I’m joining in again on this week’s Fit Dish link up (hosted by Jill Conyers @ JillConyers.com, & Jessica Joy @ TheFitSwitch.org)! This week’s [optional] theme is on our goals for 2015, and as December is blowing by so quickly, it seems like a pretty fitting (heh!) topic!
…If you’ve been around for a while, you probably know that I have a ton (although thankfully, I have a longer time span to complete those).
Studying for boards and medical school in general have definitely thrown a ginormous wrench (or three) into a whole lot of my fitness goals. The only one I can definitively cross out for 2014 is #10, which I’m okay with, because I got to add on a whole ‘nother layer of badassery! *cue happy dance*
I’m also super happy because yesterday’s Elf 4 Health challenge was the “fastest mile challenge.” I think we all know I’m not much of a runner, so I was honestly dreading it. Mile runs in PE were the bane of my existence back in the day and also the reason why I never got the “Presidential Award” in PE. :[ (I’d always beast the pushups/shuttle run and flexed arm hang though!) Still, though, a challenge is a challenge!
For the longest time, my fastest mile was a 9:14 that happened in third grade (I lay in the grass for 15 minutes afterward because I didn’t want to move). That was my “record” up until sophomore year of high school, where our grades were dependent on our improvement per mile, and I made the mistake(? or I was just overachieving) of running my fastest mile on the first mile run of the year (…). My best that year was an 8:02 (so close, yet so far to breaking that 8-min mark! *-*)…and 2004 was also the last time I ran a single mile.
I ran longer distances for about 2.5 months in 2010 because I got wooed into signing up for the SF Nike Women’s Half and my goal was to finish it without dying. (What can I say, I aim high! <3)
…After I finished that, I promptly went back to lifting and dancing and haven’t run ever since. I’m still in the process of recovering from a cold/the flu/a plague, but I figured I’d at least give it a try today (with the intention of stopping if I started coughing up a lung)…and I managed to make a 7:39! :)!!! (There was definitely a lot of positive self-talk going on to make it happen. I started wanting to die at about 3.5 minutes because I’d accidentally set the incline to 5.)
I powerwalked on an incline for about an hour afterward because I had things I needed to review/study, and one of the guys at the gym told me he was glad I’d slowed down, because seeing me running was making him tired, haha.

This is the fastest mile I’ve ever run to date, and I’m really glad Lindsay & Elle had it as a challenge, because I definitely never would’ve done it otherwise. :o
Alright, now that I’ve succeeded in completely derailing the original topic (tis a wonderful skill that I possess), let’s start over.
Fitness Goals for 2015
- Incorporate interval training or endurance training back into my life! I will likely choose the former.
- Be able to squat > 215 pounds, bench > 135 pounds, and deadlift > 310 pounds. They’re the same as this year’s goals because I didn’t get there. :[ Better than risking a potential injury though!
- Try to keep dance in my life, in some way, shape or form! (Be it hula/Tahitian, pole, salsa, ballroom, or all of the above!)
- Draw up a flexible and adaptable workout schedule! So that even if I have no idea what my schedule is until the week of, I’ll still incorporate some kind of physical activity into my life.
- 15 pullups in one set! C’mon now, you were so close last year! D:
- Drink enough water every day! No more of this cactus business, ya hear me?
- Clean up my dietary habits. I’m definitely still going with my Saturday cheat days, but on the whole, it could stand to be cleaned up by a lot. I have a tendency to eat if food is in front of me, even if I’m not hungry. I’m also a social eater. And I eat to celebrate. Or to commiserate. In short, I love food, and although most of what I eat is usually pretty healthy, the quantity I consume per day probably is not. :O
- Cut body fat percentage down by 4-6%. The percentage definitely depends on how ambitious I’m feeling, but I’m curious to see what I could do! :]
- Celebrate small victories. I have a tendency to beat myself up for not reaching my super-reach, sometimes-not-too-realistic goals, so I need to work on that!
- Extremely dependent on my rotation schedule: Enter another powerlifting competition and win all the things in my division! <3
- Veryveryvery tentatively: Tough Mudder!? I was actually supposed to do this with my brother and our friends back in 2011, but I got accepted into grad school across the country and figured that higher education was probably more important (y’think?!). More info about that in the middle-ish of this post!

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I hope that you are able to enter another competition! But again, so dependent on your rotation schedule. I got to where I could do 5 pullups in a row–I need to work on that again, for sure.
