This week’s [optional] theme for the Fit Dish link up (hosted by Jill Conyers @, & Jessica Joy @ is…The Fit Dish Interview: Get to Know the Amazing Women of the FitFam!
Throughout my years in high school journalism and with my research project in grad school, I interviewed a whole lot of people, but I can’t say I’ve ever interviewed myself! I suppose there’s a first for everything though, so here we go!
What is your proudest achievement to date?
Making it this far!
I’m apparently now considered a fourth-year, which means I’m finally on my very last year of school ever! WHATWHAT. It has been a long, long road, and this is my 9th year of school after high school, so you can probably understand why I find this so exciting. If all goes well, I’ll be graduating in less than a year!!
If we’re talking about fitness achievements, I’m going to go with my 275 lb. deadlift. Yay for state records! (I hope to break national someday.)
What keeps you passionate?
I’m starting on my applications for residency programs right now, and thus far, I’ve managed to narrow it down to ~10 states (give or take 1) and 59 programs that I think I might like.
(…For the record, I think the average that people apply to is around 15-20-ish.)
Clearly, I have some work to do, so I made an epic spreadsheet!

My Type A is showing.
Knowing that I’m this much closer to being able to spend my life working a job that I love and being able to make a difference? That’s what fuels my passion. I’m so excited (though also nervous) about what the future will hold, and I really hope I find the perfect program for me (we’re going with the assumption that if it’s the one, it’ll want me to be there too)!
What makes you the most proud to be a woman?
All the answers that I came up with could also very much apply to being a dude, so instead of directly answering this question, I’m going to share an awesome graphic that I found on imgur.
Why do you think it’s so important for women to unite as a sisterhood + empower each other?
I don’t know who said that quote, but I very much agree:
Strong people don’t put others down. They lift them up.”
I don’t see any reason why anyone would ever feel the need to put someone down just to feel better about themselves. I think we have enough trouble with being so #distractinglysexy! (Great example of unity right there. <3)
What are some examples of some small ways we can empower the women around us in our day-to-day life?
- Think before you speak.
- Be a good listener.
- Give compliments that you really mean.
- Encourage others instead of criticizing them.
- Be sincere.
- Give credit where credit is due.
- Do not belittle someone else’s feelings/thoughts/experiences.
- Look for the silver linings, and help others to do the same.
- Lift others up instead of bringing them down.
- Be kind.
What is one piece of advice you’d like to share with the fitfam?
Don’t be afraid to go after your dreams. The road there may not be easy, but if it’s something you really want and believe in, it’ll be worth it when you make it there!

Click the image to read my other Dish The Fit posts! :]
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Your future is obviously bright as your hard work pays off! Congratulations. That’s so cool about the state record as well!! You’re a real Bad A!! Have a great week and all the best to you and your future!!
diane@runninrocker recently posted…32 Years and Still Runnin’
I really hope it will be! Some days, I just really want someone who knows what’s gonna happen to tell me that yes, I do in fact have a future ahead of me, and that it’s gonna be awesome. But I doubt I’ll meet anyone like that anytime soon, I’ll just keep pluggin’ along! Thank you! <3
This was a great post, Farrah — I LOVED that infographic as well! I totally agree with you about how to empower other women. We all have to keep building ourselves and others up. Congrats on being almost finished with school. I admire your determination and focus, it’s really amazing! Also, damn, you can lift!! :)
Erin@BeetsPerMinute recently posted…The Fit Dish Interview
Thank you, Erin! :]! And yes indeed! There’s absolutely nothing to be gained from bringing others down!
hehehe, I try, I try! :D!
AH NINE YEARS OF SCHOOL – that’s crazy! Although, I guess you can say as a teacher, I will FOREVER BE IN SCHOOL AND NEVER LEAVE :P I love your hair, it is beautiful, and that image thing you posted, we always go on about women and what “society” does to us, but we can at least SPEAK of these issues, men and the stigmatism they suffer are much more silent
Amber recently posted…Chicken Teriyaki Vegetable Noodle Bowl
hahaha, indeed you could! :P Thank you for the compliment! My hair’s been getting superrrrr super long and I really need to cut it (my ponytail’s getting rather heavy, ahaha), but I don’t trust anyone with my hair! :[
Very true! Not being able to talk about it can definitely make it worse, but hopefully, little by little, society as a whole will become more accepting!
