Happy Monday, and welcome to Medical Mondays!
Don’t you be giving me that look. This week’s topic qualifies (although I do have an obvious bias). It is a “just for fun” topic though, as that’s what games are meant to be.
My inner (and outer) nerd is super happy. :]
On the offchance that your facebook feed has not been flooded by status updates of Pokemon Go, it’s a free-to-play augmented reality game that you can download onto your smartphone, and allows players to capture, battle, train and trade virtual Pokemon who appear in the “real world!”
I was just about the age of Ash Ketchum when Pokemon first came out, so it definitely speaks to my childhood. I was banned from TV at a young age, but my parents decided to let us off with ~1 hour of TV a day when Pokemon came out because we were so excited about it. I guess they didn’t want to dash our hopes and dreams of becoming the Pokemon trainers we were meant to be.

See that circular object in my right (your left) pocket? Yeah…that’s a Pokewalker. >_> (Thanks, Rachel + Jaclyn! <3)
Sean and I have been waiting for this to come out for a while–we were re-playing the original versions of Pokemon on DS and battling each other back in May when I was bumming at his place.
Although there were a lot of game crashes when it first came out, a lot of it has been ironed out. If you use it well and play as it was intended, the health benefits of Pokemon Go are many!

I promise I’m not on level 4 anymore, although forreals, progress has been slow-going because priorities (aka residency).
Going Outside
What I really like about this game is the fact that it encourages people to go outside and walk around.
One might argue that this is only further worsening the screen time problem that we have right now, but my thought is…if the alternative would’ve been sitting in a basement staring at a computer screen all day anyway, at least this is making people leave the house. (Yay for fresh air and sunlight!)
Built-in Exercise
Yes, there have definitely been a lot of people who’ve been trying to cheat the system by driving from Poke Stop to Poke Stop to collect items…but if you want any chance of your Pokemon eggs hatching, you’re going to have to walk it (or bike/skateboard very, very slowly).
Studies have shown that walking reduces the risk of cardiovascular events by 31% and also cut the risk of dying during the study period by 32%–even at distances of 5.5 miles/week and a pace of 2 miles/hour. People who walked longer distances, at a faster pace, or both, enjoyed the greatest protection. Don’t believe me? At least believe Harvard!
(Don’t be like my friend and attach it to a Roomba. That defeats the purpose. ._.)
Getting To Know Your Area
Or wherever it is that you’re visiting!
Pokemon Go came out at the tail end of my first week of residency orientation, so I was still re-acclimating to the area. I’m rather ecstatic that I’m in a place where I can actually walk again (my town has a walk score of 73!), and it was fun getting to learn little tidbits about different places that I visited!
Meeting New People
Almost everyone I’ve met is from my residency, but out in the world that’s not my residency, I’ve been able to discern the Pokemon Go players from their tendency to crowd at Poke Stops with lure modules, or even just when they’d be walking on the street and would stop randomly and shuffle off to the side to swipe at their screen.
I think Pokemon Go did a great job in allowing for camaraderie and friendships to be built from this game, for instance, in having separate Pokemon appear on every player’s screens instead of a single one for everyone to fight over. (I’m still hoping for trading and friends lists to hopefully happen though!)
I’ve struck up many a conversation (or vice versa) over the last week with random strangers I probably never would’ve spoken to otherwise. One girl saw me chillin’ by a fire station and asked, “Are you catching Pokemon right now?”
Me: …Yes. :D…
: Oh my god, me too! I’m so glad I’m not the only one! My boyfriend’s at home and doesn’t know I’ve been out for the last half hour walking through the park and exploring the town!! He’d probably think I was crazy!
Me: Nonsense! You’re getting exercise and having fun! …and you’re definitely not alone. :]
She apparently works at the cookie shop in town, so I’m going to have to stop by sometime. :P
My interactions with other players have been a lot of fun. We trade tips and stories, talk about life, and/or go on self-made quests to hatch eggs, catch Pokemon, and level up together (I may or may not have trekked through a nearby park with a Rutgers sophomore pre-med here for summer session).
There are lots of benefits to this game, but with great power comes great responsibility like with all else in life, things can be abused (aka everything in moderation!).
Play wisely, and please exercise caution and be alert and aware of your surroundings. Please don’t play this while you’re driving or crossing the street! Safety first!
![I came up with this design ages ago for our class t-shirt contest! :]](https://i0.wp.com/www.fairyburger.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/12/medicalmondays.jpg?resize=453%2C222)
- Have you ever played Pokemon? What are your thoughts on Pokemon Go?
- #TeamMystic!?
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Downloaded the app a couple of days ago and the boys love it. Now they want to go outside all the time! I haven’t quite figured it all out yet but it’s fun for me too! :)
Sharon recently posted…Horsetail Falls Hike with the Fam
hahaha, yay! I’m actually still figuring stuff out too because they really didn’t do much with tutorials or anything, but it’s been a lot of fun! :D Glad it’s been awesome for you and your family! :]
Haha yesss! Jesse is OBSESSED with Pokemon Go and I’m a little bit annoyed because I have to beg him to go for a walk with me usually but now he’s like “can we go for a walk when I get home from work?!?!”
Kristy from Southern In Law recently posted…Recipe: Marbled Chocolate Peanut Butter Baked Oatmeal (Vegan)
hahaha, but at least he’ll go on walks with you now!! :D!?
Too busy of a weekend but the ten year old has been BEGGING :-) which sounds great to me.
hehehe, yay! I’m glad to hear that! :]
I love that people are getting up and getting outside, but I just hope that no one gets run over or robbed (which has happened) or whatever because they aren’t paying attention.
