The optional theme for The Fit Dish (hosted by Jill Conyers @, & Jessica Joy @ is…An Attitude of Gratitude!
Have you entered my freekeh giveaway yet? Go check that out first! :]! (There’s a recipe for a Curry Freekeh Bowl included! ;P )
It’s a little ironic that I got kicked out of my room the night that I published my post on my days in FM + having my own room. (A male student is here, so he can’t share with any of us, and I moved out to share a room with a friend I made here.) In retrospect, we should’ve commandeered my room, because mine had an extra desk + mirror, more space, and a light that is not haunted, but since I was the only one awake and in my room at the time, it had to be me. :O
It’s cool though, since it definitely could’ve been worse (at least I still have housing + get to live with someone I’m friends with!). We’re also rarely in our rooms anyway, so it doesn’t make too much of a difference. Onward to today’s post!
Life isn’t always peachy, and there are bound to be ups and downs, so sometimes, a little venting may be necessary–cathartic, even.
But as much as a good rant session can be, I think something that’s even more important is to remember to look for the silver linings.
If you recall my blog manifesto from a past Dish the Fit theme (<3!)…
A lot of my philosophies in life have to do with remaining positive and optimistic, and treating others well. Part of that lies in being thankful for what you have in life.
It really doesn’t take all that much to make me happy, and I’ve been incredibly blessed, but if I had to name the one single “thing” that I’m most thankful for–it’d be the people that are in my life.
Although medical school doesn’t allow for much free time and I don’t get to see most of them all that often, I’m really glad that they’re the kinds of relationships where we can always pick up right where we left off. <3 I hope that never changes.
Find the silver linings.
Being able to find the good in situations that are less than ideal can definitely be difficult (and I would never claim to be capable of this all the time), but I do try my best! Oftentimes, it can be what helps to carry you through those situations.
Avoid focusing on what you don’t have.
It’s easy to get bogged down with comparing yourself to others and/or lamenting the things you don’t have in life, but learning to count your blessings and to remember the things you do have is very important. Focus less on material goods and tangible objects, and more on moments and experiences.
Help others.
I can’tdescribe the feeling you get when you are in a position to help people like that, but it is truly something that stays with you permanently. Makes you wonder if [you’re the one who gets] more out of it–you helptheir problem but your soul is so touched afterwards.”
- What are you most thankful for?
- How do you maintain an attitude of gratitude?
Click the image to read my other Dish The Fit posts! :]
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I think it helps me to just stop, especially when I feel miserable and just ask myself exactly what I’m grateful for and how much I have been given. It’s the SURE cure to my misery.
Emily recently posted…What Puppies Have Taught Me about Joy.
That definitely helps me as well! <3 (And in reference to your latest post, adorable animals are a wonderful cure for sadness!)
Our posts are kinda similar this week, Farrah! :) I think you have a wonderful attitude and the fact that you’re becoming a doctor shows your giving nature and optimism. I spent a lot of my life being angry about all that I didn’t have (and it’s not always perfect, human nature often kicks in with that noise from time to time) but I do try to live a life now that I am grateful for what is and what I can take from every situation. I also spend much more of my time trying to help others improve their lives. I think the part about giving to and helping others is most crucial, at least for me it is. The best way to get over your own perceived misfortunes is to help others with theirs.
Erin@BeetsPerMinute recently posted…3 Steps For Finding A Silver Lining In Any Situation
Great minds think alike! ;P
I really hope I’ll be able to carry that optimism throughout my life! So many doctors are getting burned out and bitter, and I really, really don’t want to feel like that. ._. I think it’d be impossible to always be happy about everything–we aren’t perfect! But trying to remember what we’re grateful about and helping others really does make such a big difference (in both ours + others’ lives, so…win-win! :] )
Love this! It’s so important to find the silver linings and focus on an attitude of gratitude. I am personally so thankful for my family and community of friends who inspire me and push me daily!
Thank you! :D My friends and family are definitely wayyy up there on my list of people that I’m thankful for! <3
Doh! Silly boy taking your room! Sorry about that.
Great reminder to remember the good stuff!
Julie @ Running in a Skirt recently posted…No Noodle Vegetarian Zucchini Lasagna
I know, right?!
It’s okay though, haha. :] At least I’m living with a friend! :D
Love these little tips – gratitude is so important. Sometimes with the craziness of our lives we over think the small things and let it eat away at ourselves.. This was a nice little reminder :)
LIz recently posted…Paleo Blueberry Crisp
Thanks! :D I definitely fall victim to that every now and then too, but remembering the other little [and good :P ] things helps a lot!
What a wonderful post!
Thanks so much, Lexi! :]
I definitely think that these prompts/reminders that you have come out with are exceptional foundations for an attitude of gratitude. For me, perspective and finding that silver lining is such a huge part of my own personal gratitude–with perspective, I have gratitude for my own life but especially for others’ lives and plights. Perspective gives me my gratitude, in many ways.
