But of course, that also has to be mutual…
11/04: Songs I Currently Love This could go south very quickly because I love a whole lot of songs and could probably write a billion posts about all the music I like (the only genre I completely detest is rap). Most are super-sad ones, which people find somewhat strange because I’m generally a pretty optimistic + cheerful person. I just feel like the sad ones convey a lot more emotion?I’ll try to include a variety and am capping myself at 7; you may notice that I tend to have a thing for awesome piano/guitar solos and usually-female vocals (because then I can sing along!).
- Jane Zhang – 画心 (Painted Heart) This song is frighteningly depressing, but hauntingly beautiful. Tis also one of the only songs I can sing in Mandarin! (I taught it to myself while I was on the cruise with my family, haha.)
- Avenged Sevenfold – Afterlife I discovered on Rock Band 2 wayyy back in the day (did you know I used to kindasorta kick ass at that game? I could play pretty much all the songs on expert and be in the general vicinity of 95-100%!
- Boyce Avenue – Glycerine I used to listen to this on repeat during first year of med school (for no real reason other than that I just really liked the song). I still like it a lot! :] Boyce Avenue is one of my all-time favorite cover artists. :]
- We Are The Fallen – Sleep Well, My Angel I also used to listen to this one on repeat and sing along. It’s super pretty, and if you feel like it sounds a whole lot like Evanescence…it’s because it’s the entirety of Evanescence, but without Amy Lee!
- BarlowGirl – Never Alone I’m not entirely sure where or how I found this song, but I really like it and it’s on the to-learn list for our band (The Vagal Tones). We haven’t had band practice since boards studying because med school isn’t exactly conducive to regular/consistent practice times. :[
- Within Temptation – Whole World Is Watching Sharon has a beautiful voice. :] I think there are very few songs that I don’t like by her, but this is one of my most recent favorites!
- Johnny Sky – With or Without You I heard this while I was volunteering in the Dominican Republic and liked it a lot! :] It was definitely one of the more mellow songs they played, but I pretty much liked everything I heard over there, and whenever I play this song or any of the others, I’m reminded of warm weather and hard work, but good times. :]
11/05: Fears
- Failure
- Losing the people I love and care about
- Saying something I’ll regret for the rest of my life …So if I’m really angry (this rarely happens, but hypothetically speaking), I stay silent, because there’s always this underlying thought: What if something happens and that’s the last thing I ever said to them? Would I be able to live with myself?
- Those are my biggies, although I’m not so keen on porcelain dolls either. I also have a somewhat irrational fear of getting my eyeballs poked out my an umbrella. (It’s because my mom breaks out the umbrella whenever the sun’s out. I’m tellin’ you, Asian households. We’re vampires in disguise. The fact that I’m somewhat tan is a disgrace.)
11/06: Pet Peeves
- Do you walk really, really slowly and meander aimlessly in zizags on a sidewalk so I can’t ever hope to get past you?
- Do you tailgate me when there’s clearly a red light up ahead?
- Do you take f-o-r-e-v-e-r to get to the point and keep me talking to you when I have somewhere I need to be and things I need to get done? (I know, I know. My type A is showing. :[ )
- Do you never re-rack your weights and/or curl in the squat rack?
- Do you have zero passion in your life? Are you super lazy and do you do absolutely nothing to contribute to society/humankind?
- Are you extremely rude, disrespectful and inconsiderate? Are you a close-minded misogynist? A wilting flower/drama queen?
- Are you the one who used the search term, “asian teen sex” on my blog? (Please leave.)
No? Okay, awesome. I think we’re good then!
Thanks for stopping by, and feel free to join in on the challenge! More to follow in a couple days! :]
- Favorite quote?
- What are some of your current favorite songs?
- Worst fears?
- Biggest pet peeves?
I’m turning this into a linkup! If you’d like to join in on the November Blogging Challenge, feel free to link up your post here! :]

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We might be the same person, especially if you add extraneous noises above the neck (chewing etc) to that list. And I can’t wait to check out the older posts! Love the idea to link up to those.
Susie @ SuzLyfe recently posted…Signs November is Upon Us (Thinking Out Loud)
Urghh…yeah, I can’t stand that either. There’s a guy in my class who is not the grandest of human beings (aka extremely rude and inconsiderate)…and he has somehow mastered the terrible, terrible art of slurping solid food. (How that’s even possible is a mystery to me. :[ )
Misophonia. It’s a legit “neurological disorder.” I have it too – even my own chewing at times can make me so ARGH!
Amanda Nyx recently posted…Gear Girls Review Feature!
Thank you for sharing all of this. I think we have some of the same pet peeves and fears lol. This is so fun, maybe I’ll do one on my blog.
I like the different topics it has; it gets me to write about things I normally wouldn’t really talk about! :P Thanks for stopping by!
