I was all set to meal-prep on Sunday, but on Saturday, my church friends gave me a bunch of awesome food because there were leftovers after potluck. They tend to worry that I don’t have time to cook and will starve, so they gave them all to me, saying that if I didn’t take them, they’d go bad! (They know me well. I can’t say no to that. :O )

Most of the people at my church here are vegetarian, so they’ve got me covered for Meatless Monday!
Since it’s Meatless Monday and I accidentally got my several of my meals covered for the week, I figured I’d suggest a couple vegetarian favorites that I’ve made over the years! :]
- Pineapple Fried Brown Rice
- Creamy Coconut-Peanut Shirataki Noodles with Veggies
- Curried Chickpeas & Spinach
- Vegan Peanut Butter Pasta
- Quinoa & Black Beans
- Tofu Scramble
I also thought this would be a great time to suggest a quick + nutritious snack to my elf (Kiki @ Glitz and Blitz) for Week 1’s Elf 4 Health, since she mentioned that meal planning was probably one of her greatest challenges. (I’m working on something for that! :D Stay tuned!)
Back when I randomly obtained 45 peaches and started making all sorts of peachy recipes (e.g. Caramelized Peach White Chocolate Oatmeal Skillet Cookie Pie + Healthy Peach Cobbler), I asked A Balanced Table for some recipe inspiration.
A Balanced Table is a group led by Ellen as a place to share meal and snack ideas/inspiration so we’ll be more inclined to eat balanced, nourishing meals. At the time, she was studying to become a Nutrition Therapist and needed sample humans (hehehe to counsel on nutrition and healthier diets, which I didn’t feel that my med school curriculum adequately covered, so I volunteered! She has since passed her test! You can check out her site here and she’s also on twitter! Ellen is an awesome lady (+ one of my pole instructors!) and spends her free time doing volunteer wildlife rehabilitation at the Wildlife Center of the Silicon Valley. <3 This super quick and healthy snack was her suggestion!
No-Bake Peach Crumble

- 1/2 to 1 large peach, sliced
- 1 tsp coconut oil
- 1/4 cup Nature’s Path Peanut Butter Granola (or your choice of granola)
- 1/8 cup 0% Fage Greek yogurt (mixed with dash of almond extract [optional])
- pinch of cinnamon
- Melt the coconut oil in a pan over medium heat and add sliced fruit.
- Cook, stirring occasionally, then transfer to a bowl and top with granola + cinnamon.
I was also re-re-nominated for the Liebster Award by Montana! :D! (Here’s the first one and the second one!)

These are the 10 questions she gave me! (I’m sorry that I write so much. ._.)
- What’s your favorite quote and why does it resonate with you?
I have a whole bunch, but here’s one of them! Perhaps it’s idealistic of me to think this, but I’d like to think that your life is really what you make of it. (Channeling Terminator here: “There is no fate but what we make for ourselves.”) Yes, there are many factors that play into it, but in the end, I want to believe that if you have dreams and goals that you set out to accomplish, you’ll be able to do something good with your life, and no matter what kinds of obstacles and challenges you face, just keep that dream/goal in mind and keep pressing on!

- If you were stuck on an island with all your basic needs provided for you (food, shelter, water, clothing) what 3 additional items would you bring with you?
I guess I have to go ahead and assume that there won’t be any electricity, soooo I’d bring:
-A really ginormous notebook
-A neverending pen
-An adventurous close friend, if that’s an option/they want to come (because s/he might as well come explore with me! :P ) - What’s the last movie you saw?
I was watching X-Men: Days of Future Past while I was waiting for Isaac and Sean to be done with their exams last week, but it crapped out on me when I was about 1/5 of the way through. ;_; Divergent is the only 2014 film I’ve watched (last Saturday night). I tend to be a fan of dystopian-future-type storylines, so I enjoyed the first two books (not so much a fan of the third, but meh), and I think the movie did a pretty good job of following the books. I really liked Four’s character in the books and there is a chance that I have more than one celebrity crush now. Jensen Ackles will always be my favorite, but oh hello, Theo James. :o Not gonna lie, I am a total sucker for chiseled features.