Susie @ SuzLyfe recently posted…Food Culture: Why We and I Discuss Food
Agreed! Perspective makes a huge, huge difference in turning my thoughts around when I’m feeling miserable! I had a mini-meltdown (probably too strong of a word) of sorts over the weekend, and my friend helped me to put things into perspective, so I definitely appreciated that! I just need a good kick in the butt every once in a while! :]
I think we do get busy or overwhelmed at times and forget that we need to embrace what we do have and be thankful and full of gratitude. I think if we do, it will make the greater things even that much better in our lives too! Great post today!
Kristy @runawaybridalplanner recently posted…Hiking Catherine Pass, Alta Utah
Thanks so much, Kristy! :D I definitely find it harder to remember the good things when I’m being swamped with what seems like everything at once, but learning to appreciate the good pieces out of said swamp has helped me to swim out of it! :P
thanks for these!
Tianna recently posted…The Ultimate Guide to Blogging
Anytime! :D
boys! but you have a roof over your head! Helping others is key! Smile, a kind word, extend a hand some times the smallest gestures make the biggest differences! Nice post!
Mary Beth Jackson recently posted…An Attitude of Gratitude!
Right?! Haha, it’s really okay though; one of us had to move, so it might as well have been me! :P
Helping others when I’m sad tends to flip me back into a good mood! :]
Damn, that sucks :/
But gratitude for what you do have ;) Definitely hard to always remember…I’m bad at it!
Rebecca @ Strength and Sunshine recently posted…The ABCs Of Celiac Disease
hehehe, I can’t really complain since I’m getting free housing right now, so all good!
It’s definitely hard to do, but it really helps! :]!
This post makes me so happy :) I try and practice gratitude by being thankful for the chances to learn from my mistakes/sufferings. Sounds kind of debbie-downerish, but it’s allowed me to treasure the good times a little extra!
Jess @hellotofit recently posted…Monday motivation – rule your mind
I don’t think that’s debbie-downerish! I try to learn something from all of my bad experiences too! :] At least then, it won’t be a total loss!
Aww I love this! You’re such an awesome soul <3 My mom and I have a ritual for practicing daily gratitude – every day we text one another three things we're grateful for. Honestly, every now and then if I'm having a really crappy day where I just want to feel sorry for myself I REALLY don't want to look for anything to be thankful for, but I always feel better after I do it ;)
Ariana recently posted…Recap of SeaWheeze 2015
Thanks so much, Ariana! <3 That's a really good practice to have--I need to start that up with my mom! :O (She's way better at being grateful for things than I am, but I'm doing a lot better now than I used to!)
It took some time to make it a habit but now I have a daily gratitude practice. The Fit Dish topic this week makes me smile. #fitfamlove xoxo
jill conyers recently posted…Daily Practice of Gratitude
I loved this topic! :D Reading everyone’s posts made me smile as well! <3
This post gives me a case of the warm and fuzzies, practicing an attitude of gratitude is something I started in late 2013 and have continued to try and embrace every single day. Self work is not easy, but it is worth it, and ALWAYS helping others is a way to help yourself :)
Amber recently posted…How to Cook Kale – Easy Meal Prep Method
That’s awesome! I don’t know when exactly I started, but it’s definitely something I try to do every day now, because as you said, it’s definitely worth it! :]
Awww Farrah – I so love this post! You are such a beautiful lady – inside and out!
Aww, thank you so much, Shashi! <3!!
Great post! Gratitude is something that we all need to remember to think about and practice more always. :)
Dapinder recently posted…Re-igniting Fitness Inspiration
Agreed! I’m working on making it a daily practice! :D
For real, helping others, turning your energy outward to focus on other people–is probably one of the most helpful things because it keeps us from sitting around feeling sorry for ourselves. And I’m a born optimist, so looking for a silver lining comes easily, thankfully!
Rachel G recently posted…Seen and Done Lately
That’s good! :D I think I was somewhat pessimistic in my high school days (I’m going to go ahead and blame that on teenage angst), but have gotten a lot better about it over the years, so now I’m optimistic about most everything other than relationships. :P Turning that energy outward to focus on others is super helpful!
Good luck with the room. BTW I love your collection of motivational sayings so much I’ve printed them to stick on the wall! Thanks :)
annabelt @ geeks diet recently posted…Best Shakespeare Monologues… by Klingons, Teletubbies, Tom Hiddleston and two year olds
Thanks! :D It’s definitely not bad! I’m just sharing it with one of the friends I made here, but we get along really well, so all good! :D
Thanks so awesome to hear! <3 I'm glad you liked it! I had a lot of fun making it! :]