Sliding Rock was the 3rd and final waterfall on our 1.5 hour waterfall tour whilst in Asheville. (Check out our Asheville food adventures too!)
With each waterfall that we visited, we got a little more involved–for instance, looking at Looking Glass Falls, going behind the Moore Cove Falls on the Moore Cove Trail, and…well, read on!
Park Ranger: Are you planning to slide down the falls?
Us: ?! No, we’re completely unprepared for that and it’s pretty cold and wet outside.
Famous last words.
We honestly hadn’t been planning to, but as we parked, we ran into a few guys who had just come back and recommended that we definitely go, and that it was totally worth the freezing cold.
The videos they showed us and their enthusiasm were very compelling, so we figured why not?! You only live once, right? It also helped that they assured us that they’d found no debris at the bottom with which to be impaled.
Twas a good thing that we were actually leaving for Lewisburg that day, because it meant we had plenty of clothes to change into afterward. We were conveniently already dressed in workout clothes (which is what I’d live in if it were socially acceptable), so we figured we could just change into shorts and go in those + our sports bras.
We decided to go one at a time so that someone could document said adventures (or perhaps call for help). A lady at one of the observation areas offered to take my “before” picture.
Sliding Rock is a 60-foot flat sloping boulder that forms a natural waterslide that leads to an 8-foot pool at the bottom.
You can slide at your own risk pretty much anytime during daylight hours, but from around Memorial Day weekend to late August (10 a.m.-6 p.m.) and intermittent weekends from late August to mid-October, there are lifeguards present and the restrooms are open.
When staffed, admission is $2/person! (Kids 6 and under are free.)
Since the pool at the bottom of the falls is 8 feet deep, so you need to know how to swim! It probably gets really popular in the summer and on warm weekends, so if you want to come here, plan accordingly!

If you don’t feel like getting wet, there are a number of observation areas there.
This was probably one of the more spontaneous things I’ve done lately (although 4th year in its entirety may well be one of my most “spontaneous” years, as far as my type A-ish tendencies go). It was super fun, and I’m so glad we did it, even though the water was indeed soul-wrenchingly cold, and there was not a tendril of sunlight to be found anywhere that day.
…but what matters is that we survived (and had fun)! :]
Other things to note…
- Please exercise common sense and don’t bring alcohol or consume alcohol beforehand.
- Slide in the sitting position only.
- Water shoes are recommended–I went barefoot since I didn’t want to lose my flip flops and some of the rocks were pretty painful (but I thankfully didn’t cut up!).
- Would you slide down this rock/waterfall?!
- How long do you think you could stay in that water without freezing? I’d rather not find out!
Check out my other Travel Tuesday posts!
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I don’t think I could have done that if the water was cold. Cold water is something I avoid pretty much universally. Our apartment complex has an outdoor, unheated pool. This is the tropics and it’s like 90 degrees every day, but I still won’t swim if it’s rainy or cloudy because it’s too cold haha! It looks so awesome there, though, I’d gladly watch those more adventurous! I love waterslides…just not cool temperatures.
haha, I usually do, but after those talking to those guys, we couldn’t help wanting to go for it! :O I feel ya on super cold pools though. We had one in our apartment complex back where I went to undergrad and it was always freezing, no matter how hot it was outside. I tried swimming in there when it was 111 degrees outside and did not last 5 minutes. ._.
I don’t do cold water, so that would probably decide things for me! Brrrrrrr
Susie @ SuzLyfe recently posted…Friends, Family, and Food Filled Fourth of July Weekend
I bet it’s wonderful at this time of year though!? :D
Haha, definitely “at your own risk” but that looks like a blast! I totally would have done it!
Rebecca @ Strength and Sunshine recently posted…Friday Finisher 7/1/16
It was worth the cold! :D
Beautiful but no way! I’m not very brave when it comes to the water. Because I’m a runner, I have experience with ice baths, so I could probably psych myself out and get in the cold water for awhile, but it would be best if I did a long hot run before!
Marsha recently posted…No More Bondage: Finding Your Freedom
Oh goodness, ice baths. I always thought I couldn’t ever do those, but since I survived this, maybe there’s hope for me yet! :O
That looks like so much fun – but I don’t know if I’d be brave enough to do it, haha! I can swim really really well but I’m not that confident these days as I never go swimming!
Kristy from Southern In Law recently posted…Kristy’s Random Ramblings #2 [BLOGGER LINK UP!]
I haven’t gone swimming in ages either, but on the plus side, the water here was fairlyyy shallow (for the most part)? It was a ton of fun, but definitely super cold! (I bet it’s a lot better right now though!)
SO cool!
I’ve slid rapids before on a canoe trip and you definitely need to be careful not to rip your bathing suit (or the skin underneath as one of our campers found out… yikes) BUT it was so much fun I wouldn’t hesitate to do it again, lol.
I’m glad you slid right in Farrah :)
Laura recently posted…Ikea Hack – DIY Bar Cart
hahaha, that sounds like a ton of fun too! I haven’t gone canoeing in a billion years (already, maybe more like 16), but that would be cool to get to do again! :]
I’m glad I did too! :D!!
This is definitely one of our bucket lists of things to do…..however our daughter barley knows how to swim, so I am assuming it will have to wait. I am glad you went, I heard its great
Mandi Korn recently posted…Our Backyard Farm, July 2016
It’d probably be good to wait a bit then–but in time!! It’s so much fun–I hope you and your family get to go sometime! <3 I wanna go back!!
I haven’t made it over to Sliding Rock yet – but it looks like so much fun! I might make the trip before summer is over :)
Yayyy! Do it, do it!! :D
Ohhhhh sliding rock! I did that when I first moved here many, many moons ago and my top sliiiiddddd off at the bottom. Had to stay underwater to get it back on again. bahhhhhh!!!!! So glad social media and all the photos wasn’t around then.
That rock hurt my rear so much! One time thing for me! haha!
Glad you got a chance to do it– it’s a mountain right of passage.
Julie @ Running in a Skirt recently posted…Fashion Friday – Austin Boho Dress
Ahhh! Yeah, I’m definitely glad that social media wasn’t around when I was younger–I got into a load of sad situations, haha. Glad you at least got to duck in the water though to get it back on!!
I thankfully slid over a smoother part, but I was definitely somewhat concerned about impaling myself at the bottom on sharp rocks/branches since the debris technically hadn’t been cleared or anything yet, haha.