Susie @ SuzLyfe recently posted…One Amazing Summer Weekend (Carbtervention)
I’ve heard of the robberies too and am also worried about accidents with people not paying attention. It’s really awesome if it’s played responsibly!
Bahahaha! My brother and his friends are obsessed with it! He finally explained it to me yesterday…so weird…hahaha!
Rebecca @ Strength and Sunshine recently posted…Blueberry Yogurt Banana Bread
hahaha, I like it a lot, but it’s definitely not for everyone! :P
While I think this is great, please be careful! I’d heard reports on the news of people being robbed once they get to a location. It’s so sad that people are trying to ruin something that should be FUN!
Kimberly G recently posted…#MusicMonday – Young Jeezy Edition
That made me really sad too! I’ll definitely be careful–I only ever play this when I’m on the sidewalks of populated streets where there are lots of businesses/restaurants/people around!
I LOVE this post! Lol People need to be careful, though — it’s a little dangerous (of course, some people ruined everyone’s good time).
Tiffany @ The Chi-Athlete recently posted…Well that does it, we have SOPHS, and OUR FIRST ANNI!
It really sucks that there are those crappy people out there who just can’t let good times happen without ruining them!
I’ve seen those little pokemon all over my facebook feed and didn’t know what it was about! How much fun!
Julie @ Running in a Skirt recently posted…Summer Living – Weekend Photo Dump
hehehe, yeah, it’s definitely confusing if you’ve never heard of/played Pokemon before! It’s a lot of fun though! :D!
It’s a crazy trend right now! Not sure it sounds interesting enough for me but I’m glad that it is getting people active and outside.
Same here! :D! It makes me so happy to hear that families are going on walks and spending time together! :D
I love this game! It speaks to my inner nerd too ;-) and I’m certainly not playing it while I’m in the street or cars. But I did get in a 4.5 mile walk yesterday on what was supposed to be my “rest day” (and probably would have resulted in me not going outside) because of the app. I’ve caught a lot at work so far too haha. It makes all the walking around I already do that much more interesting!
Me too! It encouraged me to go out to walk around (yay for hatching those eggs) on my rest day, which ended up being a plus because I like to think it helped with the muscle soreness I was having from the day before!! :O I can’t play at work (there’s nothing there anyway) but…that’s probably a good thing, hehehe.
I’ve never played Pokemon but this is crazy! Crazy in a good way, I think ;-) My friend was just telling me about her son and how he walked 8 miles the other day because of this. Pretty amazing and unique way to get these kids moving. It was on the news this morning and people were up and about at 5:00AM looking for Pokemon.
Marsha recently posted…Dealing With Discouragement: How to Break Free From the Funk
I like to think it’s mostly a good thing (as long as it’s being played responsibly and people don’t go overboard)! I’ve definitely been seeing a lot of people out early looking for Pokemon too!
This is awesome, Farrah! Way to choose the relevant topic that’s on everyone’s mind at this moment. I was thinking the same thing: although I was never much of a Pokemon fan when I was young I praise them for coming out with this app that gets people outside and walking more in order to play the game. I’m all for it!
Kaylin@EnticingHealthyEating recently posted…Vegetable-Packed Recipes for Eat Your Vegetables Day
Thanks, Kaylin! :]! I figured I was spending a good enough amount of time on it that I should probably at least mention it. :P I’m glad it’s getting people to go outside and walk too! <3!! I'm seeing all these people around town actually talking to each other and the friendly rivalry between the different teams is always fun, hehehe. :
Don’t be like me and play while driving. But that damn Porygon isn’t gonna catch itself!
Don’t play while driving!!!
Thanks for explaining this! I haven’t gotten into it but it looks so fun!
hahaha, yeah, it definitely is!!
I saw a Meme the other day that said Pokemon has done more in 1 week for getting kids healthy and active than Michelle Obama has done in her almost 8 years. LOL
After seeing my friends on facebook and how their kids are begging them to take them on walks and hikes around the area to collect the pokemon stuff, I have to agree. Definitely a game that has a lot of benefits.
Minus when they start driving around, I heard today a lot of adults have gotten into accidents using it, while driving.
Runaway Bridal Planner recently posted…A Little Explanation…
hahaha, I saw that quote! So sad because she definitely tried so hard! ;_;
Agreed! I think it’s definitely done a ton of good with the people who’ve been playing the game responsibly + as it was intended to be played. The people who are driving around…not so much. :[ But definitely better some than none!?
Someone was talking about this the other day and I had never heard of it! What a great way to get some exercise!
Carly @ Fitliving Eats recently posted…Clean Green Veggie Egg Muffins {gluten free/vegetarian}
Agreed! I’m so glad it’s encouraging kids (and adults :P ) to go outside and walk around!
Thank you so much for posting this! I have no idea about Pokemon but saw this going around yesterday, definitely needed this! Sharing today :)
Elizabeth recently posted…Comment on Buffalo Chicken Grain Bowl + Spartan Fuel by Farrah
hehehe, thank you so much! <3!
What a funny post! I just downloaded it because, oh, why not? The stories errupting around the internet about what has happened while people have been playing have been hilarious and left me curious.
I hope you’ve been having fun! :D!
I feel like I’ve been waiting for this app for a year and a half and I’m STILL WAITING BECAUSE IT’S NOT AVAILABLE IN CANADA YET.
Fully intend on taking it with me when I go on runs to get my poke levels up! I seriously can’t wait I’m dying up here!
Laura recently posted…Friday Wine Down
Noooooo!!! I really hope they release it there soon!!! At least you’ll level up super quick because you run? :D? It’s been taking me a while since I just walk everywhere (but at least I walk! :P )!
Farrah recently posted…Lost World Caverns