The theme for The Fit Dish (hosted by Jill Conyers @, & Jessica Joy @ is…Photo Collection: A Day in the Life!
My day-in-the-life tends to change every 2-ish weeks, but it just so happens that I’m on my Sports Medicine rotation right now, so it actually fits in with the whole fitfam + fitness thing! <3 (Yayuh!)
In case you missed my super-stealth announcement on what I’m doing on said rotation and/or don’t follow me on instagram…I’m working the Little League World Series right now!!!
Due to HIPAA and all that goodness, I’m not allowed to share any information on the specifics of the players, and was also advised to avoid the media as much as possible, which is entirely fine with me, because I get extremely uncomfortable when I get thrown into the spotlight. How I ever made it as a Music Performance major is beyond me.
That being said, I’m going to keep this post super-general!
The Grand Slam Parade took place the evening before the games started, so I walked downtown to check it out! :] There were ~50k people there (which is over 2x the size of this town), and it was awesome seeing how happy and excited everyone was!
The three teams pictured in here (top left, middle, bottom right) are from Uganda, Portland (Oregon), and Venezuela! The top right + bottom left = a string band known as “50 Shades of Hay.”
I went down the morning before to get my ID so they’d let me hang out behind the scenes!
I actually rarely ever watch any sports, and despite how much I love being outside, my “sports of choice” all happen to be indoors, and mostly what would be considered individual sports (powerlifting, gymnastics, MMA, dance).
The last baseball game I watched was in 2009 because my then-SO was an avid Phillies fan (twas one of my birthday presents to him). I also sat through many a football game because of this, but other than that, the last football game I watched was in high school, because we got extra credit in physics for attending the games and writing papers on physics-related concepts that we observed.
My preceptor showed me around to the places where I’d be chillin’ with the residents + athletic trainers (fun fact: did you know that I’m 2-3 classes from getting an Associate’s in Athletic Training? :O ), as well as the infirmary and the Grove.
Then he went to pick up his son, so he told me to feel free to wander around and explore.

“They told me I could be anything, so I became a baseball.”
We actually got rained out on the first day, so the opening ceremony was cancelled and the games were all postponed til the next day. I watched 5/8 of em’!
- Kampala (Uganda) vs. Santiago de los Caballero (Dominican Republic)
- Pearland (Texas) vs. Portland (Oregon)
- Barquisimeto (Venezuela) vs. Sydney (Australia)
- Bowling Green (Kentucky) vs. Bonita (California)
- Japan vs. Taipei (Taiwan)
We watch the pitch counts to make sure the athletes aren’t overdoing it and giving themselves Little League Elbow (also known as medial epicondylar apophysis, an overuse injury to the medial elbow from repetitive throwing motions).
First-line for running out on the field if there are any injuries is the athletic trainer + my preceptor. Second-line is the 3rd-year resident, followed by the 2nd-year resident, and then lastly, there’s me.
In other words, my job for my 2-week Sports Medicine rotation is to watch the baseball games, silently root for the teams I like while maintaining a neutral poker face, and to not be seen eating, taking pictures, or doing something stupid by ESPN. If you follow Little League at all, see if you can catch a glimpse of me in the dugout! :P (And send me a screenshot, because I’m cool with being “famous” if I’m just in the background!)
We get meal tickets for each game that we work, so hooray for not starving!
I sent a picture of the meal voucher to my friend because it reminded me of her roommate, who has apparently decided that it’s her job to police the things that my friend likes to eat. She makes disparaging judgmental comments every time she sees my friend eating sweets (even when she’s just getting them for me), which I find really messed up.
What gave her the idea that it was okay for her to shame someone’s eating habits? Did my friend ask for your opinion? Are you my friend’s dietitian? Is there any reason at all that you should be so judgmental? No! You’ve known her for a week. Shut yo’ face.
Anyway! I’m apparently not actually allowed to share pictures of the games at this time (which is a shame, because my seat is arguably the best there is), but if you come back in a couple weeks, it might be okay by then! I believe they are a-okay with sharing pictures of the audience though, so if I were to give an award to any crowd for the best cheering section, it’d most definitely go to Taiwan! (Mexico’s is pretty awesome too!)
My absolute favorite part of watching these games is just getting to see how excited and happy the kids are to be here–especially the kid-swarms! When someone hits a home run, the rest of the team will swarm out with congratulatory cheers, high-fives, hugs, and pats on the head all around. If the player is small enough, they’ll hoist him up and carry him off. It’s absolutely adorable. :]! I love how supportive they are of each other, and of the other teams too! (Good sportsmanship is awesome. <3 )
- What’s a day in your life like? Let me know in the comments! :D
- Do you follow any sports?