Ah school. Never ends :D Trust me.
Great advice throughout. I thought that your answer to what makes you proud to be a woman was very interesting, and I was curious what you would say (as Jill’s was about being a mother). But I agree–we need to work together!
Susie @ SuzLyfe recently posted…Ragnar Chicago Race Recap and Post Race Recovery
haha, yeah, I know it never technically ends because I’ll always be learning, but it’ll be nice to have somewhat of an income again, so I can finally start chippin’ away at my eternal student debt!
The only thing I could think of that I could do as a woman that I didn’t think men could do = have babies…but as you well know, I want nothin’ to do with that, so I went with the equality angle! :P
Getting through med school is a huge accomplishment. I am with you on that one! I am also imporessed by your deadlift. That is one strong girl!
Lauren @ The Bikini Experiment recently posted…20 Minute Spin Interval Workout
Thanks, Lauren! :] I’m hoping I’ll break 300 sometime this year! (Probably after I finish taking my boards and actually have time to go to the gym regularly again…)
Love this especially the photo strip, which is sadly accurate. Your med school journey is amazing so far!
Alyssa @ Renaissancerunnergirl recently posted…Cookie Dough Oatmeal Cake
Agreed, but I love that someone made it and that it’s slowly spreading awareness!
Thanks! :D It’s definitely been an adventure!
Something I try to do to empower other women is give one meaningful compliment per day. The other thing is the women I coach running are usually starting – or not confident in their own abilities. I always remind them you have to start somewhere and just RUNNING makes you a runner!!
Cassie @ Almost Getting it Together recently posted…Sorghum Caprese Salad
That’s a really good one! :D I try to give a meaningful compliment every day too, and I love that you remind people that they gotta start somewhere! (I’m definitely guilty of the “I’m not a runner, but…” thing!)
Love your interview!! Congrats on being your last year!! How exciting! :)
Melanie recently posted…Race Recap: A Brighter Path 10K
Thanks, Melanie! :D After the end of July, I will be especially happy! <3!
You are soooo close to being done with school. I am practically jumping up and down in excitement FOR you. Not that school is bad, but because I just am so excited for you to use everything you have learned. And oh my goodness, all those programs?! Crazy. And, that is an amazing clip about sexism, thanks for sharing. It really makes you think about the words that are so common to say, but are so belittling, even in jest. Thanks friend!
Jessica Joy @The Fit Switch recently posted…The Fit Dish Interview
Aww, thank you! <3! I'm super excited too, even just for 4th year, because there's a lot more leeway in terms of what types of rotations I do. I scheduled a lot of rotations where I get to work with under-served populations + in sports med, and am also trying to finagle one in nutrition at the moment. :D! Can't wait to see where this will all take me!
Agreed on that graphic! I wish people could learn to stop belittling others--it gets us nowhere!
Very awesome, encouraging, & empowering post Farrah! Congratulations on being a 4th year! I wish I had of known what I wanted to be when I graduated High School, so I could have immediately went to college to start working on it, but you basically prove with passion & determination you can make it through anything. I also loved that image about the sexes, 100% true.
Christal recently posted…Know Your Rights In Police Encounters
Thanks so much, Christal!
I actually wanted to be a vet throughout high school and for the first bit of college, but certain events in my life kinda sent me in the direction of caring for humans instead! :O (My agreement with self is that I donate to no-kill shelters + animal rescues once I have an income again!) That kinda delayed everything initially, but if you want something enough, it’s not too late to go for it! :]!
What a great interview! You’re a pretty cool gal! Thanks for sharing :)
Ree recently posted…a super easy diy fringe necklace
Thank you! :]
That’s so much school. But you are going to have a career in a job you love, which means you’ll get to live the life of the famous “work a job you love and you never have to work a day in your life again”, that will be you!