Whoa whoa whoa. Rock Band? Alright, time for my nerdiness to shine. Not only do I own it, but I still play the crap out of it. I started with the original Guitar hero (back when harmonix and Activision worked together) and got up to expert by the time guitar hero 2 came out. When rock band was a thing, I focused on the drums. Today, I still play expert pro drums (got the cymbals and a metal drum pedal) and have downloaded around 500 songs in my library. Although it’s a rarity now a days, but I love it when I can get a full band to play along.
Nice! :O I was introduced to the world of Rock Band + Guitar Hero in 2008, and used to play it like nobody’s business, but it’s been a good 5-ish years since I’ve really played. :[ Super sad. I was mainly guitar or bass. If they hadn’t been so strict on the singing, I would’ve done that too, but mehhh.
I mainly sang songs that I could get the pitch. So Green Day, David Bowie, Creedance Clearwater Revival, and Queens of the Stone Age. But I least I know my drum skills transfer over quite easily.
I got annoyed with them because if you tried to do the singing on expert, you had to do every little nuance the singer did, or you’d pretty much die. I like getting artistic license in singing, haha. :[ But hooray for guitar! I wish I could translate that over to real guitar skills though. :[
Monthly blog challenges always give me food for thought when I am in a blogging rut and can’t think of what to share/write about. I like the idea of combining topics into one post like you did here.
Same, same! I think I have too many post ideas right now, so this kinda helps me to provide some structure to it! :]
Mind if I join you with this? I’ve been desperately trying to find time for my blogging with my crazy job transitioning schedule, and having a structure with prompts is a great way to help me stick to it! Great idea :)
Amanda Nyx recently posted…Gear Girls Review Feature!
Of course not! That would be awesome! :] I love reading these and getting to know other bloggers. :]!
This is a great idea!! I actually think I might join you on this if that’s okay!! Love this idea!
Olivia Schwab recently posted…My Halloween Weekend
That’d be awesome! The more the merrier! :]
I actually just turned it into a linkup so it’d be easier to follow everyone’s posts! Let me know if you want the code to put it on your blog as well!
Favorite quote is a ton of them!! I have so many I literally can’t decide. For now, I’ll go with “be who you are and say what you feel because those who mind don’t matter and those who matter don’t mind!” by Dr. Seuss.
Biggest pet peeve: when the snowbirds come back to Florida and drive like assholes. Yep, I said it. Almost got into two accidents today because they stop in the middle of the road!! Can’t stand it.
I could no sooner choose a favorite song than a favorite food because i love them all! But I just watched the Country Music Awards last night so we’ll go with anything from Luke Bryan (he’s my future husband he just doesn’t know it yet haha)
Fears: heights. I seriously wasn’t afraid of them when I was younger, but the older I get, the more they bother me. I have to jump off a 12-16 foot platform at Tough Mudder this weekend, so we’ll see how that goes!
Montana Ross recently posted…Thursday Thoughts
I know what you mean! I have a billion too, so I had a hard time narrowing it down to just one. The one you chose is one of my favorites as well! :]
I’ve never been one of em’, but I’m sorry on behalf of the snowbirds! That really sucks. :[ I feel like people probably think this of me here when it snows (it hasn’t yet, but they will) because I’m from California. If I can help it, I’m gonna try not to drive as much then. ._.
It was monumentally difficult narrowing it down to only a couple songs. I may start doing playlist posts at some point because there are so many songs I love and want to share. (+ I also really miss having music as a part of my life!)
Aww, it’s understandable! I had issues with jumping off this cliff-lookin’ thing when I went whitewater rafting and we stopped somewhere for a bit (I made the mistake of looking down first), but I ended up just biting the bullet and taking a running leap, haha. It’s a lot easier if you don’t think about it? :x You’re gonna be awesome this weekend though! I can’t wait to read about your experience! :]
I am definitely guilty of talking around the point! I really like to entertain people with my stories so I try to make them sound as surprising as possible. Ha! I also really fear losing people I love (I think everyone does). Recently I lost my Grandmother and it has been one of the hardest things I have had to deal with yet.
I think I actually do that a lot with my preceptors when I’m presenting patients. :[ There probably is some truth to the saying, “You hate in others what you hate in yourself.” :'( But I’d like to think I’m not any of the others! :O
I’m so, so sorry for your loss. I lost my grandma several years ago and it was an incredibly difficult time for me. :[ Sending lots of hugs and warm thoughts to you and your family. <3
I usually end up not completing 30 day prompts because I feel like they’re too short and boring alone . Never thought of lumping them together!
Jenny (@escape_inspire) recently posted…Things You Shouldn’t Ask a Pregnant Woman!
Same here! I’m also way too verbose for my own good, so the thought of doing a single post with only a couple things is almost unheard of for me. :P
This is really helpful! Every so often I’m totally stumped for a post topic. I’m saving this for later. Thanks for sharing! I wish you a month full of easily-planned posts :)
Ariana recently posted…Inspiring Humans: Joel Hugh
I’m glad you find it helpful! :] My month has definitely filled up fast! I’m probably gonna have to spill over to December, but definitely not complaining! :P