- What’s your favorite sport to watch? To play?
Click the image to read my other Dish The Fit posts! :]
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So cool! Favorite sport to do now is running I guess, or tennis although I’m awful. But I love watching gymnastics still and that used to be my favorite growing up to do of course :)
Alyssa @ renaissancerunnergirl recently posted…Pond Hopping Part 4: Weekly Workouts and Running Hyde Park
Gymnastics is definitely my favorite to watch as well! I was absolutely terrible at it, but loved it anyway, hehehe. :D
I like it! Will work for food! I love sports but I am not a hug baseball fan and my kids did not play little league ball. However, going to an event like that is super cool! I hope you enjoyed the experience and get to do more fun things like that!!!
Mary Beth Jackson recently posted…A Day in the LIfe- better, the 17th Race link up!
hehehe, right?! I didn’t know that they’d be feeding us, but I was pleasantly surprised! I’ve never been a huge baseball fan either, but I’ve gotten rather invested in all these teams, haha. I wish there was a way for all of them to win! <3 This rotation has been super fun! :]
What a cool even to get to attend! Sports medicine is SO interesting! What the heck with that no candy business on the voucher!? LOL Also, I did literally laugh out loud at the “shut yo’ face” bit. You’re awesome, Farrah! :)
Erin@BeetsPerMinute recently posted…A Day In The Life : Personal Trainer Edition
For serious! :O I’m not sure what the reasoning behind that was, but I guess in a way, it’s a good thing because we’ll technically eat healthier(?)! (Not sure that hot dogs, chicken tenders, hamburgers and fries are healthier, but…meh! I’ll take it!)
:D! <3
I actually had to chuckle at the “No candy or Ice-cream” remark. Personally I found making shitty remarks hasn’t ever encouraged me to change anything. Inspire me and I just might think about it.
That said, the event sounds way cool. Love that there are so many teams from different cultural backgrounds. What a great occasion for the kids.
I watch soccer. Sometimes. I “play” Karate ;-)
Alex recently posted…These boots … – More Holiday Fashion
Agreed! I don’t ever react as well to/learn anything from people who are negative/condescending, and I’m not really sure what she’s trying to accomplish, but…sigh!
I love getting to see all the different teams, and it’s awesome seeing how nice they are to each other–sportsmanship at its finest! <3
hehehe, sometimes I "play" BJJ! ;P
What a fun day! I hvae to admit when I saw the meal ticket I LOL’d! :)
Elizabeth recently posted…Comment on Breakfast for Dinner by Emily Cope, MS, RDN
hahaha, I definitely did too! :P
I actually like watching live sports! Baseball, football, soccer…. they are all fun! But the only one I’ll watch on TV is football :-)
Julie @ Running in a Skirt recently posted…Things I’m Loving Lately 15
I’m bad about watching any sports on TV, although I do make an exception for the Olympics (out of necessity, hahah :P )!
Aww, you could have mentioned the kids sliding down the hill.
My post was getting wayyy too long! x_x
How cool! Pretty different from the hospital ;)
Emilie recently posted…Laundry Tips To Make Clothes Last
haha, definitely! But it’s a pretty nice change! I may actually not be vitamin D deficient! ;P
I think if I ever did get into the medical field I would definitely want to focus on sports medicine! Seems like it would be really interesting!
Annmarie recently posted…Cool Down Post-Run with Gevalia Iced Coffee
Agreed! :D I’m trying to explore that right now so I can see whether or not I want to pursue a fellowship in it after residency! :]
A day in my life is not half as cool as yours, Farrah! I love reading about your different rotations as this is what my daughter says she wants to do too! And what the heck – y’all cannot even get ice cream??? CONGRATS on being 2-3 classes from getting an Associate’s in Athletic Training – do you have the option to get it and keep on continuing?
I’m glad you like reading em’! :D! All the different rotations are a lot of fun and keep life interesting! :]
I guess I technically could if I were willing to shell out the money for it, but…I’m not. ;P
Thanks! I’m not sure at this point if I could, but it’d be pretty cool to have it just because I’m so close to getting it done. Is having 5 degrees somewhat of an overkill though? :O
So neat! Baseball is actually one of my fave sports to watch in person. Not really a fan of watching it on TV though! I guess that’s how I am with most sports. I get bored watching them on TV but love the experience of the crown and FOOD in person! Although I do love watching the Olympics!
