Welcome to our weekly Foodie Friday link up! I’m linking up with Annmarie from the Fit Foodie Mama, Emily from Whatever Floats Your Oats, Esther from Chocolate Runner Girl, and Cassandra from Powered By Bling, to create awesome healthy recipes each week! Today’s theme = Pie Makeovers! Make sure you hop around to check out all the amazing recipes in this link up and feel free to add your recipes as well!
I’m going to digress a tinytiny bit and talk about my peds rotation (I’m rounding at the hospital for the first time today!)–what are the strangest most unique names you’ve ever heard of? Do you ever think that there are some names that parents just really shouldn’t name their kids?
I just wanted to let you know that there’s a little girl out there running around with the name, “Satin Sheets.” Yes, that’s her full name.
My preceptor’s friend had to talk a mother out of naming her child Chlamydia. (No, I’m really not kidding.) She thought it sounded pretty. He also knows of two girls with the name “Candida” (“Candy” for short).
…He’s also met a “La-a.” (How do you think that’s pronounced? Tell me in the comments!)
What’s the most unique name you’ve ever come across?
I think I really lucked out with the name, “Farrah.” I’m super glad that my dad was the one who named me, since my mom was going to name me Mary, Melody, or Joy, and I can’t see myself as any of those names.
Tangents aside…to me, tarts are pretty much the same thing as pies. (If this theme seems random, it’s because today’s apparently National Pie Day! :O ) They both have some kind of crust/pastry and fruit! :O If you think this is sacrilegious…my apologies, but you’re still just gettin’ a recipe for fruit tarts today from me! It’s gluten-free, raw, and no-bake!
For the record, this recipe makes 12 tarts, but I was too lazy to make the rest of them prettier, as it’s currently past midnight, and I have didactics in 6.5 hours. :O Feel free to top it with whatever fresh fruit (the more colorful the better! :P ) + fixings you like! I only have apples and bananas at home right now, so that’s what I worked with!
Fruit Tarts
- 1/4 cup dates
- 1/2 cup shredded coconut, unsweetened
- 1/2 cup walnuts
- sprinkle of sea salt
- 1-2 bananas, mashed
- 1 tbsp chia seeds
- 1 tbsp hemp hearts
- Big Slice Apples packet (optional, but I used Boysenberry Chocolate!)
- Fresh fruit, diced/sliced (if you have any)!
- (Crust) Put all ingredients into a food processor or blender and pulse until they’re in small pieces. Be sure not to over-process! Press into baking cups and put in fridge or freezer.
- (Filling) Mash bananas with a fork and add chia seeds + hemp hearts.
- After 1-2 hours, take the crust out of the fridge and spread the banana mixture over it.
- Top with fresh fruit/toppings of your choice and enjoy!

Interested in getting to know more about any of your super-awesome co-hosts? :]
- Farrah | blog | instagram | pinterest | twitter | bloglovin’
- Annmarie | blog | facebook | instagram | pinterest | twitter | bloglovin’
- Emily | blog | instagram | pinterest | twitter | bloglovin’
- Esther | blog | facebook | instagram | pinterest | twitter | bloglovin’
- Cassandra | blog | facebook | instagram | pinterest | twitter | bloglovin’
Join us next week for Healthified On-the-Go Snacks!
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I’ve never made a raw fruit tart before – this recipe looks deliciously sweet, in a natural kinda way :) thanks for sharing!
Jess @hellotofit recently posted…Recipe of the week: turmeric roasted cauliflower
No problem! It made me especially happy that it helped me use up stuff in my pantry/kitchen! :D!
Hope you have a great weekend! :]
Those look great!
Thank you! :]
Oh Ladasha. Your parents are silly.
Glad that you are finding more great uses for the big slice appl
susie @suzlyfe recently posted…Photo Shoot In Chicago with Jennifer Claire Photography
Hahaha, I’m glad you got the “Ladasha.” He went in and called her “La’a” and the parents were very quick to correct him.
And yes indeed! :D I love all the different flavors they have!
Your fruit tart is beautiful! I’ve never seen this before, but would love to try it.
Alli recently posted…Game Day Recipes with Ritz Crackers & Coke
Thank you! :D I procrastinated rather late for this recipe, but thankfully, it turned out okay!
Oh, Farrah, I laughed so hard! But all those poor little girls. Those poor parents who don’t know better. Half of me wants to laugh, half of me is worried for their personal safety. hahaha.
And these fruit tarts look delicious. I need to go find me some shredded coconut. I love the stuff but so rarely use it.
jess meddows recently posted…Ruined Castle Blue Mountains
I FEEL SO BAD FOR THEM. :'( I laughed a very sad, defeated laugh, haha. :[
It’s weird–I love coconut and have a ginormous bag of shredded coconut, but I rarely seem to make anything with it, so I figured I should change that! :P
Haha, great minds really do think like! ;) Ps. I LOVE your name- I was considering naming my daughter Farrah at one point bc of my Middle Eastern heritage. Gorgeous name for a a gorgeous girl :D
Annmarie recently posted…Foodie Friday: Raw Blueberry Pie Bites
Aww, thank you! :]! That’s really cool! :D I’ve never met another Farrah in real life!
How cute to display them in cupcake wrappers! =)
Miranda @ Miranda Writes Blog recently posted…Coffee Chat No. 22
I like the fun, happy colors! :D
Haha, love your tangent. Is is supposed to be pronounced like Leia? Princess Leia??
Melanie @ Nutritious Eats recently posted…Smoky Roasted Chickpea and Vegetable Salad With Tzatziki Dressing
hahaha, sadly not. :[ My preceptor thought it was “La’a,” but…it’s “Ladasha.”
