Welcome to our weekly Foodie Friday link up! I’m linking up with Annmarie from the Fit Foodie Mama, Emily from Whatever Floats Your Oats, Esther from Chocolate Runner Girl, and Cassandra from Powered By Bling, to create awesome healthy recipes each week! Today’s feature ingredient = Peanut Butter, so I’ll be sharing a recipe for Cinnamon Peanut Butter Protein Balls!
Back when I was living with my friend on my away rotation in Family Medicine, we were craving dessert one evening. Both of us like to eat healthy whenever possible, and we were also way too lazy to go out to get anything. Our laziness was a blessing in disguise, because we decided to use up stuff that we had lying around, and bam! This delicious awesomeness was born!
Some time ago, I won a peanut butter + protein giveaway from Sarah at The Fit Cookie. As you may well know, I am all about the protein, so I was rather overjoyed. (Thanks so much! <3)
Key ingredients in this recipe are…MyProtein’s peanut butter (made with 100% peanuts!) and MyProtein’s Cinnamon Roll protein powder. (I can’t find a link to their Cinnamon Roll protein powder, but I sincerely hope it’s not because they discontinued it, because that stuff is glorious–we may or may not have looked like druggies because we kept opening the bag to smell it.)
I actually enjoyed these more without the pecan bits, because without them, these pretty much melt in your mouth. <3
You’ll probably want to have something to drink with em’ (e.g. tea, milk of choice, etc.) because although they are super tasty, they can make your mouth a little dry if you eat too many of them. >_> (This recipe made about 48, but we finished off so many that we created another batch the following night.)
Cinnamon Peanut Butter Protein Balls
- 2 scoops MyProtein Cinnamon Roll protein powder
- 1 1/2 cups peanut butter
- 1/4 cup + 2 tbsp raw honey
- 1 cup oatmeal
- 2 tbsp ground flaxseed
- 2 tbsp finely shredded unsweetened coconut
- 1/2 cup diced pecan pieces optional
- Combine all ingredients and mix until incorporated.
- Roll into balls and chill in refrigerator for ~15 minutes.
I’m also jumping in on the Friday Five linkup with Courtney at Eat Pray Run DC, Cynthia at You Signed Up for What and Mar at Mar on the Run! This week’s theme is Five Things I was Doing Ten Years Ago!
- Living in California – I wonder where I’m going to end up next?
- Finishing up high school – (My, how time flies… o_o). My 10-year reunion is coming up, and my friends and I haven’t really decided whether or not we want to go. I’m still in contact with pretty much everyone I’d like to be in contact with.
- Livejournal – I’ve kept journals for most of my life, and started my first LJ in 2001. Hipster status right there. You still had to get an invite code back then in order to make one! I used to make my own icons and all that goodness! :O
- Still devouring monstrous amounts of food
This is me and my brother on a cruise with my family, trying to decide how many appetizers/main courses/desserts we wanted to get.
- Saying my farewells to Brother Sam – He’s a year older than me, so he was leaving for college. I wrote a post about what I imagined life would be like. Here’s an excerpt!“No one to talk about fighting for Azeroth/being a night elf and how great it is to ride a horse/see the sun set and rise five times in one day–on the computer screen. No one to give me good advice. No one to chase my male friends out with knives. No one to cheer me up by doing the strangest+weirdest things.”I think the fact that he no longer chases my male friends out with weapons is a step in the right direction.
End-of-Week-ish Recap!
- Check out this month’s Recipe ReDux–a no-bake Mango Coconut “Pie!”
- I’m a horrible morning person, so to deal with societal constraints on my life, I’ve learned to adapt by getting ready in the morning really-really quickly. Here are my top 5 tips! :D
- Are you (or is someone you know) looking for a job? Check out my review of The Career Playbook!
- Last week, I shared how the whole “choosing a base site” process went. Find out how we came up with our game plan/relocation team meetings here!

Check out more Foodie Friday recipes!

Interested in getting to know more about any of your super-awesome co-hosts? :]
- Farrah | blog | instagram | pinterest | twitter | bloglovin’
- Annmarie | blog | facebook | instagram | pinterest | twitter | bloglovin’
- Emily | blog | instagram | pinterest | twitter | bloglovin’
- Esther | blog | facebook | instagram | pinterest | twitter | bloglovin’
- Cassandra | blog | facebook | instagram | pinterest | twitter | bloglovin’
Join us next week for Beans, Beans, Good For Your Heart!
