The optional theme for The Fit Dish (hosted by Jill Conyers @, & Jessica Joy @ is…having yoga in my life!
Sadly, although I keep saying I will, yoga is not currently a part of my everyday life, so I can’t really write about it.
Instead, you get another recipe from me! (Yayyy!) Before I get to the recipe, you should probably enter my giveaway for a box of Chocolate Mint Balance Bars. :O
Please realize that non-Foodie Friday recipes* actually kinda a big deal for me because I’m currently moving to a different city-if-not-state every 2 weeks (woo hoo!). Cooking is often the last thing on my mind, especially because I may be legit living out out of my car for about a week next week if the students moving in next week are soulless/heartless and aren’t okay with me sleeping on the couch in the living room.
*Almost all my Foodie Friday recipes from July through the rest of this year were made + scheduled back in April-June-ish.
Honey may well be my favorite sweetener on the planet! My mom probably loves it even more than I do, and regularly keeps her pantry stocked with 11 containers of it at a time. (It would’ve been 13 if I hadn’t snagged two to donate to my best friend as a “housewarming” present for his new place.)
What makes me sad about living in cold climates is that said honey tends to crystallize in the winter, which is great for my Honey Aspirin Masks if I can manage to gouge it out of the container…but not so wonderful for when I’m trying to make edible substances with it. When it’s too hot, it often leaves a sticky mess behind.
Nektar Naturals are an awesome solution, because they come in honey crystal form, thus negating the potential sticky mess! They come in an easy-pour bottle form, and in convenient little on-the-go packets. They are 100% natural, certified kosher, GMO-free, and naturally gluten-free.
Also, as you may already know, honey pretty much never goes bad. The containers expire before the actual honey does. (I’ve always been curious to know who was the brave soul who tested out this theory…) So these will keep for ages upon ages!
This recipe was lovingly created using the contents in my car + items snagged from the hospital cafeteria during my last rotation.
Breakfast Acai Bowl
- 1 banana
- 1 unsweetened Sambazon acai smoothie packet
- 1 cup Naked Juice Blue machine
- 1/4 cup granola
- sprinkle of Nektar Naturals honey crystals
- Blend the banana, acai packet, and juice together until it reaches desired consistency.
- Top with granola and Nektar Naturals honey crystals.
- Enjoy!
Connect with Nektar Naturals on social media!
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Want to try out your own easy-pour bottle of Nektar Naturals Honey Crystals?! Enter my giveaway below! :]
- What would you make with Nektar Naturals Honey Crystals?
- What kind of acai bowl should I make next?
Click the image to read my other Dish The Fit posts! :]
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I hear you about the yoga. I always have good intentions, but…
On the bright side your acai bowl sounds delicious.
Debbie @ Coach Debbie Runs recently posted…Football Dinner: Spicy Vegan Wings and Potato Boats
Me too! I keep tellin’ myself that someday, I’ll get my act together and incorporate it into a daily practice, but…still hasn’t happened. We’ll get there!
Thanks! <3
I am with you on the yoga. Now I don’t feel so all alone. I like it. I know it’s good for me. I just don’t do it a lot and I stink at it.
I always replace sugar with honey with I bake and it IS a sticky mess. I am supposed to be receiving some of these crystals next week and I can’t wait. Very resourceful of you to whip up the delicious looking acai bowl.
I am crossing my fingers for you for NON-soulless/heartless roomies!
diane@runninrocker recently posted…Boston Marathon Registration Begins
You’re definitely not alone! <3
That's awesome! I hope you get yours soon! :D
Thank you! Good news on the housing front--I don't have to be homeless after all! One of the guys moving in is actually going to try driving for his first week, so I get to keep my room! :]
I love that you’re just like “oh, whatever” about the whole potentially being homeless for a week situation. I guess life isn’t all bad when you have these bowls. I think I’d use mine in overnight oats or a breakfast smoothie.
Abby recently posted…mississippi comeback sauce
hahaha, I had it all planned out that if it came down to that, I could just sleep in my car and shower at the gym. I apparently do get to keep my room for next week though, so hooray for that! :P
Yum! This looks so good! I’ve never heard of this product!
Julie @ Running in a Skirt recently posted…Buffalo Roasted Cauliflower
Thanks, Julie! It’s a really neat concept! :D
Inspite of your constant moving, I love how you still eat healthy, Farrah! This bowl sounds delicious! I love honey as a sweetener – but I love jaggery more!
Thank you! :D! I gotta do what I can with the healthy eating part, since I don’t always get time to squeeze in exercise! :o
I would use it in homemade breads.
Ooo, I haven’t made bread from scratch in a while–that’s an awesome idea though! :D
I’d put them in my Greek yogurt for extra flavor.
Yay for Greek yogurt! <3
I think it would be great for sweet breads, like banana or zucchini bread!
Ooo, it definitely would be! :D I need to make bread sometime! *-*
The Acai bowl sounds fabulous! I’ve actually tried these Nektar Natural crystals before, I remember adding them to lots of different things even a few drinks.
Kristy @Runaway Bridal Planner recently posted…Devils Garden Hike
Yay indeed for drinks! I’ve been trying to think up some new drink recipes so I can give that a try! :]
I would use them in my oatmeal!
paige c recently posted…Weekly Workout 5/17-5/23
Hooray for oatmeal! <3
I would add it to my morning oatmeal!
I need to start eating oatmeal for breakfast again!!