Such an easy recipe and so healthy. Never thought about a raw version of this treat. I’m going to have to make these for Mini Me. She will love these!
Cassandra @PoweredByBling recently posted…Thinking Out Loud Thursday
Yay! I hope so! :D I’m really glad the envisioned recipe in my head ended up being this simple! I made this yesterday at around midnight, hahaha. Hooray for busy lives!
I hope you feel better soon! <3
Everything that has dates in it is a win for me!! So delicious!! Perhaps La-a is pronunced “Eleiah”, like LA and another A. :) I once heard the name “Angste” which was a combination of HER parents names Angela and Steve….
Elsie @ Sharing Healthiness recently posted…Cutting-Edge Exercise Bars for Added Workout Variety and Challenge
:D! Yes indeed! I love using it in recipes for natural sweetness!
“La-a” to that particular set of parents is pronounced…”Ladasha.” I have no words. :[
Ohhh no…I don’t think they thought that through very well. ._. That reminds me of another little kid I met whose name was Davrick…except it was because the mom couldn’t remember if his dad was named Dave or Rick. Why, humanity, why!? ._.
love this idea! fruit is my favorite :)
Tianna recently posted…Random Friday Favorites // Things I’ve Been Loving Lately #19
Same here! I love desserts with fruits in em’! :]
Ah! These are so cute!
Rebecca @ Strength and Sunshine recently posted…Friday Finisher 1/23/15
Thanks! :D!
Wow, this is really creative! Will definitely go on my list of things to try!
Sue @ This Mama Runs for Cupcakes recently posted…#FoodieFriday: Gluten Free, greek yogurt protein pancakes
Thanks! I hope you like it! :]
If I could eat fruit, you better believe I would have this for both a morning and afternoon snack! :)
GiGi Eats recently posted…Food Porn Alert: GiGi Eats Down Under
Aww, I’m sorry that you can’t! :[ I *cough* had this for breakfast + lunch-dessert today. :x
Those look great! Thanks for the recipe!
As for those names…haha! Is the La-a pronounced Ladasha? Creative spelling for sure! When I worked at WIC I would see creative names, but now I can’t think of what any of them were! Names are fun :)
Melanie recently posted…Weekly Wrap Up Jan 19-23
Yes indeed! :P I’d heard of that before, but was shocked that he actually met one. (He thought the name was just an urban legend, haha.)
It’s definitely interesting to see what people come up with! :O
These look so good!
Your name is gorgeous! Your Dad did good!
Julie @ Running in a Skirt recently posted…Antigua Fashion
Aww, thank you! :D I’m definitely happy with my name! :]
Yum! Love dates, bananas, chia seeds… great recipe!
Thanks! :D It helped me to use up a lot of stufg in my kitchen! :P
These look healthy and yummy. I need to make them for my fruit-loving hubby!
Bobbie recently posted…Ask Away Friday: Love, Marriage, & Valentine’s Day
Yay! I hope he likes them! :] Have a great weekend!
They look awesome!! And super healthy!!
Wow, people these days really don’t think about names for their kids! I am all for unique names, but sometimes they go a little too far! Kids get teased for so much these days, at least give them a name that they won’t be teased for!
Hope you got some rest and enjoy your peds rounds! For YEARS I wanted to be a pediatrician….but I faint at the sight of needles, so I don’t think that would have gone well.
Esther recently posted…Five Things Friday: All about me ;)
Thank you! :D
I agree, haha. There’s a biggg difference between unique vs. making your child miserable. (Chlamydia is so not a playground-friendly name. :[ ) sigh!
Peds has been fun so far (it’s kinda awesome getting to watch Frozen and Tangled all day long, hahaha). I’m the way you are around needles, but more so in the realms of childbirth or anything to do with it (I don’t think I’ll pass out now, but still), so I am completely dreading my OB/GYN rotation. :x
Love that the filling is mashed bananas… so creative! I would have never thought of that!
Cassie recently posted…Now Trending – Best Links Week of 1.19
Thank you! :D I was forced to get a little creative because I didn’t have much else sitting around in my kitchen, hehehe. I’m glad it turned out well! :P
Wow. Those look absolutely delicious! I love the creativity that went into the recipe, too!
Katie recently posted…Book Review | Choose Your Own Autobiography
Thank you! They were fun to make! :]
I sat here shaking my head. I cannot believe some people would actually have to be argued out of naming their child chlamydia. I’m all for uniqueness, but c’mon people sometimes too far is too far. They will never be taken serious in life. That being said this recipe sounds delicious! I may have to try it out!
Kati Rose recently posted…Eternally Ducked (I Don’t Know How to Flirt)
Sigh, I agree. :[ Apparently, she thought the name was pretty? (I’d like to think that she honestly didn’t know it was a disease, because if she did, I’m just gonna go…cry in a corner…)
Thank you! :] Food does help to restore my faith in humanity, hahaha. :P
This looks delicious! I’ve never made anything like this before, so I’m interested to try it. It would be a good breakfast for week days!
Tricia @ A Couple of Dashes recently posted…5 Things Friday – Lady Dates, Ewok Dogs and A Hole In My Heart!
Thank you! It’s great if you don’t mind that it’s cold! Although I think it’d taste pretty awesome if you warm up the crust and then add the rest!
These look great! Also love that they are gluten-free – one of my coworkers will LOVE these.
Gloria recently posted…This Weekend in Photos: January 23-26 – Ventura + Santa Barbara
Thanks! They were fun to make! :]!
These look delicious! Thank you so much for linking up at Tasty Tuesday! Your recipe has been pinned to the Tasty Tuesday Pinterest board! Please join us again this week!
Stephanie recently posted…Top 10 Inexpensive Valentine Ideas
Thank you! :D Definitely will do!