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I used to be on Live Journal too! I should try to figure out my password again – I had a lot of info there.
MCM Mama recently posted…Five things I was doing a decade ago
hahaha, I can definitely relate! It was a struggle trying to figure out my different passwords!
Aw such fun looking back! I love memories – love your post about your brother!!
Courtney @ eat pray run dc recently posted…Ten Years Ago…
Thanks, Courtney! It’s fun strollin’ down memory lane! :D
It’s hard when siblings leave for college, especially when you are so close.
Agreed! Now he’s back at home and I’m perpetually gone all the time. We’ve been switchin’ around, haha. :P
I never even heard of Live Journal. I need to Google that! I love the picture of you and your brother! I never went to any of my reunions it seems they were always when I was on vacation. If you go, you must share the experience!
diane@runninrocker recently posted…Five Things I Was Not Doing Ten Years Ago
haha, yeah, that was definitely a big part of my life back in the day! :P
I’ll definitely write about it if I do end up going! :]!
These look so yummy! Protein balls are next on my ‘must make’ list and peanut butter will definitely be making an appearance! Enjoy your weekend!
Michelle recently posted…Crunchy Chickpea Salad Toppers
Yay! Protein balls are probably one of my favorite on-the-go snacks. :]
Hope you had a great weekend as well!
Love that you have a post from 10 freaking years ago! And Cinnamon on just about everything, please!
Susie @ SuzLyfe recently posted…Speedwork Drills, Adaptation, and Perspective (Marathon Training)
hahaha, I started my LJ back in 2001, so the earliest online journal post I have dates back to then! :o
And yay indeed for cinnamon!
I love any kind of protein balls. They make such a great snack on the go for my little guy! These look great!
Thanks! On-the-go snacks are the best! <3
those balls look like heavenly cookie dough creations! as for the 10 years ago, so you graduated in 2005, wild! or maybe 2006, 10 years ago I was….in middle school, very angsty, and covering my eye with bangs like a cyclops
Amber recently posted…Protein Chocolate Chip Cookie Mug Cake
They are awesomeeee! <3
2006 for me! :D I had bowl cut bangs through 6th grade, so I can relate, to a certain degree! I started growing them out in junior high (thank goodness ._.), haha.
I just munched on two of my new raw chocolate protein balls I made last weekend (pre-squat fuel!) I’m so glad I finally made some and how easy it was! Never buying bars again!
Rebecca @ Strength and Sunshine recently posted…Friday Finisher 6/26/15
Agreed! Once I finish the ones I’ve already purchased, I’m only gonna make em’ from there on out. <3
Ooh, you know I love my peanut butter – these look scrummy, I’ll have to try them with peanuts instead of pecans! Still getting into the ‘raw’ treats :) So good for summer!
I think they’d taste fantastic with peanuts too! :D Hope you like em’!
I LOVE anything with peanut butter! Excited to try these!
Agreed! <3 Peanut butter was at the top of my "if I were to run away from home" snack list back when I was a kid! :P
I seriously need to buy cinnamon roll protein powder… so many yummy recipes (like this one!) with it!
Cassie @ Almost Getting it Together recently posted…Now Trending – Best Links Week of 6.22
I hope you manage to find some! It smells heavenly! *-*
that pic of you and your brother is classic!! <3
Mar @ Mar on the Run recently posted…Friday Five: A Look Back
hehehe, thank you! :]!
These look like an awesome post workout snack! thanks for sharing!
Rachel @ Athletic Avocado recently posted…The Ultimate Grilled Almond Butter Sandwich + Manna Organics Review!
Yes indeed! Thanks so much for stopping by! :D
The PB Protein Balls sound awesome!! Do they taste like the inside of a peanut butter cup?? That might be dangerous!! lol I didn’t go to any of my high school reunions (10 or 20). I’m old. lol
Melanie recently posted…Friday Five: Five Things I Was Doing 10 Years Ago
Thanks, Melanie! :D They kinda do, so I’m thinking if I add chocolate, it would definitely be a dangerous combination/would never last. :x
I like to think age ain’t nothin’ but a number, and you do far more with your life than tons of people out there! <3
Yum! These look like the perfect snack.
Liz recently posted…FitSnack June Review
They were definitely all sorts of awesome as a quick on-the-go snack! :D
These sound amazing! Pinning, and off to search for that cinnamon roll protein powder!!!