- Do you have a favorite workout item? Running shoes, clothes, fitness equipment?
A squat rack with a barbell and plates…or a pole! I love em’ both, so it’s a toss-up between the two. - What’s the most unique workout class you’ve ever taken?
I’ve taken about a billion different classes, from Brazilian dance to BJJ to archery to Bikram yoga to salsa to Zumba to abs/back conditioning to cardio kickboxing to aerial silks/hoop to…Alright, I’ll stop. :P I would’ve loved to post a picture of me doing silks or hoop, but I unfortunately don’t really have any. (sigh. :[ ) So instead, you get one of me doing a half-Jade back in 2011!It took approximately 1 week for the bruising on my hip to start fading. That smile is actually a grimace of pain. :O
- If you had to go without one modern convenience for the rest of your life, what would you give up and why?
TV! My parents actually banned us from watching TV when we were fairly young, and I never actually got into it. (It’s hard to miss something you’ve never really experienced?) I did get a small dose of X-Men, Batman and Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles though, so it wasn’t an altogether deprived childhood! :PA little wisdom from High Expectations Asian Father!
- Which relative are you closest to?
My brother! He’s one of my best friends and we work together on lots of stuff and have a lot of similar interests. I think he’d be an awesome travel buddy, but I will probably never have a free day in my life again, so I guess that’s not gonna work out so well. (I’m kidding. I’m sure I will have free days. Just not anytime in the next 9-10 months or so. :O ) - Would you ever do an obstacle course race? If you have done one, which one did you do?
I was actually all set up to do Tough Mudder in northern CA with my friends back in September of 2011…but then I got into grad school and moved across the country to New Jersey, so there went that. ._. I suppose the whole higher education thing was a tad bit more important.I was at TKD/BJJ on Thursday evening and talking to my instructor, Phil (a wonderfully awesome human being)! I’m not sure if I’ve ever talked about Phil here, but he is a wonderfully awesome human being! (Hold it! I did! Twas when I accidentally smashed up my knee. :x )I met Phil in mid-August when I started taking lessons at his martial arts academy, and he continually goes above and beyond for his students, both on and off the mat. When I mentioned I was worried about my car registration expiring, he made a bunch of calls the next morning to a local judge, the town sheriff, and a few other contacts to see what my best options were (so I could avoid being scalped by the state of Kentucky).Mike and I have ended up staying after class ends for another couple hours on multiple occasions because he’s just really awesome to talk to.In any case, I mentioned that I wanted to do a Tough Mudder, and he said he’d been toying with the idea of getting the whole academy (the adults, anyway) to do the one in Louisville. :D! (Montana, if you happen to be free then, it’d be so awesome to meet you! :) When Phil saw my eyes light up at that, he said, “Guys, let’s really do this! Farrah has her heart set on it. I’ll talk to everyone on Tuesday and see what we can do about getting everyone there.”It’d be a great team bonding experience, and an awesome way to whip us all into shape, yes yes? I’m super excited, and I’m really hoping we can successfully convince everyone to join in on the badassery. It’s all about the camaraderie, right!? (Mike and Corey were less than thrilled. Haters.) I’m also hoping they’ll go for the one on Sunday, since I kinda wanna volunteer on Saturday so I can get a fat discount. :P Times are tough! (Thanks for that tip, Montana! <3)
Phil & Relson!
- What’s your guilty pleasure?
Watching Vampire Diaries and/or happy-sappy chick flicks that renew/re-devastate my faith in humanity. Before you go and start judging me, I’d just like to throw out a disclaimer and point out that the Vampire Diaries is all Keat’s fault. - What’s your best/happiest childhood memory?
