It’s been eons since I’ve done a Friday Five (mostly because it clashes with Foodie Friday [sigh!])! This week features AfterShokz headphones in an effort to promote #AwareWithPink for Breast Cancer Awareness Month! (Learn more about breast cancer and breast cancer screening on my Medical Mondays series!)
Disclaimer: This post was sponsored by AfterShokz in an effort to spread awareness about their new Pink Trekz headphones, in partnership with Bright Pink to support and spread awareness around breast cancer awareness. As always, all thoughts/opinions are mine and mine alone.
Not so long ago, I posted about my Aftershokz headphones and how they were helping to raise awareness + funds for breast cancer. My post today is on things that inspire! :]
Especially fun ones that also happen to be true…like this one!:
I’m currently on my OB rotation (you can read about my thoughts on OB here… >_> thankfully, the midwives I’m working with are awesome, so it’s been cool!), which is 45-75 minutes away from where I live, depending on traffic.
Thanks to Ricardo’s awesome gift of Spotify and my discovery of audiobooks and podcasts now made possible through the magic that is unlimited data, my commutes haven’t been bad at all!
The kindness of others
There was an extremely insensitive video aired by Fox News a couple days ago that I wrote about on facebook. Am I disgusted and disappointed that something like that even got approved to be aired? Yep, but sad as it may be, I’m not really even surprised.
It’s definitely not as terrible as some of the other things popping up on the media these days, but in this current very-politically-charged climate with tensions running high all over, I feel like human decency has been somewhat lacking, and it’s made me especially appreciate the people who are able to treat others with respect and kindness even despite differences in opinion.
Performing arts (especially music + dance <3 )
We have a belly dancing performance in a little over a week and I’ve only been able to make it to two practices over the last two…months. ._. Hopefully it all goes well! ;P

I’m really excited about this! <3
My Aftershokz headphones have made practicing my dance routines a lot easier since they’re wireless and I don’t have to be attached to anything to listen while I practice! :]
I’d share the belly dancing songs if I knew them, but since I do not, I’ll share a couple songs that have been on repeat for me lately!
- Kauanoeanuhea, by Keali’i Reichel (we’re learning a dance to this song right now! <3)
- Finding Beauty, by Escala
- The Heart Asks Pleasure First/The Promise, by Michael Nyman
- With or Without You, by Johnny Sky
- Kiss the Rain, by Yiruma
- Pick Yourself Back Up Again, by Boyce Avenue (I recently got to see them in a concert!!)
- Little Do You Know, by Alex & Sierra
- Ku’u Pua Mae ‘ole, by Keali’i Reichel
- One Life, by Boyce Avenue
The outdoors
There’s just something about being outdoors that fills me with joy and a sense of inner peace. <3
Volunteering and/or supporting great causes
I’ve been trying to get all my deliveries done ahead of schedule so that I can have a little downtime to go volunteer at the local soup kitchen or to spend some time in the free clinic!
Is there a cause that you’re particularly passionate about? If you can, donate some time to help them out! In the bottomless pit that is my world of student debt, I don’t have much spare change to go around, but I like to volunteer my time to help out whenever possible!
P.S. Why are you so cute, muff-a-muff?!
- What are 5 things that inspire you? Share with me in a blog post or on instagram for a chance to win a pair of AfterShokz #AwareWithPink headphones!
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I love that pineapple quote – so cute!
I don’t know if anything in particular inspires me as I tend to take inspiration from everywhere!
Kristy from Southern In Law recently posted…Recent Things: Twister, Foodie Wins and Doggie Dramas
haha, I loved it too! :D
Same! :]
Farrah recently posted…Things That Inspire You
You inspire me Farrah ;) You are a rockstar with all you do!
Rebecca @ Strength and Sunshine recently posted…Friday Finisher 10/7/16
Aww, thank you! :]! I’m looking forward to finallyyyy meeting you! :D
I love this idea for a post! Having wireless headphones would be nice for dancing. I used to take dance classes, but I haven’t been able to for awhile!