Hope you get a residency in one of your top choices!
I love your comments about empowerment. I really get sick of the man vs woman thing, and all the sexism, I think it’s okay to have differences and it’s also okay if we want the same things, either way putting another down is wrong, just accept everyone for who they are, that is the important part!
Great post today!
Kristy @Runaway Bridal Planner recently posted…Hiking Delicate Arch
Thanks so much, Kristy! I really hope I do too! That’s actually the quote that was in my personal statement to get into medical school! ;P
The man vs. woman thing makes me sad too (why can’t we all just get along? :x ). I wish people could just realize that it’s entirely possible to get along in this world without having to be exactly the same/impressing their own beliefs on others!
Congrats on only 1 more year! I think it’s a great accomplishment. And yes, let’s just lift each other up! There’s already enough crazy stuff going on as it is.
Lori Musselman recently posted…I Am Woman. Hear Me Roar. (A FitDish Interview)
Agreed! :] And thank you! It’s been a longggg time in coming! *-*
9 years of school after high school is insanely impressive! And you said you didn’t do a ton in school?!?! Not true at all! You’re killing it!
I’m glad to hear you’re looking into all of the programs that you may be interested in and have already narrowed it down quite a bit. It sounds like there are a ton of options out there for you, so I’m sure you’ll find the perfect match! Good luck!
Tricia @ A Couple of Dashes recently posted…#IAmWomen: The Fit Dish Interview
hehehe, don’t get me wrong–I did wholeeee ton of stuff in school (my friends thought I was committing academic suicide)–I just meant that my grades were nowhere near as awesome as yours! :O
I still have a long way to go with the narrowing, but I really hope I’ll find my perfect match too! :] Thank you!!
Congrats on reaching your last year! And it’s wonderful that you have so many options to consider. Wishing you all the best as you look for the the best fit!!
Michelle @ Running with Attitude recently posted…Wahoo Fitness Review & Giveaway
Thanks, Michelle! I’m definitely lucky in the sense that there are so many programs to choose from! (Narrowing it down is gonna be hard though!) Many thanks, and I hope I find a perfect fit too! :]!
I love this! You are such a gem. Thanks for sharing that graphic from Imgur – I agree with it 100%! We make such an effort to avoid using racial slurs, or words that would offend someone due to their sexual orientation. It’s time we stop using words that describe feminine qualities as insults!
Ariana recently posted…International Day of Yoga in Vancouver!
Thank you! <3 And yes, we really do! I actually used to be guilty of that all the time when I was younger--I grew up with all dudes, so I was annoyed that I had all these restrictions on how I could and couldn't act, just because I was a girl, so I started to associate being a girl with a whole lotta negativity. Thank goodness I snapped out of that! :O
Such an empowering post Farrah! Don’t be discourage by a rough road. Be more determined. Thanks for sharing! #fitfamlove
jill conyers recently posted…Celebrate Being A Woman
Love the self interview! Nothing but Big things on the horizon for you. Your hardwork and determination will pay off. Sending you some good karma
Autumn recently posted…1 Fitness Oxymoron
Such great ideas.
You have great things ahead of you! Can’t wait to see which programs you pick!!
Julie @ Running in a Skirt recently posted…Rainbow Fruit Skewers with Honey Almond Dipping Sauce
Only one year of med school left?! After 9 years of post-highschool studies, you better celebrate extra big for your medical school graduation :) What an accomplishment! And a 275 lb. deadlift is pretty impressive as well (aka I could never do that)!
I love your day-to-day ways to empower other women. You rock, Farrah!
Amy @ Life to the Full recently posted…The Fit Dish Interview
Love the graphic… it is so true! My brothers and I have talked about many of those issues before. Congrats on almost being done with school and on to your residency program. Hope it is such a great experience for you!
Bri @ Simple Delights recently posted…The Fit Dish Interview
I always tell people – THINK before you speak or do anything!!!! THiNKING = self control —- and you will probably use your common sense and wind up NOT doing something stupid!
GiGi Eats recently posted…Letting the Inside, Out: Fun Facts About The Movie, Inside Out