Happy Monday, and welcome to Medical Mondays!
I’m super proud to unveil the project my friends and I have been working on since…well, after we finished taking boards. If you are super-observant and/or my stalker, you may have noticed it in my menu, but at long last…
We’re officially launching FMStudent!
FMStudent was developed by my super-awesome friend, Pixie, and Shannon and I joined forces with her to share all the things we’ve learned/realized through our first year of clinical rotations.
You’re likely already well-aware that I love to write, but I [probably] never mentioned that my original intent with this blog was to chronicle my [pre]-medical school adventures and to provide resources for pre-meds/medical students.
This was derailed very early on because of my love and adoration for food, which required much less research/time to write about, and it very quickly morphed into a healthy living lifestyle blog.
I don’t mind at all, because I love this blog and the people I’ve come to know because of it, but in so doing, Fairyburger‘s audience is not geared towards medical students. I’d venture to say that I have mayyyybe about 10-15 readers/subscribers who are actually medical students.
So clearly, a move was in order!
FMStudent is currently geared towards providing a great resource for third-year medical students, especially for those interested in pursuing family medicine residency the following year. As the year progresses, I imagine we’ll be able to write more about things pertinent to fourth-year too. :] Check out my super awesomely accurate bio!
If you know of any medical students (prospective or current) or anyone interested in family medicine, please send them over! We’d love to know what kind of content people would like to see on the site!
We even have a twitter account as well! (I’ve been trying to manage it without mixing it up with my own account, but…our very first tweet was a retweet of Shashi’s deliciously awesome Chocolate Thumbprint Cookies. Oops. :]
![I came up with this design ages ago for our class t-shirt contest! :]](https://i0.wp.com/www.fairyburger.com/wp-content/uploads/2019/04/medicalmondays.jpg?resize=453%2C222&ssl=1)
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Haha – even though it was an oops and a mix up from your regular tweets – I gotta say thanks Farrah!
My daughter is in high school currently, but she has been wanting to go into medicine for the longest time – she thinks right now she wants to do family medicine so I’ve sent her y’alls link to FMStudent and I have bookmarked it as well! What a wonderful resource it’s gonna be!
haha, maybe my subconscious remembered that and decided to manifest itself in the form of a tweet! :P Thanks so much for sharing it with her! :D We hope to fill it with super awesome content soon!
How exciting! Congrats on the new project and being able to follow a dream on sharing your med school experiences with others :). Best of luck, Farrah!!
Thanks so much, Vicky! <3 We have so many plans for it! :D
Congrats on the new site Farrah! It looks great!
Julie @ Running in a Skirt recently posted…The Shiny & New Running in a Skirt Tour!
Thanks so much, Julie! :D
Awesome, congratulations to you three!
Alyssa @ Renaissancerunnergirl recently posted…Weekly Workouts and Updates 8/24-8/31
Thank you! :D Now that we all know we passed our boards (yayyy!), we can actually devote time to working on it! <3
O that’s so great! Congrats ladies!
Rebecca @ Strength and Sunshine recently posted…Blue Cornmeal Baked Onion Rings
Thanks so much! :D
Great job Farrah! I just browsed around the site and it’s obvious you three have put in a ton of work and it’s going to be a really great resource!
Sonali- The Foodie Physician recently posted…Cooking with Sienna: Crispy Baked Zucchini Fries
Thanks so much, Sonali! :D!! Now that boards are over, we can finally feel less guilty about devoting some time to adding more content on it! :]!
My fiance has just entered fourth year and this would have been a great resource for him last year! Definitely will be sharing with any med students that I meet :)
Lauren @ Eating with a Purpose recently posted…What I Ate this Week: August 23-29
hehehe, that’s actually why we came up with this site! :] We were really wishing that we’d had something like this before we started third year, but oh well. Hopefully this will be helpful to future 3rd-years! :]
So proud of you! Can’t wait to check it out!
Susie @ SuzLyfe recently posted…Running in the Rain (Life and Running)
Thank you! <3!!!
I do have a few friends locally who are med students, not sure what year, but I will definitely mention your blog to them:)
Good luck to you guys, that is awesome!
Kristy @Runaway Bridal Planner recently posted…Lot’s and Lot’s of Fishing and Camping
Thanks so much! :D I hope they find it helpful! We’d love to have suggestions on what kind of content med students would like to see too! :]
Farrah, you are awesome! This sounds like a very helpful thing to start for all who are interested. Kudos to you!
Jess @hellotofit recently posted…Link Love #31 and a birthday weekend
Thanks so much, Jess! :D I hope it’ll be helpful to em’! <3