ShootingStarsMag recently posted…Sunday Post: Scheduling is Key
:D! I’ve missed dance so much, so I’m really glad it’s at least kindasorta back in my life again. I’m sad that I missed practice yesterday though–we have a performance coming up and I need to learn the dances! x_x
Glad Spotify has been working well for you! 5 things that inspire me? Traveling around. I may not be able to fly anywhere due to work being intense lately, but driving around California’s smaller highways always show me something new. Food is second. Nothing like eating a plate of lasagna that you have dreams about. Third has been the YouTube folks I follow. People are legit getting paid to play video games and joke around, makes me want to get into that world fairly soon, haha. Fourth is music. Mostly gets me when I need it for the gym or for driving in traffic. And fifth would be my friends. We all are doing our best to pursue or dreams and make them realities, and when we’re all high ranking in our dept or our company.
Ah, travel definitely would be nice, but I’m with you on not actually being able to go anywhere right now. (I have a 3-day weekend coming up though, so I’m going to Vermont with my friend! :D! ) Music is definitely my go-to at the gym and in traffic too (although with the recent discovery of audiobooks/podcasts, I’ve been switching back and forth, haha.)
I hope you get in on that video-game-playing-for-money business on youtube! That’d be the life! :P
Being in the outdoors is a big one for me, I always find so much inspiration and perspective when I’m in nature. Music in general is another one (right alongside dancing).
Becki @ Fighting for Wellness recently posted…Small Healthy Decisions at King Richard’s Faire
Agreed! I really want to get to travel again, or even just be outside–I really miss it! *-*
You really don’t have to look long to find inspiration. I love looking at Instagram hashtags for things like #MotivationMonday or simply #Inspiration. There are some really good things that pop up and well some other things too, lol.
I do love that Pineapple one !
Agreed! I think you can find it pretty much everywhere! :] I love looking at instagram for inspiration, but it always makes me want to travel, haha.
What a great post and I love the cat with the headphones picture!
Deborah @ Confessions of a mother runner recently posted…Home Gym Must Haves-5 Essentials For Every Body
Thank you! :D!! I’m so glad she tolerates me, hahaha.
What a lovely post!! being in the outdoors and spending time with my friends and family, and tasting new dishes really inspires me!!
Abbey Sharp recently posted…3 Healthy Recipes for Turkey Leftovers – Chili, Pot Pie, Breakfast Hash
Ooo, I forgot to mention tasting new dishes! That’s definitely a good one! :D
Love the kitty pic! So cute! I always get the most inspiration when I am outside, doing yoga, or on a run!
Thanks, Kerri! :D
Yay for being outside!
I love this. It’s nice to take time to reflect on things that are currently going well in our lives. So often we focus on the negative and forget to feel gratitude towards what is going right!!
Kayla @ Blondes Have More Run recently posted…Motivational Speeches for Running
Agreed! I think sometimes, it’s the gratitude that can keep us going even through the more difficult times!
Maybe you can combine foodie and 5 things Friday….5 of whatever the theme is.
I may do that in the future!
I love that pineapple quote and that kitty is adorable!
hehehe, thank you! <3!
My toddler inspires me most right now. He is the reason I try to live a healthy life!
That’s a great reason! Lead by example! <3
Volunteering for a great cause is truly inspirational. Getting outdoors and really taking in the beauty of nature is always an inspiration. Funny – it’s always the simple things, right?
I need to get these headphones, they sound fab!
Ilka recently posted…Orange Ginger Cranberry Sauce – A Holiday Favorite!
Agreed! Good that they’re simple things, because it means those bouts of inspiration get to happen more often! ;P
They’re my favorite pair of headphones! :]!
Wireless headphones would be convenient for a lot of things – audible books while cleaning the house :) The pineapple quote is definitely cute. And supporting breast cancer awareness is always great!
For sure! I feel so much more productive now that I can multitask while finishing up chores! :D!
What a great list. I love to see and hear what inspires everyone. That last pic of your cat was adorable too!
Thank you! :D!
i usually find inspirations from other bloggers or happy stories on the news :)
dixya @food, pleasure, and health recently posted…One Pot Chicken Noodle Soup
Ah! Me too! Happy stories seem to be kinda rare, so I’m always glad to see those! <3