The No More Excuses Diet

This week’s [optional] theme for the Fit Dish link up (hosted by Jill Conyers @, & Jessica Joy @ is on…your favorite podcasts!

Unfortunately, I’m opting out because I don’t know of any. (I’m looking forward to reading everyone else’s posts though, because my current rotation is ~40-70 minutes away–I’d very much appreciate having something to listen to. :] )

Instead, I bring to you…a review of The No More Excuses Diet! :]

Maria Kang went to the same undergrad as me (UC Davis represent! <3!), and I love that she’s turning all the backlash from the ‘controversial’ photo she posted on facebook into more inspiration + encouragement for others to lead healthier lives! The fitness nonprofit that she founded (Fitness Without Borders) has inspired hundreds of workout groups in 25 different countries!

The No More Excuses Diet



Genre: Healthy Living
Pages: 288

I’m not going to coddle you. This plan isn’t easy. It takes effort. It will take time, too, but I guarantee you: You will become healthy if you make the choice right now to never give up.”

Maria breaks The No More Excuses Diet down into 3 cycles:

S.P.E.E.D. (3 days): Make a game plan, and map out a timeline of your goals!

S.T.R.I.V.E. (3 weeks): Start to make your new habits part of your new lifestyle, and develop a plan to stick to your goal.

S.C.O.R.E. (3 months): Yay! You’ve developed those new habits and now you’re working on maintaining them and achieving new goals!

I’m trying not to give the entire contents of the book away, hence the sparse descriptions–she goes into much more detail, but the focus of this book is to help you put together a lifestyle that works for you whilst incorporating your fitness + healthy living goals!


Maria lists common excuses and how to bust them. She also discusses strength + cardio training, nutrition, the 30/30/30/10 (protein/carbs/fats/flexible) “diet” (I’m sure you’ve heard this before, but…it’s a lifestyle, not a diet!), and shares 3 different meal plan options, 7 sample workouts, lots of stretches + strength training exercises (step-by-step pictures included), and a grocery list!

Moment of honesty here–it’s been a couple weeks since I’ve stuffed in a full powerlifting workout, and last week, I went to my first BJJ class in ages and was pretty disturbed at how winded I got when we were rolling. It was awesome to be back, but my out-of-shape-ness was highly disheartening.

For the sake of my future, I’ve been making some major sacrifices, and trying to balance it out with healthy food choices, but…not gonna lie–I get really sad when I look back and see how awesome I used to be at lifting vs. how terrible I am now. I used to pretty awesome abs too.

What are my excuses? My top (and really, only) two:

  1. I have no time.
  2. I love food.

Remember this post? :O I really meant it.

Back in the weekdays of college, my days were packed with any/all of the following:

  • Classes (~10-12 per quarter)
  • Work (music librarian, piano teacher, + accompanist)
  • Practice piano
  • Hula on Tuesdays, a capella on Wednesdays, chamber ensembles on Mondays/Thursdays
  • Study/School-related stuffs in the evening/at night
  • Volunteer at Shriners/Sutter in the afternoon once a week (each)

I’d take Andrea’s Abs/Back Conditioning or Aerobic Kickboxing class at 7 in the morning, and lift (3-4x/week) in the afternoon/evening. Sometimes, I’d even run (what!?)!

On Saturdays, I’d volunteer as a medical interpreter/patient advocate at a free clinic from ~7:30-3 p.m., and then go home to study/catch up on life. Sundays were Tahitian practice plus a whole more studying.

Don’t ask me how I used to do this, because I have no idea anymore. What I do know is that it could be done, and my fitness level back then was a billion times more awesome.

So why not now as well!? I’m kickin’ my butt back into gear, and shall find a way to make it work in my present life too!

I love that Maria stresses that you may have days where you might slip up, but remember that it’s not the end of the world–just pick yourself up and keep going!

