Happy Monday, and welcome to Medical Mondays! I’m taking a tiny break from health topics to talk about an event my friend and I went to the weekend before this past one–the 2015 North Carolina Family Medicine Day! (I’m linking this up with Her Heartland Soul for Weekend Snapshots!
NCFM Day took place over in Raleigh, North Carolina, which was a good 6 hours away from us…but the event was free to 3rd- and 4th-year medical students, and included clinical skills workshops, a residency fair with almost all the residency programs in the state of North Carolina, so it was definitely worth it! :]
We signed up for workshops online (there were 4 time slots that we could fill up!) about two(ish?) weeks beforehand. These were the available workshops (taught by various faculty:
- Basic Suturing
- IUD Insertion/Endometrial Biopsy
- Lumbar Puncture
- Ultrasound in OB & Sports Medicine
- Knee Examinations & Injections
- Circumcisions
- Splinting/Bracing & Casting
- Outpatient Radiology Film Review
- Osteopathic Manipulation
Sean volunteered to drive because I may or may not be partially narcoleptic and he’s really good with driving long distances, so I got to be a passenger in my own car! Since he’s from North Carolina, he was all sorts of overjoyed the second we crossed the state border into NC. I haven’t had a chance to schedule any rotations in North Carolina, and have only been there 3 times in my life:
- Twice to visit my cousin + his family while he was at Wake Forest doing his cardiothoracic surgery fellowship (right before med school started and also for my first med school Thanksgiving)
- …And one other time to set a state record in deadlifts at my first and only national powerlifting competition

Our server at Subway likely thought we were going out, so she labeled our sandwiches “His” & “Hers.” I guess it beats trying to spell our names! :O

Although we’re still not sure why (concert…?), there were fireworks along the way!
Sean and I had to have a discussion beforehand on whether or not it would look bad to the residency programs if we requested the same hotel room since we are of opposite genders. Ultimately, we reasoned that it really shouldn’t make a difference and we [hopefully] wouldn’t be judged for wanting to stick together as friends.
We got to the hotel at around 9-ish p.m., so they checked us in and gave us freshly-baked chocolate chip walnut cookies (perfect for National Chocolate Chip Cookie Day! :O ) We deposited our stuff and got settled in, and since we couldn’t get the internet to cooperate with us, we decided to get to sleep early, since there was a longggg day ahead of us.
Thankfully, neither of us take more than half an hour to get ready in the morning (+ I’m a night shower-er and he’s a morning shower-er), so there were no bathroom battles. The day started off with breakfast and mingling with other med students. (We were fed very well all day. <3 R’member how I mentioned those free food opportunities? This is one such example.)
Breakfast was followed up by a talk on the Health Is Primary campaign (more info on that next week, hopefully) and different health-related governmental affairs in North Carolina.

Photo from NCAFP. Can you find me!? :O
Over lunch, we listened to a panel discussion on different/new health practice models that were being utilized in NC:
- Dr. Breen talked about DPC (Direct Primary Care) and how making a direct financial relationship between patients + primary practices could help to restore the primacy of the doctor-patient relationship + strengthen the practice of Family Medicine.
- Dr. DeVries talked about practicing in FQHC’s (Federally Qualified Health Centers) to provide health care to under-served populations. (Also known as what I’d like to do with my life and future practice.)
- Dr. McNeill talked about his practice, Trillium Family Medicine (Using A Web-Based Patient Portal To Deliver Quality Care).
The Clinical Skills course at my school had already semi-taught us basic suturing (+ I just finished my surgery rotation last month), lumbar puncture, and OMT. I also did an IUD Insertion/Endometrial Biopsy + more OMT at the Family Medicine conference in Philly last year, so here’s what I went with!

They printed out individualized schedules for us and everything!
- Splinting, Bracing & Casting (I’ve technically done a casting/splinting lab already, but since I’m interested in sports medicine, I figured a refresher wouldn’t hurt!)