Sleepovers at my family friends’ houses! The mess of us used to be super close and we’d hang out at each other’s houses every weekend and hang out on playgrounds, play video games, catch up on each other’s lives (we moved to the other side of town, then they moved to another city, etc.), but then life happened, and I don’t actually really talk to any of them all that much anymore. (It probably doesn’t help that we’re scattered all over the country either.) I don’t presently have any pictures of us as kids (that was before the dawn of digital cameras and before scanners were really a thing), so we’ll have to make do with these!

The entirety of our Asian Mafia gatherings would take up a whole ton of tables at restaurants, so we’d have a “kids'” table all to ourselves.
If you’re reading this and want to just answer one/some/all in the comments, go for it! Don’t feel that you have to do these, but I’m nominating…Genevieve from Gratitude & Greens, Giselle from Diary of an Ex-Sloth, Kelly from Tortured Toes, Olivia from Uniquely College, Corinne from The Feminist Feline, and Amanda from Adventure with FitNyx! Here are my questions!
- What’s your favorite comfort food?
- What’s a recipe you’ve come across recently that you’d love to try/make?
- What’s a super irrational fear that you have?
- If you could win an all-expenses paid trip to anywhere in the world, where would you go and what would you do?
- What accomplishment from 2014 are you most proud of so far?
- What’s your favorite way to treat/pamper yourself?
- What was your favorite childhood book?
- Favorite movie that you’ve seen this year? (…I’ve only seen one 2014 movie thus far, so I’m trying to figure out where to start! X-Men, Captain America & Mockingjay are already on my list!)
- What are 3 of your favorite posts from your archives?
- What are you most looking forward to in the coming year?
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That half jade looks painful – but am in awe – no way could I even do a quarter jade! ;)
Wish your peach crumble was my breakfast this morn!
Shashi @ runninsrilankan recently posted…Pumpkin Pie Trifle
It is definitely painful. D: But the pain was worth it when I actually got it! I’m not sure if I’ll ever get the full jade (aka full splits), but one can dream! (Nice to have something to work towards, right? ._.)
That half jade looks painful – but am in awe – no way could I even do a quarter jade! ;)
Wish your peach crumble was my breakfast this morn!!
Oh, it was. D: But it was worth the battle bruises! :P I miss being able to practice regularly! :[
I’d teleport some your way if I had the ability to! :P
I love the idea of a no-bake crumble. Also very appealing when we don’t currently have an oven. ;)
I watched Divergent too and found it a little clunky with the overtly obvious themes. But hellllllllo good looking men! I agree, Jensen Ackles will always be my favourite, but Four was a great bit of casting. :D
jess meddows recently posted…Dinosaur Provincial Park Alberta
haha, this recipe will definitely work out better for you then! :P
Very true! :P They definitely did well with casting him! :P
Oohh that peach crumble looks delicious!!
Carly @ Musings of a Wanderer recently posted…Guest Post: Thanksgiving 6 Pack
Thank you! The simplicity of it adds to the appeal for me! :P
Look at you on the pole! So fun! Love reading other’s answers to fun questionnaires. If I don’t get around to answering on my blog (which I’d love to do), I love to pamper myself with shopping and getting my nails done. Always such a treat
Melanie @ Nutritious Eats recently posted…Healthy Snacking with Nourish Snacks + Giveaway
I love window-shopping for cute workout clothes, but always talk myself out of actually buying anything because it’s all so astronomically expensive. :[ I like getting pedicures because I (in general) hate feet and they make me hate em’ a little less. :P
That peach cobbler looks delicious and I am definitely trying it out as peaches are one of my favorite fruits. Congratulations on the Liebster award, loved the q&a.
Awesome! :D I hope you like it!
Oh yum! That recipe sounds amazing! And I love that you would bring a pad of paper and a pen. Sounds like something I would bring. Hope you get a little down time this week to enjoy the holiday!