So! All in all, I really enjoyed The No More Excuses Diet–I think I’m actually going to follow her approach as much as I can, just to see where it takes me! (It so happens that I just finished Day 3, so “STRIVE” is next!) It’s really great for anyone who needs a kick in the butt (e.g. me)!

Maria has a very positive and encouraging voice, and I really think this book would be awesome for anyone…but it’d be especially wonderful for those who are just starting out on their fitness journey, have run out of motivation/lost their way, or have a bunch of excuses (or even just one) for why they’re not going for it!


Dish The Fit

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    • Ricardo on May 4, 2015 at 10:13 pm
    • Reply

    My excuse is simple. I live in San Francisco, how could I not eat most of this food? And in one week, I get more cheat days. So I’ll be having another caked sized doughnut pretty soon.

    1. hahaha, good point! I think the only thing that’d stop me from eating the world if I lived in SF/NY would be my lack of income.

      I may have spoken too soon on this (I wrote this post last week)–my new preceptor loves food as much as I do, and said that he gets paid $250 to take me on as a student, so he intends to use that money to feed me. :O He is a wonderful human being. I guess my neighbor wasn’t kiddin’ about fattening up during his rotation!

  1. You and I must be in that “great minds think alike” lately! I too got this book, and I am really enjoying it. Great review! The thing I like so much about this book is the fact that No More Excuses is so true, it’s so easy to get caught up in life and come up with an excuse, but as soon as we make ourselves and our health the priority the excuses just fade!
    Kristy @Runaway Bridal Planner recently posted…Finally Feeling Better and a Little Mountain TimeMy Profile

    1. Exactly! :D I admit that I do consciously make the decision sometimes to sacrifice my health/fitness level (much as it pains me) for the sake of school, but I like to think that it’ll eventually pay off, and at least I’m not being completely sedentary? *-*

      And yes, great minds definitely do think alike! ;P

  2. I didn’t know about Maria Kang or her book but so far I am loving it! I say that I pretty much don’t use excuses unless I am tired, fatigued or injured which I guess are GOOD excuses. I believe in moving more than exercising so as long as I am moving I am pretty happy. That does not mean I don’t enjoy a hard lifting session! ;)
    Elsie @ Sharing Healthiness recently posted…Stop Thinking That You Can’t Always WinMy Profile

    1. Those are the best excuses (and super legit)! :P I am all for maximizing movement on the days when I can’t get a full workout in! :]

  3. I love Maria Kang! I love that she tells you you’re going to screw up and its okay. I totally needed to hear that, especially thid week.

    and hey, don’t feel down about your lifting. The very fact that you accomplished that means you can do it again, you can’t always be in the best lifting shape of your life but you can always get back to it!
    Linda @ TheFitty recently posted…Life Lately: Currently Edition {#LIPlinkup #23}My Profile

    1. Agreed! I like how down to earth and realistic she is about her approach!

      That’s true! I’m definitely hoping to get back into it soon–I really miss it! :O

  4. Sounds like a great book! I preach the idea that it is ok if you screw up, don’t let it derail the entire thing!
    Julie @ Running in a Skirt recently posted…Black Bean & Avocado QuesadillaMy Profile

    1. Agreed! Guess I shouldn’t be doing the whole “I ate one cookie, so I might as well eat the whole plate” thing, huh? ;P

  5. I read this book really enjoyed it! It was great to hear her story, and understand more about the photo, and how she didn’t intend for it to be taken as it was when it went viral. If you look closely, you can see the stretch marks on her tummy! She is just a work-hard type of gal, and dropped her excuses. I was really motivated by reading it. Thanks so much for sharing, and whew! Your schedule…every moment has a purpose….but, that’s how I like it personally. I look back at some of my time in college, when I had so much going on, but often, the more I have, it still all seems to fit…not that I agree with running a million times a minute, but dropping the fluff, and enjoying the things I choose to do more in a happy way, not a stressed one. : ) Cheers to a great week, Farrah!
    Jessica Joy @The Fit Switch recently posted…PODCASTS THAT HAVE CHANGED MY LIFEMy Profile

    1. I feel bad that she got so much hate for her photo when it was nowhere close to how she meant for it to be taken! Reading her book motivated me too!

      hehe, agreed! I was probably a little too gifted at filling up my schedule with things to do back then, but I’ve since learned to tone it down at least by a little bit! :P (At the very least, I’ve learned how to say no to things!)