So fun!! What a sweet little “sprinkle” of love ;)
Rebecca @ Strength and Sunshine recently posted…The GFAF Expo: The Gluten-Free Event Of The Year
Yes indeed! ;P
I make a morning strawberry bruschetta that is drizzled with a little bit of honey. I’d love to try the sprinkles on it.
jill conyers recently posted…My Yoga Journey
That sounds so good! I need to try making that strawberry bruschetta! *-*
You know what’s kind of sad? I don’t even remember what honey tastes like :(
Nooooo! :[!!
Wow, this breakfast bowl looks so delicious! I love honey!
Jenn @ EngineerMommy recently posted…Making Time for Mommy
Thanks, Jenn! :D Honey is definitely my favorite sweetener! :]
Your acai bowl looks absolutely delish!
Daisy @ Fit Wanderlust Runner recently posted…That One Time I Chopped My Hair & Donated It!
Thanks so much, Daisy! :]!
I have not tried these before, so I am not sure how I would eat them. I would imagine I would use them in cereal, and my tea. They look so good. I love honey, so this is really exciting.
Yay for honey! I need to try it in my tea too! :]
I would put it in my plain yogurt
Tis a great way to spice up regular yogurt! :D
I would definitely bake with it in quick breads or honey whole wheat…but I think it’d be good in granola too!
Ahh! I really gotta try making my own bread again! :]!
I would use it in oatmeal
Yay for oatmeal! :D That’s one of my favorite breakfasts!
Honey is by far my favorite type of sweetener as well. We are even having little jars of honey as wedding favors at our wedding because Wade and I both love honey! And it’s the only pet name we call each other.
Honey jars would be so cute! :D I’ve never done the pet name thing (I’ve pretty much only ever been in one serious relationship, so mehhh), but I get called that alll the time out here! :O
I like to use honey when I’m making snack balls! Or when I’m drinking tea :).
Jess @hellotofit recently posted…Your new favorite HIIT workout: 10-20-30
Yay for tea! :D I never used to put anything in it, but I definitely don’t mind a little honey with it! :D
Probably in tea and on beignets
Ah, beignets! I haven’t had those in ages! *-*
Love the idea of using it in tea! I’d probably make some granola to nibble on as well. ;)
Emily @Sinful Nutrition recently posted…What I Ate At Blog Brulee
I need to try making granola from scratch after I finish all my packaged ones! :O
Great stuff! This product is ingenious because of the whole crystal problem. Yoiks! Chad LOVES honey, and even just bought a jar of blueberry honey (as in bees used blueberry plants to pollenate…not some weird flavoring added) but crystallizing in a prob. I am really curious about them. Thanks for sharing Farrah! Take care. Soory my site was down – see you next week. Oi, tech probs.
Jessica Joy recently posted…5 Musts For Raising Your Game
Agreed! :D Regular straight-up honey gives me the most problems in the winter (yay crystallization) and summer (yay, running everywhere), so this is a really awesome alternative! :P
No worries! I’m glad your site is up again! I was worried when it didn’t load! :O
I would use it in my green tea.
I adore green tea! :D!
Woooah girl your life sounds intense! I appreciate all the things you doctors to do help the rest of us ;)
That smoothie bowl sounds delicious!! I haven’t tried that acai smoothie mix yet, but I’ve seen it a lot and it sounds great.
Ariana recently posted…Break Out of Your Fitness Rut!
haha, thanks so much, Ariana!
I adore it! :D I wish I had more fresh fruit on hand so I could make more pretty variations of acai bowls! *-*
I wonder how this would do sprinkled on baked goods on the top instead of sugar
I bet it’d be just as good! I need to try that out next!
I would use it as a topping! SO yum.
Sara recently posted…The Keeper of the Bees
It’s awesome as a topping! :D!
I would use it to sweeten my pumpkin pie instead of sugar! :)
Ooo, that sounds super good! :D I haven’t had pumpkin pie yet this year, but come actual-fall, and it’s definitely gonna happen! :P
wonder how it would be in sweet tea?
It’d probably work just like sugar! :D
I would use it on my oatmeal.
Good choice! :D! Thanks for entering, and good luck!
I’d love to use your bottle of Nektar to try out your breakfast bowl. It looks delicious!
Kathryn @ Dancing to Running recently posted…SmartyPants Vitamins Review and Giveaway
Thanks so much! <3 I hope you get to try it out! <3 Thanks for entering!
looks good! maybe a new food…
No idea what I’d make with honey crystals. It’s all about experimentation!
Cassi recently posted…Welcome Fall
I’m not a huge fan of smoothie bowls ( I know, I’m weird) but this looks yummy! I’d love to bake with the honey crystals!
Liz recently posted…Friday Five 9.25
I would probably use it in oatmeal to start with.
Oatmeal is awesome! :]
I would make some cookies =)
I would try it in my yogurt
It’s super good in yogurt! :]
I think they would be really good sprinkled on fruit. Or, as a less healthy option, icecream.
Ahhh! I really want ice cream now, hahaha.
I think I’d use it on my peanut butter banana cookies–they suggest you sprinkle sugar on top, I think this would be better!
Ah! They really would be! *-* Those cookies sound delicious!
The honey crystals sound good. I would love to try them in tea
They are awesome in tea! :]
I would make a pizza dough with honey to activate the yeast.
I need to make homemade pizza again sometime soon! *-*
I would probably make a glass of tea. I don’t like hot tea unless I’m sick but I miss my honey lemon tea. I think this would make a great glass of cool/cold honey lemon tea :)
I love honey lemon tea! <3
Great recipe. I would love to add a scoop of my favorite protein powder for an added protein spike!