Jen recently posted…The At Home Pedicure
I figured since there were no electronics and all my food/shelter/basics have been covered, I can document my adventures and if I ever get off the island, it could be published into a book! (Or my blog, har har! :P )
That peach crumble looks amazing! Also, as a mud run addict, I look forward to you doing your first one!
Betsy recently posted…RunDisney Star Wars Weekend Running Costume
Thank you! :D I’m looking forward to it too! *-* Fingers crossed that it’ll actually happen!
I love the libster award! Its fun to read everyone’s responses.
Happy Thanksgiving
Felecia recently posted…30DBC | Day 3: Favorite Quote
Thank you! :D Happy Thanksgiving to you as well! :]
The peach crumble looks amazing! What a great post. Thank you!!
susan quackenbush recently posted…Splash Math Kids Educational App on Google Play #FreeMathApp
Thanks! :D High-definition food pictures make my life more wonderful, hahaha. :P
Love the recipe and peach is one of my favorites fruits. Thank you for sharing this recipe.
Joyce@MyStayAtHomeAdventures recently posted…My Personal Goals For Christmas
Same here! :D I just wish I could get a hold of it more often than I normally do! *-*
That peach crumble sounds delicious and super easy. I am going to remember this next time I have peaches on hand :)
Sara @ Lake Shore Runner recently posted…Weekend Recap: Progressive Dinner, Microwave Chicken, Yogurtland Update & A Concert that Didn’t Happen
Hooray! :D I hope you like it! I’m definitely a huge fan of super easy recipes. (They’re a lot harder to mess up! :x )
The fact that this is no-bake is genius… what can I say, I have my lazy moments ;)
Hannah @ CleanEatingVeggieGirl recently posted…Vegan Holiday Vanilla Fruit Salad (Recipe Revisited)
haha, I think we’re all definitely entitled to some lazy moments every here and there in our lives! :]!
That peach crumble looks amazing! I love that it’s no-bake!
Erin recently posted…How to Save Money Shopping Online
Thanks! :D Me too! I kinda hate turning on my oven (if only because I’m too cheap to want to pay for electricity… :x ).
This looks so fresh and delicious! I love peaches, especially in the summertime and when they’re from the farmers’ market.
Jess @hellotofit recently posted…Monday motivation – what happens if you don’t give up?
Same here! <3 The farmers' markets around here have all kinda closed up shop for the winter. Gotta wait til April til they're around again! :[
yummm i absolutely love peaches :)
Caralyn @ glutenfreehappytummy recently posted…Harvest Stuffed Butternut Squash! GF, V, SCD & Paleo!
Agreed! Definitely one of my favorite fruits! :]
I love this post! I can’t believe it took a week for the bruise to go away on your hip! Thank you for sharing :)
Nancy recently posted…Loved it? Hated it?
haha, it was kinda sad, but hooray for accomplishments! :P
Thanks so much for stopping by! :]
Wow that was one of the most thorough Liebster award answers I have ever seen and it is so nice to get to know you so much better! Thank you also for sharing your meatless monday ideas! I pinned your recipe too YUM!
Joely Smith recently posted…James&Co Faux Leather Jacket Review
hahaha, I have a tendency to write way too much! :x (Let’s just say that being under the word count on essays was never an issue, but being over…completely different story there! ;_; )
Hope you enjoy it, and thanks so much for stopping by! :]
Yum, Pineapple Fried Brown Rice sounds delicious!
Thanks! :D I just pitched it to my friend for a holiday potluck and am crossing my fingers that it went well!
Thank you for your nomination Farrah! Your pole skills look INSANE! It’s something I’ve always wanted to do but still haven’t gotten around to trying. My favourite way to pamper myself is definitely buying myself new kitchen equipment or going into a really nice book store and getting myself a good book. And if I had an all expenses paid trip to anywhere… I’d probably get an around the world ticket ;)
genevieve @ gratitude & greens recently posted…Recipe Redux: Gluten-Free Spiced Caramel Apple + Pear Crêpe Cake
Aww, thank you! I used to be better back when I actually had a chance to practice and all that good stuff. :'( I’m trying not to deprove too much by cross-training, since lifting weights helps in terms of being strong, but my skin has gotten so weaksauce to pole bruises! Ahhh!