      Hope you have a lovely week as well! <3

  6. I think we all have excuses. After reading about everything you do on a weekly basis, it is no wonder you can’t always workout! I don’t know how you keep up! For me, my 2 excuses are I don’t have the time or I am too tired. When I am too tired, I force myself to go though. I put my shoes on and force down some pre-workout and by that point, I have no choice but to go.
    Morgan Tracy recently posted…Finding BalanceMy Profile

    1. haha, that’s what I used to do back in undergrad, although I guess I can’t say med school is any different in terms of how busy I am (what can I say, I like to keep myself occupied ._.). Not having time + being too tired are definitely my biggest excuses too! I admire your drive! :O

  7. I love this book! Great review Farrah!
    Betsy recently posted…Wantable Style Edit Review #1: May 2015My Profile

    1. Thanks, Betsy! :D!

  8. I’m all about just rollin’ with our mistakes, especially when it comes to health and fitness! Interesting book…:)
    Jess @hellotofit recently posted…Link Love #16 and more cupcakesMy Profile

    1. Agreed! They’re bound to happen since no one can be perfect, but what matters is how you handle em’! :]

  9. I’ve heard really great things about this book and it seems like the tone of it is awesome, upbeat and doable! Thanks for sharing!
    Kate @KateMovingForward recently posted…Strawberry Rhubarb Baked OatmealMy Profile

    1. Anytime! :D It’s a great book! Maria seems like such a sweet lady! :]

  10. Sounds like a wonderful book! I need to add it to my summer reading list. Everyone slips up is so true. It’s how we handle the slip up that is going to make all the difference.
    jill conyers recently posted…11 Ted Talks That Inspire ChangeMy Profile

    1. Exactly! :] I think too many people (myself included) have that whole “all or nothing” mentality when they slip up, but some is better than none, and acknowledging that slip-ups can + do happen is super important!

  11. i have never read this book but seems pretty interesting.
    dixya | food, pleasure, and health recently posted…Help Nepal Earthquake VictimsMy Profile

    1. It’s a great one for beginners + people who are stuck in a rut!

  12. I have not read this book. Thanks for sharing! My excuse is always the same….I have no time! Sadly, that’s all it excuse…I CAN make the time….Thanks!
    diane@runninrocker recently posted…Kiqplan Slim and Trim Fitness App ReviewMy Profile

    1. That’s my biggest one! (Second biggest is probably too tired, which really is a branch-off of the no-time one.) I kinda make peace with it by recognizing that I didn’t choose to make the time for [whatever it was] that day!

  13. I remember her backlash over the photo she posted of her post partum body, but I’ve never heard of her fitness / wellness book! My biggest excuse is I’m tired from chasing around my 15 month old all the time and I love food and I’m kind of on the lazy side!
    Shannon Peterson recently posted…What I Wore // Mama Style: Stripes + Free Month of RocksboxMy Profile

    1. I was so sad that people were so mean to her with their comments on her photo, because shaming others was never her intention. I’m glad she turned it into a way to inspire even more people though!

      Being tired is definitely a universal one–we all could do with a little more [time to] sleep!!

  14. I feel ya! I go through seasons as well. I usually go through a less exercise/more sugar season over the holidays and then kick it back into gear Jan/Feb. I consider it my “hibernation” time. Lol…

    1. Ah, yes indeed! I go through the same thing! :P I think it’s fairly normal, but as long as we pick ourselves back up again, should be okay! :]

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