Susie @ SuzLyfe recently posted…A Cure for Winter Skin Woes (Acure Organics Review)
I hope so too! But yeah, hard to say whether or not I can. ;_;
I don’t know how many I can do these days! It’s a while since I’ve done them, but I figure by the end of next year, I should be able to make some serious progress! :]
Love reading this. Great goals. I am majorly impressed!! But seriously, 15 pullups? You are a beast!
Katie | Healthy Seasonal Recipes recently posted…clean eating curry butternut squash soup
Thank you! :] The best I’ve ever done thus far was 10 in a row in November 2013 (I won a pullup contest with that! <3), but I'd love to be able to do more! *-*
15 pullups! Wow! My max unassisted is 5. I can’t imagine 15 so maybe I should try :)
jill conyers recently posted…Goals 2015
One of my philosophies in life is that you never know what you’re capable of until you try! ;P 5 unassisted pullups is awesome! :]
Oh gosh, you were certainly very fast for a 3rd grader! And I didn’t know you danced. What style, and was this outside of school?
I like your goals for 2015, especially about adding in interval training! I’m going to start a January resolution kickoff calender to shed the gluttony and lethargy that Christmas holidays have brought on. Would you be interested in helping out? :)
Linda @ TheFitty recently posted…Why You Should Eat Liver
I always thought I was super slow because all of my friends would run miles in 5-7 minutes. ;_; I was a super tomboy while growing up, and actually only took up dance (Tahitian and hula) in college! I also tried salsa, ballroom dancing and a billion others, but Tahitian and hula were the ones I stuck with. I taught a beginning class for the last two years of med school! :] I also took up pole in 2011. <3
Sorry for the super long essay, haha, but yes indeed! I'd love to help out! :] That'd be really fun! <3
Farrah recently posted…Fitness Goals for 2015
Love your goals for 2015! I need to work on mine. I’ve picked my races but I want to add some other things to it. :)
Melanie recently posted…2015 The Year of…
Thank you! :D I need to make one for my non-fitness-related goals! :]
great post! You will know doubt accomplish whatever you set your mind to! I am still working on my goals but will share when I am finished :) Keep dancing!!!
Mary Beth Jackson recently posted…Sweating thru the Holiday!
Thanks so much! :D Looking forward to seeing your goals! I need to work on one for my non-fitness-related goals! (I should’ve just thrown it into this post, but what’s done is done!)
AMAZING goals. I have the same problem… I eat pretty healthy but I still just eat too much. I’ve been drinking tea at night to try and curb it… it’s helping for the most part. And I need to get back into interval/HIIT/Speedwork too :)
Cassie recently posted…How to Get Out of a Running Rut
Thank you! I totally feel ya on the food. ._. I’m very much an every-occasion eater, but if I can work on this one, a couple of these other goals will naturally fall into place or be easier to achieve! :D!
Pull-ups are one of my goals! Although I’m only aiming for about 8, haha! 15..now that’s beast!
Rebecca @ Strength and Sunshine recently posted…Gift Guide For The Guys
8 is awesome! :D! I still remember the day I did my very first pullup (on the day of my brother’s graduation from college!) and rank it way up there on my list of accomplishments because I never could seem to do one back in the days of physical fitness testing in PE!
Wow! Awesome goals and so specific! That in itself is impressive! Best of luck with everything!
Erin recently posted…How Will You 2015?
Thank you! Some of them (aka the lifting one) are super-super specific because achieving them would go hand in hand with breaking more records. :D! I like having something to shoot for. :]
Awesome list, STUD! 15 pull-ups? I am up to 3. haha. But, I just started. I will be working on lowering body fat too….but wow, it does take serious commitment to the diet. oh, the carbs! lol. That’s awesome you did the SF half, that one looks like SO much fun!!! Farrah, I love your versatility. You’re a super star! Keep it up!
Jessica Joy @The Fit Switch recently posted…Goals for 2015. The Fit Dish #13
Thank you!
I think of all those goals, the food one may actually be the hardest because I just reallyreally adore food, so I definitely agree with you there! 3 is a great number for pullups, especially if you’re just starting! That’s awesome! :]
I figure the food thing will take care of the body fat one, which will in turn make it easier for me to do more pullups since there’ll be less to lift. ;P Multi-tasking for the win!
That is an awesome mile time, way to go! I want to run a Nike Women’s Half in 2015. Who doesn’t want a Tiffany’s necklace after they run?