YAY for new kitchen equipment! I definitely have an addiction there. The only thing missing from my kitchen contraption fleet is a food processor! (Too poor, but one of these days [more like years]…)
hahaha, way to cheat the system! ;P
Also forgot to mention how delicious this peach crumble looks! Wish it was still peach season so I could make this!
genevieve @ gratitude & greens recently posted…Recipe Redux: Gluten-Free Spiced Caramel Apple + Pear Crêpe Cake
Thank you! I honestly meant to post this ages ago, while it was still peach season, but other posts kept coming up and it kept getting pushed back. ._. sigh. Better late than never though, I guess! :O
Love the answers! And that pick of you doing a half jade. My quesiton is, could you take the squat rack, cover the bar and put it on end and use THAT as a pole? Boom problem solved.
and Um yeah, Theo James. droooooooool
Susie @ SuzLyfe recently posted…Celebrating My Blogiversary with Foxtail & Moss Workshop
Oh, if only! That’d make life so much easier! :P I actually do have a portable pole here, but it’s super slippery/I can’t stay on, and I’m also afraid it’ll leave a dent on the ceiling, so I haven’t been able to practice. :'(
<3 indeed! :P
I say give up t.v., but my husband would probably divorce me over it. LOL
Tami recently posted…Growing Child: My Baby Turned Two!
Noo, that’s terrible! He can still watch all the same things on a computer? :D? Or is that not the same? :P
Yummm that cobbler looks so good!! I miss the fresh peaches of summer!
Ariana recently posted…Get Fit Without Leaving Your Couch!
Agreed! I miss the warm weather too, haha. *-*
I really wish it was still peach season. This looks delish!!
Thanks! I wish that too! Both for the awesome summer fruits and the warm weather! *-*
Aw yiss, mutha effin questions. And it’s a slow day at work too, so here we goo:
1.What’s your favorite comfort food?
-Chorizo con Huevo. Basically Mexican sausage mixed with egg. My Aunt and Grandma would cook up some when my siblings and I were growing up, and as we got older, it’s their go to dish once they catch wind we’re our way.
2.What’s a recipe you’ve come across recently that you’d love to try/make?
-Every chance I get, it’s Ramen Burgers. It’s just so dense, otherwise I’d make it more often. But I got the technique down to make the ramen crispy on both sides and I’m pretty skilled at grilling meat patties, haha.
3.What’s a super irrational fear that you have?
-That complete strangers actually care about my day to day life. I’ve learned a long while back that no one cares, but every once and awhile I’ll automatically think “oh man, these guys think I’m too good to wear baggy clothes” or “these girls probably wouldn’t give me the time or day.” But most days, I remember I’m living for myself and not them.
4.If you could win an all-expenses paid trip to anywhere in the world, where would you go and what would you do?
-Japan. I’d want to do what I could. Visiting touristy places like Kyoto, Tokyo, or even their version of Disneyland and just riding the bullet train to say I have. But I’d also love to visit places like Akihabara, Mt. Haruna, and even drive on Irohazaka. And, you know, ramen.
5.What accomplishment from 2014 are you most proud of so far?
-Getting people jobs. Two women, in particular, had criminal backgrounds. They went through the system and were rehabilitated, and just wanted an opportunity to start clean. In working with them I got them in order and they had jobs within a month. Seeing them every so often and hearing “yeah, I still work there and I’ll be up for a raise soon” made me feel great. I may not have chosen a lucrative profession, but I know that I’m doing something positive while I’m still here.
6.What’s your favorite way to treat/pamper yourself?