I let another med student I’d just met put a cast on my arm! I did a splint on him with the cast still on because we were pressed for time. No pictures of my handiwork, unfortunately, but I do have a video of my cast being cut off!
- Knee Exams & Injections
- EKG reading (because I felt like I was terrible at them again and in need a refresher)
Photo from MyNCAFP. In case you’re wondering, my hands were really cold.
- Ultrasound for OB & Sports Medicine (since I’m currently on my OB rotation, this was a 2-in-1 deal)! One of the students in my group was 27 weeks pregnant, so she got to do an ultrasound of her own belly! :]
There was apparently also a residency interview workshop, but I think that filled up since we signed up a little late (we weren’t sure about whether or not we’d be free, since this month is somewhat of a goner in terms of tests and exams in every which way). I would’ve loved to get in on that one though!
We waited til after we’d talked to all the residency programs we were interested in before getting dinner, so there wasn’t too much left by 8 p.m., but it was a-okay, because getting a food coma before commencing our 6-hour drive back to Kentucky wouldn’t have been a good plan anyway. We should’ve given our drink tickets to other people too, but oh well.
The residency recruiting fair was what Sean and I were most excited for. :] Having the chance to talk to different programs was definitely an amazing opportunity. Conferences and talking with different programs always manages to revitalize and re-motivate me in the midst of being bogged down by exams, so I’m really glad we got to come to this. North Carolina happens to be one of the states that qualifies as a place I think I’d like living in, and after having spoken to them, there are several programs I really want to apply to there! :] (Plus, how cool would it be for half the band to get to stay together through residency?!
A big, huge thanks to the North Carolina Academy of Family Physicians (NCAFP) + the North Carolina Area Health Education Centers Program (AHEC) for making this event possible! <3
We had a great time and learned a wealth of information! :] If you’re a medical student anywhere near North Carolina, definitely try to make it out to their Family Medicine Day next year!
![I came up with this design ages ago for our class t-shirt contest! :]](https://i0.wp.com/www.fairyburger.com/wp-content/uploads/2019/04/medicalmondays.jpg?resize=453%2C222&ssl=1)
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This sounds pretty interesting and an exciting opportunity for you guys! I don’t think it’d be weird to share a hotel room with the opposite sex even if you were only good friends and not interested in each other. I’m glad you did it and didn’t care what others thought! Oh, and I feel ya on the partially narcoleptic episodes with driving long distances. Been there. I’m actually really nervous about driving 8 hours from Central Arkansas to Austin about a month from now when I’m driving with my fiance. Usually he is the driver (good thing he loves driving and hates riding!). But I have to take my own car down so…here’s to hoping I do alright.
I’ve definitely done it before (e.g. when we were doing our site visit to figure out where we wanted to spend our 3rd year of med school!) and we’ve shared beds and all that goodness when there weren’t enough to go around. I think we were just being overly paranoid, hehehe.
Oh no! :[ I hope you do okay too! I tend to use my long drives as times to catch up with people on the phone! Keep snacks, gum, and water handy too! (+ interesting podcasts and music to sing along to don’t hurt either!)
Did you stay at a DoubleTree and get one of their cookies? And if you did, weren’t they just absolutely the bee’s knees?
Indeed we did, and oh em gee, they were fabulous. :O
I love events like this! I did massage therapy for 7 years and went to a couple conventions and took classes. I kind of miss it now!
Jaime recently posted…Weekly Shopping and Menu 5/24
They’re a ton of fun! :D I especially love em’ because they kinda help to remind me of why I went into this to begin with. :]
What a great event!! And in the medical mecca of NC too. Sounds like you had a great time and the food looks amazing! Sadly, that’s one of my favorite things of most conferences. lol
Melanie recently posted…Weekly Fitness and Meal Plan
haha, there’s nothing sad about that at all! :D It was a definitely plus to the day. I don’t think I would’ve stayed energized if they hadn’t kept us so well fed! :P
Wow! Sounds like a great weekend! Even though I’m not in medicine (and don’t really have a desire to be, lol), I’m still fascinated by it, so I’m reading through your topic list thinking ‘that sounds cool!’ and ‘ooohh…that’s sounds really cool’! lol (maybe I have an interest, afterall!). Love reading these ‘behind the scenes’ looks into a med student’s life! Thanks for sharing, Farrah! :)
Vicky recently posted…Reader Survey & a Blog ‘Vacation’!
hehehe, indeed it was! There were a lot on there with cool factors that would be fun to do even if you’re not interested in medicine! :]!
