Earlier this month (more specifically, on the 8th, because that was when the GVC performance was), my friend Swathi texted our group (we have yet to find a name that we can collectively call ourselves for convenience) to see if we’d be up for a late dinner at her place. Since my performance basically ended right before the time she stated (and let’s face it, aside from the moments in time when I’ve just finished 20+ plates full of sushi, when do I ever not want to eat?), I headed over afterward and we had a feast of sorts. :D (Kinda in preparation for the 4 quizzes + 1 practical we had that upcoming week and the final + practical we had the following week. :X )
Several of our friends declined said dinner in favor of studying (sigh. possibly something I should have done as well, but…this was the first time in a long, long while that I hung out with them), so we had a giant table filled with food…for five people. haha. :X Lots of food pictures of not-bibimbap up ahead, but I swear this post eventually does get to the recipe. :X But for now, random camwhoring since we couldn’t all cook at once (and eventually, the recipe will follow)!

Camwhoring with the cake!

Our holiday feast!

I really wasn’t kidding when I said the table was full of food. :x

비빔밥 (Bibimbap/Mixed Rice with Vegetables)

- 3 cups cooked rice (short grain)
- 1 package of bean sprouts
- 2 zucchinis, cut into matchsticks
- 1 package of shiittake mushrooms
- 2 green bell peppers, chopped
- 1/2 pound of beef, sliced
- 4 oz. carrots, cut into matchsticks
- 2 tbsp soy sauce
- 2-3 tbsp hot pepper paste (add more if desired!)
- 1 tbsp sesame oil
- ~1 tbsp vegetable oil
- sea salt, to taste
- freshly ground black pepper, to taste
- 1-2 tsp sugar
- 6-7 cloves garlic, minced
- Cook the rice.
- Rinse bean sprouts 3 times, then put into pot with a cup of water. Add 1 tsp of salt and cook for 20 minutes. Drain water and mix with minced garlic, sesame oil, and a pinch of salt. Set aside.
- Cut zucchinis and sprinkle with pinch of salt. Mix together and saute in a pan over high heat. (They should look a little translucent.) Set aside.
- Slice shittake mushrooms thinly and saute with 1 tsp vegetable oil. Add 2 tsp soy sauce and 1 tsp sugar. Stir for 2 minutes, add sesame oil. Set aside.
- Throw in the bell peppers with 1 tsp vegetable oil, 1 tsp soy sauce + 1 tsp sugar. Stir around for another couple minutes and then set aside.
- Add oil to a heated pan and add the beef. Add 4 cloves of minced garlic, 1 tbsp soy sauce, 1 tbsp sugar, and some ground black pepper and sesame oil.
- Cut carrots into small strips, saute for 30 seconds and set aside.
- Prepare eggs sunny side up.
- Arrange everything on top of the rice, mix with sesame oil and hot pepper paste.
- Mix and serve!
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Yup, looks AMAZING! YUMMERIFIC. I think I want this now. And what a feast. That’s awesome : ) Thanks for sharing this link, Farrah! I love how much garlic you put in!
Jessica Joy @The Fit Switch recently posted…Lazy Girl’s Bibimbap
I need to make your version! <3 It looks so fresh and delicious!
(Not gonna lie, I am a garlic fiend. :D )
And now I know! This looks DELICIOUS
Ginger recently posted…What I ate Wednesday….or Thursday, rather.
Thanks! :D I really need to make it again sometime! <3