-Being fat and lazy. Oh, should I elaborate? Well, I for sure will get some chocolate (Ghirardelli Dark Sea Salt Caramel), some Mac and cheese, some sort of beef or pork product, and a root beer. On top of that, marathoning a game that I’m into (like playing 6 hours of Borderlands the pre-sequel with a bunch of friends). Ah, to be in college again, haha.
7.What was your favorite childhood book?
-The Time Machine by H.G. Wells. I was like 6 or 7 when I first read that book, but man did it have an impact. I was hoping that we’d advanced in technology by the time I grew up for someone to have created a machine that could do just that. Even today I fantasize about what could be or things I could alter. And it really could be anything from altering the past or fixing the future. It also made me enjoy Back to the Future much more.
8.Favorite movie that you’ve seen this year?
-Of the few, I’ll have to go with Guardians of the Galaxy. Story wise, Winter Soldier did me well and it’s a very well done movie. But I took my family to see GotG and seeing my mom and dad have fun made it worth it. My mom especially loved the music because she also loved those songs growing up. My dad is a space geek so he was all for some intergalactic fun. I also couldn’t stop my sister from saying “I am Groot” for awhile, haha.
9.What are 3 of your favorite posts from your archives?
-Oh, does FB/IG count? Those are probably the only things that keeps track of anything I post. Uh, I’ll go with any of my Disney adventures, uploading pictures of my old car, and the support I got for finally getting a job after some time being unemployed. Everything else I feel is just a general reminder of things or places I’ve been in. It’s nice to remember every once and awhile.
10.What are you most looking forward to in the coming year?
-Pay raise and my tax return, haha. Maybe a new job if the promotion becomes available. While I’m happy with my job, I shouldn’t be satisfied with my place in life. Not while I’m still so young anyways.
Chorizo con Huevo sounds good! (Not that I can have chorizo, but meh. I’ll just imagine it, haha.) I still need to try making ramen burgers.
That’s awesome that you got those ladies jobs! :] Definitely a rewarding experience!
One of my favorite Thanksgivings was spent in Boston with one of my closest friends and being total basement dwellers (watching X-Men cartoons, Grimm, Vampire Diaries, playing Diablo 2 and eating the world), so I’m with you on the being fat and lazy!
I’ve never read The Time Machine, but I’ve heard good things about it!
That peach crumble looks amazing! Is it bad I want to top it with ice cream?
Thank you! And not at all! :D It’d taste amazing with ice cream, haha. Would make a delicious dessert! :]
That No Bake Peach Crumble looks absolutely delicious. I’ve been on a peach kick lately; of course, it’s next to impossible to find good ones in the produce section, so I’ve been resorting to canned versions.
Agreed. :[ I miss peach season! (And summer in general!!)
aerial silks is something that looks so interesting to me. How long did you do that for?
Angie B. recently posted…PeekaPak Kids’ Subscription Box Black Friday and Cyber Monday Deal !!!
Sadly, I’ve only actually taken 4-ish classes. :[ I loved it a bunch, but the place where I go to school doesn’t have any studio that offers it within a 2-hour radius, so it’s been a sad time for me. I want to rig em’ up in my future home! :P
Can’t wait to try this! Thank you so much for linking up at Tasty Tuesday! Your recipe has been pinned to the Tasty Tuesday Pinterest board! Please join us again this week!
Stephanie recently posted…The Truth about Marriage during the Holidays
Thank you! Looking forward to it! :D
Thank you for nominating me!! Here’s my post about it! http://uniquelycollege.blogspot.com/2014/12/liebster-award.html
Yay! :D It was awesome getting to read your responses! I need to go watch Mockingjay!
Thank you for the nomination, Farrah! I’ll be sure to send you my post when it’s published! And I’ll have to try that recipe. It looks delicious!
Corinne Falotico recently posted…The Ultimate Feminist Feline Holiday Wishlist and Book Geek GIVEAWAY!
Yay! Looking forward to it! :D
Hope you like the recipe if you try it out! :]