Great goals for 2015!
Sara @ Lake Shore Runner recently posted…Tried it Tuesday #4: Pure Barre – Benefit to Runners
That’s exactly how I got wooed into running the NWM Half! ;P The Nike Ambassador’s words were somewhere along the lines of, “When you finish the half or the full, you get a Tiffany’s necklace presented to you on a silver platter by a [super-hunky] SF fireman (dressed in a tux).”
Yeahhhh, who’s gonna say no to that? ;P
I’m still struggling to do 2 pull-ups in a row! These are great fitness goals!
Lisa @ Healthy Nibbles & Bits recently posted…Chocolate Coconut Snack Bars
Don’t worry! You’ll get there! <3 On days where I'm working on my pullups, when I feel like I can't do full pullups anymore, I try to do negatives/just hang from wherever I get stuck for as long as possible to build on my strength. :]
Pull ups are the bane of my existence! I have no upper body strength! Here’s an idea …let’s combine my endurance with your strength. We’ll dominate tough Mudder for sure then!
Montana Ross recently posted…Learning to be Present
I had that exact thought after reading your Tough Mudder post! We would so beast that if we combined forces! :D!
Great goals. Mine are pretty simple.
1) get rid of excess skin from my fat days. It just doesn’t go away, haha.
2) Run a mile under 10 minutes and not die. God, I was so good at DDR, why is this any different?
3) Add a plate to the big 3. I can rep 225 bench, 315 squat, and 405 deads like normal now. But I want to end next year by adding a plate to all three and ending with 315 bench, 405 squat, and 495 deadlift. I’m close on squat, and maybe halfway on the other two.
Thanks, good sir!
Your running goal is pretty much what my thought process was for the half-marathon I ran, haha. “Finish it without dying.”
I wish I could get those numbers for lifting, hahaha. BABY STEPS. ._.
Great goals! I especially love how you said you want to celebrate small victories…thats so important in working to reach bigger goals!
Lisa @ Running out of wine recently posted…What’s Next? Goals For 2015
Thanks! :] It definitely makes things seem a lot more manageable that way! :D
How cool that you dance too! I love it and am hoping to learn to swing dance in 2015 :)
Swing dance is so fun! <3 I've only really had a chance to do it once-ish (I was at a club for salsa night and this guy there knew a little salsa but was awesome at swing dancing.) I hope you get to learn it! :D!!
Nice and motivating post. I think I am exhausted just reading it. And you DO these things! Congrats.
Kim Smith recently posted…Chicken Noodle Soup….Warm and Comforting!
Thank you! Hopefully, I’ll manage to accomplish all (or at least most) of these! :]
Great job on your 1 mile! That’s an awesome time! Looks like you’ve got great goals for the year! Water is a great one (I need to work on that too) and 15 pullups? You go girl!!
Sharon recently posted…Goals for 2015
Thank you! The water one is getting [slightly] better because I lug around a water bottle with me everywhere I go now!
so many great goals! i really hope your rotation schedule allows for you to enter another competition! i’m also hoping to recommit to my healthy eating habits after the holidays are over; stressful times in the past two months have definitely lead to more unhealthy snacking than i’d prefer!
brittney recently posted…race recap: turkey day 5k
Thank you! I hope so too! If there were one in February that happened to be a reasonable distance away, I’d probably be able to do it, but the closest one always tends to be at least 5 hours away. :'( At present, I can’t really justify driving 10 hours and paying for a hotel and a competition, but we’ll see what happens!
I definitely feel ya on the unhealthy snacking during holiday season! Hopefully we’ll both get back on track by the end of the month! ;P
I want to do A pullup! They’re hot!
I also love your lifting goals — I love lifting too. It takes a lot for me to willing partake in endurance anything :)
You’ll get there! <3
It takes a lot for me to do anything endurance-related too!
Such great goals! A power lifting competition?? That’s crazy, but so cool! Good for you! Good luck to you and best wishes towards all your goals!
Fawn recently posted…The Fit Dish: What’s Next?
Thank you! I hope I can enter another one next year! :D
I love to dance but find it difficult to find a class for people who do it for fun. Do you dance at the gym or just for fun at home?
Christine recently posted…Goals 2015
I used to teach a beginning class at my school’s gym, but these days, it’s mostly just for fun at home. They unfortunately don’t really offer dance classes that I’m interested in over here (unless you count Zumba? :P ).