Thank you! :D I really hope you find it! I’m trying to make mine last, because I can’t seem to find that flavor anywhere anymore!
Oh my gosh, these protein peanut butter balls look yummy!
Dapinder recently posted…What’s for Lunch?
Thanks so much, Dapinder! :] Hope your weekend has been treating you well!
Cinnamon and PB is such an amazing combo! Those look delish! :)
Annmarie recently posted…Foodie Friday: Peanut Butter Cookie Ice Cream Sandwich Minis
Thanks, Annmarie! It’s definitely one of my favorite combos (e.g. PB/banana/cinnamon sandwiches)! :]
You really can’t go wrong with peanut butter!!! Add protein and I’m pretty much the happiest girl in the world :) Love that pic of you and your brother!!
Sam @ PancakeWarriors recently posted…Blueberry Coconut Frozen Yogurt
Same here! <3 Definitely one of my favorite things to use in a snack! :D
Thanks! :]
YUM, I’m all over peanut butter anything and cinnamon is one of my favorite spices!
Sarah recently posted…Cereal Pops
Thanks, Sarah! It’s definitely one of my favorites too! <3
Those protein balls sound great – I’ve never made any protein balls before. So fun you had a LJ then and can look at your archives.
Jennifer recently posted…Friday Five – Things Ten Years Ago
Thanks! :D Agreed on the LJ! I steer clear of my super-early years (pre-teen nonsense ._. ), but it’s nice to have the rest of it to look back on! :]
This is looks so good. I know my girls will tear this up. Is there anything that you can substitute the peanut butter with? My son has nut allergies. On the other hand, my girls love pb.
Jessica recently posted…Liebster Award
Hrmm…I’m not really sure. Is he allergic to nuts of all kinds? I’m wondering if maybe coconut butter would work, or dried dates/some other fruit thrown into a food processor? It’d drastically change the taste, of course, but it should still be tasty! :]
Yeah, my ten year reunion just passed last year, and my friends and I all said the same thing you did. We would still hang out with each other even if we had one. So whether or not a 10 year thing happened, we still went to go play on a lake, haha.
And holy crap, livejournal. I’m pretty sure I deleted mine if only because I thought I was being “deep” back then. Turns out that I was mostly an idiot.
hahaha, I forgot if my brother played Alliance of Horde (I think he was the former though).
Yeahh! I still have no idea whether or not I intend to go. There aren’t too many people that I care all that much about seeing at my reunion since I’m still friends with the ones that I want to remain in contact with. :O
I still have all my LJ accounts (yes, plural ._.). I don’t read the junior high stuff though because holy crud, it’s terrible.
Cinnamon and PB…you’re on to something, Farrah! ;)
Thanks, Jess! :D Gotta love that combo! :]
I feel like I need more of that cinnamon/ peanut butter combo in my life.
You and your bro are so cute!!!
Julie @ Running in a Skirt recently posted…Fashion Friday – Lace Overlay Dress
hehe, thanks, Julie! I love PB + cinnamon together! :]
ooh anything w PNB is a win in my book! These look so easy too! Have a great weekend
Deborah @Confessions of a mother runner recently posted…Summer Skin Care Tips & Giveaway
Thanks! :] Hope you’re having a great weekend too!
Hey, what’s the theme for next week? Perhaps I don’t see it because my two-year old is screaming STOP BLOGGING! I think his daddy taught him that.
Eva recently posted…Homemade Peanut Butter
Next week’s theme is “Beans, Beans, Good For Your Heart!” :P
If you want to do some epic recipe-scheduling, I try to keep the Foodie Friday page fairly updated! :D There are themes up through September right now! :] http://www.fairyburger.com/recipes/foodie-friday/
Oh this is wonderful! I had some really cool themes in the past! I’m sad I missed “Overcoming fears”
Eva recently posted…DIY Faberge Eggs with Kids
That’s one that I’d love to revisit (along with Pinterest curiosities)! I’ll throw them in again later in the year! :D!
These look so good!! I don’t know if I’d have any self-control with these…something about peanut butter that just tastes awesome. Also, these look amazing Farrah!
Michaell @ Foodscape recently posted…Sweet Corn and Berry Ice Cream Sandwiches (gluten-free)
Thanks so much! :D I definitely had a hard time with self-control on these. They were too good to not eat a bunch at a time! :x