Well aren’t you a woman of all trades! I didn’t know you ever powerlifted, how neat! And I love your “free food” mention, so true! As for this, what an incredible experience! Pretty impressive you could still splint WITH a cast still on ;)
Amber recently posted…Celiac Support System
hehehe, thanks, Amber! Unless you count high school gymnastics (probably not the best time to start, har har), powerlifting is the first sport I picked up when I decided to stop being a disgrace to my Exercise Biology major! :]
The splint didn’t look as wonderful as it could have, but I’m gonna blame the cast! :P
You were in my state! :) NC is definitely an awesome place to live and so many great medical facilities between UNC and Duke, especially :)
Liv @ Healthy Liv recently posted…Farmer’s Market & Zumba
Agreed! I’m definitely going to be applying to a couple programs in NC! :]!
I’m a night shower-er too haha! I just like the extra time it gives me in the morning!
Channing recently posted…Memorial Day Roundup!
Agreed! Ain’t nobody got time for that in the morning! (I just like every extra minute of sleep that I can get. ._.)
Sounds like it was a great learning/ brushing up on what you know – experience! Where would you like to do your residency?
Dana @ Pellerini Proclaims recently posted…RECIPE: Grilled Artichokes with Roasted Red Pepper Aioli
Agreed! :D At this point, I’m not really sure where I want to be for my residency–my plan is to just apply to programs I like in areas that I think/know I would like living in!
Ahhh what a fun event! The organization aspect looked great and I am sure the learning was great too! How wonderful must have been to have that girl doing her ultrasound. And the casting must have been fun! :)
Elsie @ Sharing Healthiness recently posted…Who Is The Right Person To Ask For The Change You Want?
It was superrr well-organized! :]! (I’m also so very grateful that it was free!) The learning was awesome, and I loved getting to talk to the different residency programs. The girl in my group was so thrilled about getting the ultrasound–she said she hadn’t gotten a chance to see her baby since 18-20 weeks, when they did the anatomy one! :P
I’m obviously hungry reading this, but that breakfast looks amazing!
Mags recently posted…Paranormal Investigation at the Hanover Tavern
hahaha, it really was! I was so happy that there was a ton of fruit there! <3
This sounds like so much fun and I’m not even a med student. Plus I had no idea you did a power lifting competition. I’m starting to become a night showerer since my new job has me with early mornings haha.
Lisa recently posted…The Time I Swam with Dolphins
hehe, the labs they had were definitely a lot of fun! :D
And yep! One of my classmates saw me lifting at the gym back in my first year of med school and told me I’d very likely win everything if I were to enter a competition, so I decided to go for it to see what it’d be like! :P It was a lot of fun!
Hey, stopping by from The Blogging Elite Group, loving on your blog, and impressed by your power lifting experience, your obsession with divers degrees, and your involvement in myriad blog link-ups. You are obviously living life to the fullest! Keep it up and good job getting those free food ops!
Helena recently posted…AMI Clubwear With A Memorial Day 45% Off #Sale
Thanks, Helena! I’m definitely trying to do all that I can! :]! Life’s too short to waste any time being idle! :D
Sounds like a great time and really fun way to learn!
Julie @ Running in a Skirt recently posted…Pineapple Mint Smoothie
Agreed! My favorite way to learn something is definitely by doing it! :]
This looks like so much fun! I love that you’re the master of deadlifts.
Jess @hellotofit recently posted…Link Love #19 and bye-bye, burnout
hehehe, thank you! :D It was definitely a lot of fun. And hoorayy for deadlifts! <3