes into becoming a doctor, right?!)

I took Muffin for a walk when the weather was nice!
If we were having tea today, I’d tell you that…my intern year (aka first year of residency) has officially ended! The past two weeks have been filled with graduation festivities for our third-year class and I’m really going to miss them (but at least most of them are stickin’ around pretty close by!)!
If we were having tea today, I’d tell you that…having the ability to fall asleep at any time and any place is super useful for night service! Although we’re only on for 5 days a week, it definitely feels like longer since we end up being there for 6 days.
I’ll write more about night service this upcoming week for Medical Mondays, but despite my champion sleeping abilities, I guess it did mess with me after all, at least in terms of not realizing what day it was anymore.
What happened, you ask? I accidentally crashed a company party.
For the record, the food was delicious, but I’d actually been trying to make it over for a recruiting event and didn’t realize that it was still Wednesday since it felt like Thursday (hah). Hooray for getting a free dinner two nights in a row though?!
See past ultimate coffee dates here!
(Link-up with Coco @ Got 2 Run 4 Me & Deborah @ Confessions of a Mother Runner!)
- Do you feel like this year’s going by way too quickly?
- Tell me something that’s been happening in your life lately!
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Oh my gosh the year’s going by SO quickly! Congratulations on the sports med fellowship. That’s so perfect for you!! Also, your residency group looks so lovely :)
Winding Spiral Case recently posted…PGY-4!
Thanks so much! :D I’m really excited about it! Hopefully it’ll lead me to an awesome fellowship somewhere (and if not, I’d be happy just with the experience! :])!
Yay! Congrats on being accepted and congrats and completing first year! xoxo
Rebecca @ Strength and Sunshine recently posted…Friday Finisher 6/30/17
Thanks so much! The year went by so fast!
Farrah recently posted…Thai Coconut Sago Pudding
congrats for surviving your first year of residency and sports medicine woo hoo that will be perfect for you. Thanks for joining us for coffee always great to catch up with you
Deborah @ Confessions of a mother runner recently posted…July Ultimate Coffee Date Beach Edition & Runfessions
Thanks so much! I’m really excited about it! :]
Farrah recently posted…Thai Coconut Sago Pudding
Congrats on getting accepted into the sports medicine track!
Kaylin@EnticingHealthyEating recently posted…Our Wedding: Bridal Party and Family Photos
Thanks so much! :D I can’t wait to get started!
Farrah recently posted…Thai Coconut Sago Pudding
Congrats on finishing another year! and Woo HOO to sports medicine – that is exciting! I love the party crashing!
Mary Beth Jackson recently posted…Hello July! Ultimate Coffee date!
Thanks so much!
hahaha, totally unintentional, but hooray for free dinner and escaping like a ninja!?
Farrah recently posted…Thai Coconut Sago Pudding
Ok. That’s hilarious. I mess up my days, but never with results that end in a delicious free meal! :)
Congrats on getting accepted into the sports medicine fellowship. That’s exciting!!
Clarinda recently posted…Week in Review – 7/02
hahaha, I’m glad it turned out okay. I was horrified when I realized it was the wrong day!!
Thank you so much! I’m super excited to get started! :]
Farrah recently posted…Thai Coconut Sago Pudding
Yay for free dinner! And congrats on the intern year coming to an end!
Thanks so much! This year went by so quickly!!
Farrah recently posted…Thai Coconut Sago Pudding
This year is FLYING BY! I have no idea how it’s July already! My birthday is in a month and I feel like I only just had my last birthday :P
Kristy from Southern In Law recently posted…Recipe: The Best Vegan Chocolate Chip Cookies (Gluten Free)
Forreals! The year went by wayyy too fast! There’s still so much I need to learn!! o_o
Farrah recently posted…Thai Coconut Sago Pudding