Jill recently posted…Weekend-y Things
I definitely think sports are more fun to watch in person than on TV! I got to see it live today while glancing at the ESPN screens, which was kinda cool since it let me see the stats on the players and all that goodness too! :] I love watching the Olympics as well, and oh hellll yes for the food! :P
What an awesome experience! This is so cool – I love it. ANd it’s funny how you have to be such a reserved spectator. And…oh my goodness…you motivation to go to the high school football games was hilarious! LOL I didn’t like those games either, and our team was horrible, so extra credit would have been more motivating. Little League sounds like a blast. Thanks for sharing your adventures. : )
Jessica Joy recently posted…A Day In The Life. PHOTO COLLECTION
It’s so hard to do! We’re allowed to clap politely, but we can’t choose sides (which is understandable)–I’ve been working hard to keep my cheers and positive thoughts in my head! :P That being said, it’s still a lot of fun! I just can’t completely shake the feeling that I should be seeing patients or doing some kind of work still!
hahaha, our team definitely wasn’t the greatest either–I don’t think it had won a single homecoming game in about 13 years, and during my year, they actually did(!)–the team that lost to our school was shamed forever. x_x
Susie @ SuzLyfe recently posted…Life Hack: The Coffee or Caffeine Nap
I know, right!?!?
So neat! Baseball is my favorite. I always LOVED watching the Little League World Series! – Dorrie @ Rt 1 US 1
After this experience, I’m definitely a fan! <3
That’s so awesome!
Haha, I hate sports, But football and hockey are okay :P
Rebecca @ Strength and Sunshine recently posted…Oats: Gluten-Free When Natural & Certified
haha, I feel ya! I tend to be more a fan of all the individual sports–how cool would it be to get to work gymnastics tournaments + MMA fights!? *-*
I don’t follow any sports but this seems totally fun. It’s nice to switch it up and be in a different environment every now and then.
Agreed! This has definitely been the most “different” rotation I’ve had thus far! :]
I love how the day in your life changes so much and you do one for each rotation. This one sounds really interesting but it has to be weird not being able to cheer for teams or kids or show any sort of favoritism (not that you’re playing favorites but really, it’s hard to be at a sporting event and NOT cheer). I guess they are making sure you guys don’t eat too much junk with ruling candy and ice cream out of the meal voucher, although I guess you could buy it if you wanted it, just that they won’t pay for it. Probably smart because otherwise people would use them just to buy junk. I can’t wait to learn more about your rotation and the kinds of injuries you see in little leaguers and will def. look for you in case I see one of those games on TV.
Amy Lauren recently posted…Weekly Rundown: August 17-23 Training Log
It’s definitely hard to do! We’re allowed to clap politely for each team, but I keep wanting to shout words of encouragement to the kids, haha. That part’s been hard, so I just think positive thoughts at them. :D
haha, it’s probably better for us that we’re not, but I still do find it hilarious that it’s expressly forbidden on the meal voucher. :P If you do end up watching any games, I’m behind the chain-link divider behind home plate! :P
Farrah that is so cool! I bet the excitement on the kids’ faces is priceless. What type of medicine are you going into?
jill conyers recently posted…Baja Shrimp Tacos
That’s definitely one of the best parts! <3 I'm going into family medicine, but I think I might be interested in subspecializing in sports medicine, so I'm trying to do a couple rotations in it just to make sure I like it as much as I think I do! :P
What a great experience and action-packed day, Farrah! I’m not much of a sports-watcher but I really like to play anything :) Running, tennis and ice hockey being my favorites.
Yay for the meal voucher… but NO candy or ice cream?!?! Come on now! A treat now and then isn’t bad ;) haha
Amy @ Life to the Full recently posted…What’s in My Bulu Box? REVIEW + SPECIAL OFFER
That’s me too! I’d much rather play than watch, but the past 2 weeks have gotten me super invested in these kids’ teams!! (I wish everyone could win, haha.)
I know, right!? :P But oh well! I definitely can’t complain since it’s free! :]
What a fun opportunity. And LOL on the restrictions on your meal ticket. I wonder where that came from?!
Coco recently posted…Five Things I Did This Summer
I’m not sure! It makes me wonder if someone got a little too crazy with the sweets in previous years. ($7.50 would only buy 2 ice creams or 2 candy boxes though, so…who knows!?)